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BEST SELLER MEGA MINDS Strategic Planning Session Part 1 May 4 th, 2016 With New York Times Best Selling Author Peggy McColl 1.

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Presentation on theme: "BEST SELLER MEGA MINDS Strategic Planning Session Part 1 May 4 th, 2016 With New York Times Best Selling Author Peggy McColl 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 BEST SELLER MEGA MINDS Strategic Planning Session Part 1 May 4 th, 2016 With New York Times Best Selling Author Peggy McColl 1

2 The Facebook Private Group Share something about yourself What you are writing about Your book(s) Your passion / genre / area of expertise Website Encourage others Positive ONLY Supportive environment 2

3 Best Seller Money Makers What is included in THIS program! Complete Your Book Make it an International Best Seller Make Money (Extending Beyond the Book) 3

4 THIS WEBINAR Strategic Planning 4

5 5

6 Simple 3 Step Process Plan Schedule Execute 6

7 Your Outcome to Achieve the Goal To get Your Book on the New York Times Best Seller List! Set a Goal to: Sell 10,000+ Books & Have Them ALL Shipped Within the US in a Period of One Week! 7

8 You decide how it will be! 8

9 Strategic Initiatives Strategic initiatives are the means through which a vision is translated into practice. Recommendations for your New York Times Launch is to focus on: 1. List Building 2. Pre-Sales 3. Media 9

10 List Building 10

11 Pre-Sales 11

12 Media 12

13 List Building 13

14 List Building Outcome Set an Objective ( a number of subscribers ) i.e. 30,000 new subscribers 5000 a month Your eMail list!!! 14

15 Valuable Giveaways Think about what people really want Give your offers a benefit oriented names Make it easy for people to get Promote it 15

16 An Example 16

17 Create Compelling Offers To get people to give you their email To drive listeners/viewers to your site to opt-in or download To get buyers to buy (bulk or individual sales) 17

18 What Do You Need? On Your Website for the GIVEAWAY An Opt-In Box On The Front Page VERY VISIBLE Download Page / A Thank You Page 18

19 Drive Social Media Traffic From Your Fan Page In Your Ads Twitter / Tweets YouTube Videos 19

20 20

21 At “Live” Events When you are either attending, speaking or presenting This is great way to collect email addresses Can be used to promote a freebee, a program, an offering, product, establish a network group Use an electronic device to collect email addresses (for accuracy of spelling) 21

22 22

23 List Service (s) 23

24 Relationship Building Your eMail List is Your GOLD! Think in terms of an important relationship Give them attention Stay connected with them Interact with them 24

25 Nick Ortner His own list made him a New York Times Best Selling Author! His own list landed him a significant six figure book deal! 25

26 Master Sha He has something that people want – healing He believes in it DEEPLY He has a big following Continually focuses on growing his list He made a bold request of his subscribers 26

27 Christy Whitman 27 Interviewed 160 Experts Asked them ALL to Mail to their list (about the interview) And, gave away the interviews for FREE Built an email list Promoted the book when prospects went to listen to the interviews!

28 Fast & Effective List Building Methods Host an Event (offline or online) Run a Summit / Series (online) Do a Product Launch (program / product) 28

29 Be Creative What could you do / create for your launch that would be extremely valuable and unique? 29

30 At Time of Launch Market to Your List as the Primary Focus Have a Very Compelling Offer Offer Bulk-Purchase Book Option(s) Invite Them to SHARE 30

31 Multi-Book Purchase Buy 1 book you get ______________ Buy 10 books you get _______________ Buy 50 books you get _______________ 31

32 32

33 33

34 34

35 35 Nick Ortner

36 36 Gabby Bernstein From: Gabrielle Bernstein Subject: I made the NY Times list! Date: January 9, 2013 9:44:50 PM EST To: Peggy McColl Peggy,I want to thank you. I surpassed our 10k goal and made it to #5 on the Advice and How to list! I just found out today! Our conversation really helped me a lot. Xoxo G

37 37

38 Emmanuel Dagher 38

39 Pre-Sales 39

40 Gaby Bernstein TWO STRATEGIES: #1. Speaking Engagements secured thousands of book deals (sold from the stage at events where she spoke – collected the orders) #2. Her own “following” / email list solidified it. She emailed the special offer to her own database requesting her followers BUY. 40

41 Pre-Sell Books at “Live” Events Create a Bundle Offer You Take Payment for the Entire Package Process the Book Orders for DELIVERY During the Week of Your Campaign AS AN EXAMPLE Package Includes: 100 Books (Tell them what they can do with the books) Series of Webinars Consulting/Coaching Downloadable Bonuses $1,999 41

42 Math on Pre-Sales 25 People Buying Your Package (100 books x 25 = 2500 books) Remember – all books must SHIP in the United States Your Hard Costs = the books! Your Time – Be Cautious Not to Include Too Much Your Coaching/Consulting/ Mentoring Time In Your Bundle 42

43 Selling from the Stage An Easy 7 Step Process Will be Teaching it in a Future Class Very Valuable Skill! Important for you and your business (and for book sales) to become really good at this skill (I will teach it to you) 43

44 Lets Look at Some Samples Pay attention to what they did These are “models” Anyone can follow these BUT you must add your own creativity “Model” not “Copy” 44

45 Emmanuel Dagher 45

46 46

47 47

48 48

49 49

50 Giveaway 50

51 Media 51

52 Focus National Television Syndicated Radio BIG Exposure 52

53 Radio Shows Prepare a Show Segment / Idea Create a Media Kit (BIO, Questions & Answers, Website, Contact Information) Find popular radio shows National Radio Shows as a Priority Focus 53

54 TV National Television is Your Goal (in the United States) Target to Get on National TV during the Week of Your Launch Become Familiar with the Shows Create the Show Idea(s) Send the Producers a Complete Package (including your show idea) 54

55 Be Media Ready Have a Media Section On Your Website Prepare Sound Bites Practice Have an Easy to Remember URL and say it OFTEN!!! Give the listeners/viewers a reason to go to your site Professional Photos Sample Questions for the Hosts (and Answers too) Look Confident and BE Confident 55

56 Reaching Out to the Media eMail Snail Mail Telephone Be Confident Be Ready Follow UP Follow Through 56

57 Keep in Mind Media is Constantly Looking for Great Content They Must Keep Their Viewers / Listeners Engaged When You Create the Show Idea and You are Thorough, You Will Make it an Easy Decision for Them 57

58 The Creative Element You Must THINK Be Creative Be Unique Stand Out 58

59 What else can you do to promote? VideosBlogsMedia Speaking Engagements Article Placement Newsletter Inserts Live Events/Launch Parties Quote of the Day sites Social Media 59

60 Keep In Mind If you are looking to stay on the New York Times Best Seller List you must keep promoting And, you must have a great book that readers will willingly and excitedly tell other readers about! 60

61 Logistics of the Best Seller List Orders on (even if an order is for 10 books) will ONLY impact the best seller ranking as if 1 book was ordered New York Times counts books SHIPPED to the United States (weekly) 61

62 Bulk Purchases order.jsp order.jsp CEOREAD this is our contact: Aaron Schleicher. You may reach him at (800) 236-7323 ext. 204 and HYPERLINK """ 62

63 To Get Your Book on the List 63 Your book must be “shipping” in the United States (i.e. for sale) This works for both fiction and non-fiction This works for both published and self-published Choose a ONE WEEK campaign period but plan and execute that plan months in advance Concentrate ALL of your promotion so that the book sales/shipping occur during that ONE WEEK Be Fully Committed 3 Weeks After Your Campaign Your Book Your Book Will Show on the New York Times Best-Seller List IF You Made It!

64 Buying Agencies 64

65 Accountability Tool 65

66 66

67 Your Destiny Switch NY Times Best Seller Plan Set the objective (get on the New York Times Best Seller List) Set the date Determined the steps Broke things down into incremental steps Scheduled tasks into my agenda Got on with the work Measured Monitored Adjusted STAYED persistent! 67

68 Important Summary Points The Primary Focus is on Building Your eMail List Pre-Sales Book Sales During Launch Week Not complicated but it does take time and effort (and lots of it) 68

69 Recommendations Review this class again Begin to make a list of the things that you would like to do Get ideas for list building Write them down NEXT Class – Part 2 (more on the step by step approach and organization support tools) 69

70 Open Q & A 70

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