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Improving education experience with Augmented Reality (AR) AUTHORS: BOJAN KRAUT - JELENA JEKNIĆ - ALCYONE.

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Presentation on theme: "Improving education experience with Augmented Reality (AR) AUTHORS: BOJAN KRAUT - JELENA JEKNIĆ - ALCYONE."— Presentation transcript:


2 Agenda  Introduction to Augmented Reality  Human mind and information processing  Computers and power of processing  Augmented Reality in Education  ARAVET Project

3 What Augmented Reality really is?  Is it new?  Do we use it already?  Augmented reality (AR) is a live, direct or indirect view of a physical, real- world environment whose elements are augmented (or supplemented) by computer generated sensory input such as sound, video, graphics or GPS data. It is a variation of virtual environment (VE), or virtual reality, as it is more commonly called. VE technologies completely immerse a user inside a synthetic environment  It is merging of the two worlds - real world and digital world

4 Human brain and information processing  Human brain  electric signals up to 100 m/sec  86 billion neurons use 100 W of power  20% of the whole human body  memory estimated to about 100 Tb  How is information stored in our brain?  Perceiving the information  Dominant senses  Multi-sensory experience  Synesthesia, creative process and learning  7 types of learning  Visual (spatial) learners use pictures, images and spatial understanding  Aural (auditory-musical) learners prefer the use of sound, rhythm and music  Verbal (linguistic) learners prefer the use of words, both in speech and writing  Physical (kinesthetic) learners use body, hands and sense of touch  Solitary (intrapersonal) type of learning is best when working alone and using self-study techniques of learning.  Social (interpersonal) learning promotes studying and learning in groups  Logical (mathematical) learning is based on understanding the reason behind something.

5 Power of processing  Moore's law (doubling processing power every 18 months)  Parallel computing  Cloud based services  IoT  Increased sensorics  Predictions:  2019 - 4000$ computer has the power of the human brain  2029 - 1000$ computer is 1000 times more powerful than human brain  2029 - artificial intelligence recognized as conscious entity  2099 - human brain completely reverse engineered Source:

6 Can AR be used to enhance learning?  AR impacts  AR is stimulating several senses at the same time (sight, sound, taste, smell and touch)  improves learning skills  optimizes brain performance and memorization  AR usage  digital layer in books  notes  collaboration  student - student  student - professor

7 LdV ARAVET project  ARAVET - Augmented Reality Application on the Field of Vocational Education and Training  it started in 2013 as a Leonardo da Vinci project  7 countries involved  Turkey  Greece  Romania  Spain  Czech Republic  Slovenia  Italy

8 Scenarios  Electronics  Textile  Logic

9 Results

10 Demo...

11 Future  IoT  Better user interfaces and mobile devices  Interfaces  AR headsets  hololens  human integrated interfaces  directs brain implants  maschine tutoring Source: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research.

12 Questions?

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