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College of Social and Behavioral Sciences FY 2011 Budget Planning Report Budget Request.

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Presentation on theme: "College of Social and Behavioral Sciences FY 2011 Budget Planning Report Budget Request."— Presentation transcript:

1 College of Social and Behavioral Sciences FY 2011 Budget Planning Report Budget Request

2 -Efficiency- -Effectiveness- -Collaboration- -Sustainability-

3 Student Education Story

4 Curricular Programs MA-MAIS-MPA-MS Anthropology Criminal Justice Global Security Psychology BCBS/Experimental Psychology Clinical Public Administration Sociology BA-BGS-BS Anthropology Criminal Justice General Studies Political Science Psychology Sociology Stand-Alone Minors Global Security Studies Legal Studies Military Science Public Administration

5 Student Personal Professional Development Research

6 Student Personal-Professional Development

7 SCH Delivery UndergraduateGraduate COSBS22.0%77.3% UTPA9.0%23.6% DIFFERENCE+13.0%+53.7% % Change 2005-2009 Efficiency Fall 20052009 UG SCH23,954 (96.3%)29,222 (95.0%) Grad SCH 912 (3.7%) 1,617 (5.0%) Total 24,86530,839

8 UG SCH Delivery Fall 2006Fall 2008Fall 2009 CSBS145%143%NA FTE Faculty7270 CSBS SCHs26,58926,22730,839 Compared with other Masters Comprehensives (Delaware Sample) Efficiency FTE Source: OIRE (2006, 2008)

9 SCH Delivery UNDERGRADUATE ENROLLMENT AY 2007-2008AY 2009-2010 Organized Sections336364 Average Enrollment per Section4753 13% Efficiency-Effectiveness GRADUATE ENROLLMENT AY 2007-2008AY 2009-2010 Organized Sections5363 Average Enrollment per Section1218 42%

10 Student Outcomes First Year Retention of First Time Full-Time Freshman Fall 2005 Fall 2009 Difference COSBS63.2%71.5%+8.3 UTPA68.0%74.3%+6.3 Source: OIRE Academic Planning Statistics Fall Comparison (2009) Effectiveness

11 Budgeting Outcomes 1. 2006: Planning 2. 2007: Pilot FTE Based Equity Budgeting--TRAVEL 3. 2008: INSTITUTIONALIZED--FTE Based Travel 4. 2009: Internal Reallocation--WAGES & OPERATION 5. 2010: Internal Reallocation--WAGES AND POOLED SALARIES 6. 2011: Institutionalize FTE Based Operating Budgets COMPLETED: Faculty FTE Based Operating Budgeting PLANNED: Student FTE Variable Cost Factored Budgeting Effectiveness

12 What does this story tell us? Sustainability POLS GRAD ENROLLMENT AY 2007-2008AY 2009-2010 Organized Sections00 Average Enrollment per Section00 0 POLS UG ENROLLMENT AY 2007-2008AY 2009-2010 Organized Sections114117 Average Enrollment per Section4952 6% Political Science

13 What does this story tell us? Sustainability PSY GRAD ENROLLMENT AY 2007-2008AY 2009-2010 Organized Sections2131 Average Enrollment per Section1216 33% PSY UG ENROLLMENT AY 2007-2008AY 2009-2010 Organized Sections8386 Average Enrollment per Section5464 19% Psychology

14 Plateau — Unsustainable Sustainability SCH DeliveryDelawareUTPADifferencePercent POLS24645921387% PSY2853819634%  Largest increases/section 2005-2007  Reached a bridge too far, expecting investment to match efficiency and effectiveness  Unsustainable: growth not possible; decline possible

15 Another Story

16 Dept Program Referee Journal Articles Referee Book ChaptBook Non- referee Pubs N TN/TT Faculty in Dept N TN/TT Faculty with Publications N% Crim Justice10017228.6% Political Sci6100113646.2% Anthropology111255100.0% Psychology1510616531.3% Public Admin12063266.7% Sociology40107228.6% Total2814216512243.1% Faculty Publications 2008-2009  Data is culled from faculty merit files. Non-refereed publications are not highly valued by most social scientists, so are often not reported in merit files. Non-refereed publications are likely more common than reported.  Publications are intended to be actual number of publications, without duplication due to co- authorship. Effectiveness

17 Partnership Structure UTPA CSBS Research Center IG k NU USDA Partnership CHAPS Survey Research Center CPM Collaboration

18 CSBS Research Center: Funded Collaboration

19 Research Center Funding FY 2009 Restricted Grants & Contract Funds Received: $755,619 Restricted Fund Expenditures – 4 YR Comparison FY 2006 FY 2009Difference COSBS$68,260$639,668+571,408 Source: 2009 AFR Presentation by Division of Business Affairs Collaboration

20 CSBS Research Center: Self-funded Research Center SWIG Summer Writing Institute IG k NU MAK-18 Education WG Super Computin g WG CHAPS Partnership Open Source Research WG Security Operation s WG Big 5 Psych WG 10 CSBS Faculty Annually COE COBA CSBS COSE CSBS COAH COSE COE 5 ISDs 2 Cities Smithsonian CSBS CHSHS COBA COAH COSE DC Partners CSBS COBA CHSHS ODNI Companies CSBS NIH UANL Collaboration All Colleges DC partners Local Federal

21 Collaboration Voices: STEM Dr. Mark Cunningham High Performance Computing PHYSICS and GEOLOGY Collaboration

22 Collaboration Voices: STEM Dr. Constantine Tarawneh Statics and Dynamics MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Collaboration

23 Collaboration Voices: STEM Assoc. Dean Miguel Gonzalez STEM Education SCHOOL (COLLEGE) OF ENGINEERING Collaboration

24 Budget Request

25 1.FTE Faculty Positions at Delaware Norms

26 2.Base $/New Faculty FTE Added to Department Budgets at Hire

27 3. IGkNU Center of Excellence Funding  Base Budget  Institutional Enhancement  Plan to Transition GSS/GSSL Curricular Programs to State Funds in 2 Years

28 4. PhD in Clinical Psychology  Hispanic Mental Health

29 5.MA in Political Science

30 6.Establish Anthropology as Department

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