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Academic excellence for business and the professions Professional Doctorate in Health Psychology Placement Provider Information.

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1 Academic excellence for business and the professions Professional Doctorate in Health Psychology Placement Provider Information

2 Thank you! The Professional Doctorate in Health Psychology training is dependent on trainees finding opportunities to work in placements that allow them to practice their skills. We hope to establish a good working relationship to ensure that both the workplace and the trainee get the most out of this training.

3 Standards The criteria for training are laid down in standards of proficiency approved and published by the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC). The programme is also accredited by the British Psychological Society (BPS). The academic requirements for Doctorate in Health Psychology at City University London have been set to ensure that students are taught professional and research skills that meet the requirements of doctoral level.

4 The Competences High standard of Professionalism Research Consultancy Teaching and Training Health Behaviour Change Skills

5 Expectations Provide City University London with contact details and a CV. Introductory meeting with the Placement Liaison Coordinator. Subsequent visits by the supervisor as needed. Provide feedback on the general professionalism of the trainees. Communicate any concerns about professional standards. Verify and comment on the trainee’s competence experience.

6 Academic excellence for business and the professions Applied Health Psychology

7 Hybrid of natural and human science Two clear distinguishing groups of research and practice 1)traditional health psychology worked within a positivist framework typically producing social cognition models and not seeing political issues as within its remit 2)critical health psychology – step outside the traditional limits of the discipline and begin to engage with broader social theories, often working within a social constructionist framework What is Health Psychology?

8 Acknowledge a place for all types of knowledge. Due to staff interests and experience we do place an emphasis on critical health psychology theory and methods. How we can make practical use of our knowledge. Health Psychology at City University London

9 1)Promote healthy behaviour For example: –Understanding the role of behaviour in illness can allow unhealthy behaviours to be targeted. –Understanding the beliefs that predict behaviour can allow these beliefs to be targeted. –Understanding beliefs can help these beliefs to be changed. –Promoting healthy behaviour through collective action to create community contexts that enable and support behaviour change. What can we do with health psychology theory?

10 2) Prevent illness For example: –Changing beliefs and behaviour could prevent illness onset. –Modifying stress could reduce the risk of a heart attack. –Behavioural interventions during illness (e.g. stopping smoking after a heart attack) may prevent further illness. –Training health professionals to improve their communication skills and to carry out interventions may help to prevent illness. Theory into Practice

11 3) Understand the experience of illness For example: –Understanding suffering to develop compassion. –Understanding the impact of illness to support others who are affected by the illness. –Understanding the psychological impact of illness to help people adjust. –Understanding inequalities to improve access to healthcare. Theory into Practice

12 Impact of health psychology theories has been limited. Training programmes may increase the impact. Health Psychology in Practice

13 Training in the UK One of the strongest and most professional in the world. Required to hold a doctoral-level degree – CF Australia and New Zealand – MSc.

14 Trainees’ Views on What Skills are Required to Become a Health Psychologist Reflective skills. Creativity in applying/ embedding health psychology principles into different situations/ projects/ interventions. Having an understanding of the health services set up - commissioner/ provider roles, responsibilities and relationships. Attitude - a want to learn - to develop - to be prepared to be on a continuous path of professional development. Grabbing different opportunities that arise to broaden/ develop/ specialise skill set.

15 Trainees’ Views on What Skills are Required to Become a Health Psychologist Tenacity to engage with other professionals. A strong work ethic. Ability to be a self-starter and a self-finisher. To not let personal bias affect delivery of health promotion. Time-management/Organisational skills. Ability to carry out work in a methodological manner. To be fully competent when communicating with different types of people (the ability to adjust communication style). To have a naturally pleasant personality (engaging, welcoming, friendly). To be able to conduct group work/take lead in projects. To be able to problem solve on the spot. To be pragmatic.

16 We like to hear from our placement contacts so do not hesitate to get in touch. Dr Angeliki Bogosian – Placement Liaison – Dr Renata Pires-Yfantouda - Programme Director Dr Triece Turnbull –Co Programme Director – Richard Thornbury – Programme Administrator –

17 Useful Websites Health and Care Professions Council http://www.hpc-uk.org The British Psychological Society

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