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Phonics. At Elworth we use Read, write inc to teach your child phonics. This is a programme for children learning to read. It enables every child to become.

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Presentation on theme: "Phonics. At Elworth we use Read, write inc to teach your child phonics. This is a programme for children learning to read. It enables every child to become."— Presentation transcript:

1 Phonics

2 At Elworth we use Read, write inc to teach your child phonics. This is a programme for children learning to read. It enables every child to become a confident and fluent reader at the first attempt. Children learn the 44 speech sounds and corresponding graphemes with lively mnemonics. Learn to sound-blend the words for reading ( decoding) at the same time as developing handwriting skills and spelling.

3 Saying the sounds Your child will be taught how to pronounce the sounds (phonemes) correctly to make blending easier It is important that your practise saying these sounds. We use pure sounds so mmm not muh, sss not suh so that your child is able to blend the sounds in to words more easily. Please do not use the letter names at this early stage.

4 Spoken words are formed by articulating groups of speech sounds. Each speech sound is articulated with one mouth movement. Cat, chat, light and stay have 3 mouth movements slip, stick, tent and flight have 4 mouth movements.

5 Set 1 speed sounds This is begun in the Reception year. Your child has already been assessed and grouped for phonics. Your child has already started their daily phonics session. m s a d t i n p g o c k u b f e l h sh r j v w y th z ch qu x ng nk

6 Sound letter pictures are used to help the children learn the sounds quickly. Children are taught that m looks like two mountains, a like an apple s like a snake d like a dinosaur The sounds are either stretched or bounced mmmm sssss – stretched ddd aaa - bouncy

7 They will learn to hear and say the new sound. They will learn to read the corresponding grapheme using a mnemonic. They will learn to write the letter using a picture phrase. Then they will write the letter by making the sound. Fred Talk

8 As soon as the children know a group of sounds they are introduced to a character called Fred. Fred knows that there are 44 sounds in our language and knows that sounds must be very pure and distinct so children can sound blend So c-a-t =cat ch-i-p = chip l-igh-t = light It is really important that the sounds are pure and distinct.

9 Tricky words Alongside the read, write, inc phonics programme the children will learn to read and write tricky words, for example I, the, you, your, said, was.

10 Speed Sounds Set 2 Once the children know and can read the set 1 sounds effortlessly and can blend and apply their phonics knowledge they will move on to speed sounds set 2. ay ee igh ow oo oo ar or air ir ou oy Each speed sound has a simple picture, phrase and action. oa - sing and stretch oa. Show the picture side of the card. Look here’s a goat in a boat. The children will practise this with an agreed action. Then we will practise reading and spelling each of the words using Fred talk.

11 Spell with Fred Fingers The children will learn to spell with Fred fingers. For example the word goat; Show me 3 fingers Say the word goat. Press each finger as you say the pure sounds. g oa t Ask the children to write the word. Practise with the phase 2 sounds they have been learning.

12 Speed sounds set 3 They will move on to speed sounds set 3 once they know and can read the set 1 and set 2 sounds effortlessly, can blend and apply their phonics and be reading many words without Fred talk. Set 3 speed sounds are made up of alternative spellings of Set 2 sounds a-e ea i-e o-e u-e aw are ur er ow ai oa ew ire era ure ti ci

13 How can I help? Practise saying and making the sounds that your child brings home in their phonics book. Play my turn your turn. Only use pure sounds. We are teaching sounds not names in phonics but you can practise singing the alphabet song at a different time with your child. When completing the sheets make sure your child is using the handwriting phrase to begin with and is forming the letters correctly. Practise Fred talk with the sounds your child is learning. You could make this in to a game. All the read, write inc resources we use are available to buy on Amazon. The flashcards can be used to play simple games. Lots of praise.

14 One last thing... Important to note that when the children are writing at school independently and on their own- we celebrate all the children’s attempts, encouraging them to use their phonics- everything doesn’t need to be spelt correctly. We encourage the children to apply the phonics they know and we celebrate their success!

15 Phonics Play ICT games BBC honics/ Communication 4 all – useful charts Web.htm

16 Hand outs: Phonics information sheet. Phoneme card

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