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Phonics Training for Parents October 2011. What is phonics?  Letter sounds  Government initiative  Good phonics = good reading, writing and spelling.

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Presentation on theme: "Phonics Training for Parents October 2011. What is phonics?  Letter sounds  Government initiative  Good phonics = good reading, writing and spelling."— Presentation transcript:

1 Phonics Training for Parents October 2011

2 What is phonics?  Letter sounds  Government initiative  Good phonics = good reading, writing and spelling.

3 Synthetic Phonics  We use an approach called Synthetic Phonics.  Phonics for reading  Phonics for writing

4 The Phonic Alphabet  The English language has 44 phonemes  They should be taught to write each letter, forming it accurately.  Children are taught to produce the sounds as shortly as possible, e.g no ‘uh’ on the end of ‘d’ and ‘g’.  / /

5 Enunciation  Teaching phonics requires a technical skill in enunciation  Phonemes should be articulated clearly and precisely.  Video

6 Jolly Phonics  Each sound is supported by a story and action.

7 Letters and Sounds  6 phases  Phase 1-listening to sounds  Phase 2 and beyond- introducing the phonemes.

8 Phase 1:Good listening skills  Speaking and listening skills (games)  Rhyme  Alliteration

9 Phase 1 outcomes:  They may be able to distinguish between speech sounds.  Many - blend and segment orally  Some - recognise words that rhyme and be able to provide a string of rhyming words.

10 Letters and Sounds: Phase 2  19 phonemes and graphemes  Blend and segment  Tricky words

11 Letters and Sounds: Phase 3  Next 25 graphemes  Middle vowel phonemes

12 Expectations  Phase 1: majority of children will be confident and achieved this level by the end of Nursery.  At least 80% of children should leave Reception:  Having achieved Phase 3  Reading and writing independently  Confident readers and writers  Expect above average to be working at Phase 4

13 Reading  Your child will read once a week in a group with an adult at school, they will not bring this book home.  Any reading that you do at home should be logged in the link book. Children will receive a merit for this.  Children have the opportunity to choose a new home-reader three times per week. This is your child’s personal choice.  In the summer term the children will be given a book linked to their reading level alongside their home reader twice a week.

14 Words  Your child will have their words checked once a week by an adult in school. Please make sure they are in school everyday and please do not mix up the envelopes!  Practise with your child regularly as this will aide their reading and writing skills. Try to make this as fun as possible!  Record this in the link book, in the home work section. Children will receive a merit for this.

15 How to help at home  Practise sound caterpillar.  Challenge the children to find objects that begin with a certain sound.  Play ‘I Spy’ with phonemes not letter names.  Practise letter formation.  Play rhyming bingo, lotto and extend rhyming strings.  Play games with word cards.  Make sentences with word cards.  Weekly story sacks or rhyme bags.

16 MANY THANKS TO YOU ALL!  Any questions?

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