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Developing reading skills in KS2 Kate Kelly Sarah Elmer

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2 Developing reading skills in KS2 Kate Kelly Sarah Elmer

3 The new Programme of Study Aims: understand and respond to spoken and written language from a variety of authentic sources speak with increasing confidence, fluency and spontaneity, finding ways of communicating what they want to say, including through discussion and asking questions, and continually improving the accuracy of their pronunciation and intonation can write at varying length, for different purposes and audiences, using the variety of grammatical structures that they have learnt discover and develop an appreciation of a range of writing in the language studied. National Curriculum in England: languages PoS. DfE, 2013

4 The new Programme of Study (KS2) Pupils should be taught to: explore the patterns and sounds of language through songs and rhymes and link the spelling, sound and meaning of words develop accurate pronunciation and intonation so that others understand when they are reading aloud or using familiar words and phrases read carefully and show understanding of words, phrases and simple writing appreciate stories, songs, poems and rhymes in the language broaden their vocabulary and develop their ability to understand new words that are introduced into familiar written material, including through using a dictionary National Curriculum in England: languages PoS. DfE, 2013

5 The KS2 Framework for Languages L3.1 Recognise some familiar words in written form L3.2 Make links between some phonemes, rhymes and spellings and read aloud familiar words KAL Identify specific sounds, phonemes and words KAL Recognise how sounds are represented in written form KAL Recognise commonly used rhyming sounds LLS Use the context of what they see/read to determine some of the meaning LLS Compare the language with English

6 The KS2 Framework for Languages L4.2 Follow a short familiar text, listening and reading at the same time L4.3 Read some familiar words and phrases aloud and pronounce them accurately KAL Apply phonic knowledge of the language to support reading and writing IU4.3 Compare traditional stories

7 The KS2 Framework for Languages L5.1 Re-read frequently a variety of short texts KAL Develop accuracy in pronunciation and intonation KAL Understand that words will not always have a direct equivalent in the language KAL Notice different text types and deal with authentic texts LLS Pronounce/read aloud unknown words LLS Use a dictionary or wordlist LLS Use context and previous knowledge to help understanding

8 The KS2 Framework for Languages L6.3 Match sound to sentences and paragraphs L6.1 Read and understand the main points and some detail from a short written passage L6.2 Identify different text types and read short, authentic texts for enjoyment or information KAL Use knowledge of word order and sentence construction to support the understanding of the written text LLS Use context and previous knowledge to help understanding and reading skills LLS Make predictions based on existing knowledge LLS Use a dictionary

9 Today we will explore: Phonics and decoding Reading aloud Using a dictionary Understanding meaning Finding and using texts

10 Phonics

11 Linking the written word with the sound Key graphemes and phonemes Gives children skills to read new words

12 Key graphemes Up to 32 new sounds More vowels than consonants Some sounds that don’t exist in English

13 How to teach phonics Pre teach Opportunity teach Post teach Common themes – kinaesthetic, visual

14 Pre teaching Practise the sounds Blend the sounds in words Link the sounds to the graphemes


16 D n s t a g r t a g

17 f ie ei

18 F r ei t a g D ie n s t a g

19 Opportunity teaching Identify sounds in vocabulary Practise sounds in isolation Practise sounds in words

20 z zucchero tazze pizzico

21 Post teaching Identify sounds in vocabulary Practise sounds in isolation Practise sounds in words

22 ou une douche une bouche rouge eu/œu la couleur.. de ma sœur.. est bleu

23 eau on ou oi j é



26 Reading Aloud

27 Silent Letters

28 Méthode de Lecture, Hatier le lit faux un chat les cochons

29 le lit faux un chat les cochons

30 Spot the difference Dans le sac il y a un grand lion bleu. Dans le sac il y a des grands lions bleus. 4 1 1 from Vicky Cooke

31 Liaison

32 Dans le sac il y a une grande abeille bleue. Dans le sac il y a des grandes abeilles bleues. 4 2 2 from Vicky Cooke



35 Using a Dictionary

36 Bilingual dictionaries Familiarise yourself first Dictionary games Terminology Cross reference Noun genders

37 6 steps to success! Where are the English words? Where are the target language words? Translate from English Cross reference Word types Gender

38 Look up cat Find the translation for some other animals Are you sure you have found a noun? Can you find an adjective or a verb? What gender are the different nouns?

39 Translate cross into target language When I am cross, I am blue. Quando sono di cattivo umore, sono blu.

40 Understanding Meaning

41 ERA UMA VEZ três porquinhos que viviam na floresta com a sua mãe. Um dia, como já estavam muito crescidos, decidiram ir viver cada um em sua casa. A mãe concordou, mas avisou-os: - Tenham muito cuidado, pois na floresta também vive o lobo mau, e eu não vou estar lá para vos proteger… - Sim mamã! – Responderam os três ao mesmo tempo.

42 ERA UMA VEZ três porquinhos que viviam na floresta com a sua mãe. Um dia, como já estavam muito crescidos, decidiram ir viver cada um em sua casa. A mãe concordou, mas avisou-os: - Tenham muito cuidado, pois na floresta também vive o lobo mau, e eu não vou estar lá para vos proteger… - Sim mamã! – Responderam os três ao mesmo tempo.

43 Once upon a time there were three little pigs who lived in the forest with his mother. One day, as I was too grown up, they decided to go live each in their house. The mother agreed, but warned them:-be very careful, because in the forest also lives the big bad wolf, and I won't be there to protect you...-Yes Mommy! – Answered all three at once.

44 Language Detectives What can you learn from the layout of the text and the punctuation? What do the illustrations tell you? Any cognates (words that look like English)? Any words you’ve learned before? How does your grammatical and phonological knowledge help (e.g. word order, suffixes)?

45 Reading Texts

46 Reading texts Scheme of work Books Magazines Internet Packaging Pop songs

47 Authentic texts Hear the rhythm of the language Grounded in culture Needs to be age-appropriate Use as a starting point Adapt

48 Picture books Simple language Few words on the page Simple illustrations


50 And finally… "To learn to read is to light a fire; every syllable that is spelled out is a spark." — Victor Hugo, Les Miserables Kate Kelly Sarah Elmer

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