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E-learning Training Safeguarding Children Kevin Hogan Safeguarding Children Service, Public Health Wales Alison Mott Consultant Paediatrician, Cardiff.

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Presentation on theme: "E-learning Training Safeguarding Children Kevin Hogan Safeguarding Children Service, Public Health Wales Alison Mott Consultant Paediatrician, Cardiff."— Presentation transcript:

1 E-learning Training Safeguarding Children Kevin Hogan Safeguarding Children Service, Public Health Wales Alison Mott Consultant Paediatrician, Cardiff and Vale UHB Debra Roberts Wales Centre for Pharmacy Professional Education

2 Aim  To develop an e-learning resource in safeguarding children for NHS Wales professionals and staff  To meet Level 1 and 2 competences  To facilitate access to all  To link to the Electronic Staff Record (ESR)

3 Benefits of linking & recording in ESR:  Reduction in admin processes: where ESR link is in place training records are updated on completion of training  Enhanced reporting locally and across Wales  Reduction in repeat training – All Wales package with portability of competences throughout NHS Wales  Ability to search for specific competences or gap analysis

4 Standards for safeguarding children training afe/training/about/guidance /get_document/subject_guide.pdf/ 4

5 Intercollegiate competences Source: Intercollegiate Document (ICD 2010) o Level 1: Non-clinical staff working in health care settings o Level 2: All clinical staff who have any contact with children, young people and/or parents/carers o Level 3: All clinical staff working with children, young people and/or their parents/carers who could potentially contribute to assessing, planning, intervening and evaluating the needs of a child and parenting capacity where there are safeguarding/ child protection concerns o Level 4: Named professionals o Level 5: Designated professionals o Level 6: Experts

6 The need for training o Large numbers of staff required to complete training to meet Welsh Government recommendations e.g. Cardiff & Vale UHB have 14,000 employees o Currently delivered in a variety of methods o Face to face o Health led o Multiagency o Mandatory packages o e-Learning o Consistency of training required

7 Safeguarding Children training & e-learning: Background (1) Report:  Safeguarding and Protecting Children in NHS Wales: A Report published by Professor Sir Mansel Aylward (2010)  Aylward Report identified need for consistent approach to safeguarding children training Expert Working Group:  In response to Aylward Report ‘Expert Working Group’(EWG) established, commissioned by Chief Nursing Officer, Welsh Government, to respond to training recommendations outlined in report  EWG responded to recommendations and produced All Wales training framework linked to the ICD and Core Skills Framework  Welsh Government considered EWG recommendations and ICD accepted as safeguarding children training standard across NHS Wales

8 Safeguarding Children training & e-learning: Background (2) Safeguarding Children NHS Network:  Safeguarding Children NHS Network established  Network responsible for taking forward all safeguarding children (including training) recommendations from Aylward report. Task & Finish training sub-group recently established via Network  Drive for on-line training as limited resources and opportunity to implement innovative approaches to learning and development of NHS Wales staff  Via Network the WCPPE/Welsh Centre for Pharmacy Professional Education offered their services to support review & update of level 1 and level 2 e-learning training programmes

9 Level 1 e-induction programme Safeguarding children and young people

10 Level 1 e-learning  Current level 1 e-induction package, available at Learning@NHSWales, due for review and update to ensure training consistent with best practice  December 2012 - OLM (Oracle Learning Management) team approached Safeguarding Children Service (Public Health Wales) to assist in ensuring level 1 training content mapped against Core Skills & Training Framework and ICD

11 Level 1: Core competences o Recognising potential indicators of child maltreatment – physical, emotional, and sexual abuse, and neglect o Recognising the potential impact of a parent/carers physical and mental health on the well-being of a child or young person o Taking appropriate action if they have concerns, including appropriately reporting concerns and seeking advice


13 Level 1 Programme Structure  Introduction Learning objectives Target audience  Background What is child maltreatment? Why get involved? Other issues to consider Communication, referral & information sharing Dealing with suspected maltreatment How to make a referral Contact numbers Further resources  Interactive exercise/s relating to child abuse and neglect & associated risk factors





18 Development Team o Safeguarding Children Service, Public Health Wales o Public Health Wales o WCPPE/Welsh Centre for Pharmacy Professional Education o Health Boards across Wales

19 Level 2 e-learning programme Safeguarding children and young people

20 Level 2 training  Stage 1  Work commenced 7 years ago  Completed to NPHS training competences  Only accessible online to pharmacists  Stage 2  Intercollegiate competences document 2010 accepted by Welsh Government  Content updated  Aim for access on Learning@NHSWales

21 Level 2: Core competences (1)  Uses professional and clinical knowledge, and understanding of what constitutes child maltreatment, to identify any signs of child abuse or neglect  Acts as an effective advocate for the child or young person  Recognises the potential impact of a parent’s/carer’s physical and mental health on the wellbeing of a child or young person  Clear about own and colleagues’ roles, responsibilities, and professional boundaries

22 Level 2: Core competences (2)  Able to refer as appropriate to role to social care if a safeguarding/child protection concern is identified  Documents safeguarding/child protection concerns in order to be able to inform the relevant staff and agencies as necessary, maintains appropriate record keeping, and differentiates between fact and opinion  Shares appropriate and relevant information with other teams  Acts in accordance with key statutory and non-statutory guidance and legislation including the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and Human Rights Act (UNCRC 1989)

23 Development team  Cardiff and Vale UHB Safeguarding Children Team  Safeguarding Children Service, Public Health Wales  Wales Deanery  WCPPE/Pharmacy Post. Grad. Dept.  Welsh Ambulance Service NHS Trust

24 Structure (1)  Introduction: Learning objectives Target audience  Background: Beliefs, experience and attitudes PHW video ‘Just Talk’ Why get involved? Legislative framework and definitions  Case scenarios: to illustrate range of child abuse and neglect, and associated risk factors - Baby with bruise Child in need Risk to Unborn baby Teenager taking overdose

25 Structure (2)  Key points identified throughout package  Resources Local contact details Further training courses References with links to websites Glossary of safeguarding children terminology  Assessment and certification  Evaluation






31 Assessment  MCQs, randomised from a bank of questions  Pass rate  70%/80% first or repeat  Personalised certificate  Link to ESR

32 What next?  Complete programme  Expert review  Final edits  Pilot on mixed health professionals  Confirm IT access  Open access to all!

33 Principal Contributors  Alison Mott, Bev Evans Cardiff & Vale University Health Board  Kevin Hogan Safeguarding Children Service Public Health Wales  Debra Roberts Wales Centre for Pharmacy Professional Education  Paul Kirk, Joel Benson, Ian Barry, Neil Phillips Postgraduate Deanery

34 Thank You

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