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Foundation Phase Portfolio. Llafaredd / Oracy Darllen / Reading Ysgrifennu / Writing Welsh Language Development.

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Presentation on theme: "Foundation Phase Portfolio. Llafaredd / Oracy Darllen / Reading Ysgrifennu / Writing Welsh Language Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 Foundation Phase Portfolio

2 Llafaredd / Oracy Darllen / Reading Ysgrifennu / Writing Welsh Language Development

3 Outcome 1 Outcome 2 Outcome 3 Outcome 4 Outcome 5 Outcome 6

4 Outcome 1 Children can understand more words than they can speak. They repeat some familiar words and phrases. They increasingly begin to join in action songs and finger rhymes. Children begin to follow stories read to them and they start to respond appropriately, verbally or non-verbally.

5 Welsh Language Development Outcome 1 - Oracy Children can understand more words than they can speak. Context: (can be changed accordingly) Children can respond to the morning register. They answer with “Bore da”. Insert evidence here

6 Welsh Language Development Outcome 1 - Oracy They repeat some familiar words and phrases. Context: (can be changed accordingly) During milk time the children repeat “Mae’n amser llaeth” when prompting to remember to say “Diolch”. Insert evidence here

7 Welsh Language Development Outcome 1 - Oracy They increasingly begin to join in action songs and finger rhymes. Context: (can be changed accordingly) Children sing ‘Mr Hapus.’ Some children sing the words and do the actions. Other children join in with the actions, whilst some children just observe. Insert evidence here

8 Welsh Language Development Outcome 1 - Reading Children begin to follow stories read to them and they start to respond appropriately, verbally or non-verbally. Context: (can be changed accordingly) Children introduced to Tedi Twt books. The practitioner reads the story ’Tedi Twt yn dost’. Children begin to join in by pressing the interactive button on the book. Insert evidence here

9 Children converse simply, sometimes replacing English words with Welsh when involved in activities. They follow simple instructions. They increasingly want to join in songs and nursery rhymes. Children look at books with or without an adult and show an interest in their content. Outcome 2

10 Outcome 2 - Oracy Children converse simply, sometimes replacing English words with Welsh when involved in activities. Context: (can be changed accordingly) Children ask ‘’Beth sydd yn y bocs?’’ and ‘’Ble mae.....?“ Welsh Language Development Insert evidence here

11 Outcome 2 - Oracy Children converse simply, sometimes replacing English words with Welsh when involved in activities. Context: (can be changed accordingly) Children use the sentence pattern “Ga i….” inserting English words to complete the sentence. Welsh Language Development Insert evidence here

12 Welsh Language Development Outcome 2 - Oracy They follow simple instructions. Context: (can be changed accordingly) Children play the game ‘Mae Sali Mali yn dweud......’ following simple instructions. Insert evidence here

13 Welsh Language Development Outcome 2 - Oracy They increasingly want to join in songs and nursery rhymes. Context: (can be changed accordingly) Children join in singing ‘Un, dau, tri banana’. Insert evidence here

14 Welsh Language Development Outcome 2 - Reading Children look at books with or without an adult and show an interest in their content. Context: (can be changed accordingly) Children read ‘Tedi Twt a’r Tywydd’’ and ‘Fflic a Fflac’. Insert evidence here

15 Outcome 3 Children begin to express themselves through role play. They respond to instructions, questions and other stimuli, spoken clearly by a familiar voice. With support they repeat / memorise songs and rhymes. Children listen to stories, songs and rhymes and express some enjoyment and interest. They begin to recognise the alphabetic nature of reading and writing and understand that written symbols have sounds and meaning.

16 Welsh Language Development Outcome 3 - Oracy Children begin to express themselves through role play. Context: (can be changed accordingly) Children play in the role play area ‘Siop Fflic a Fflac.’ They begin to use some simple Welsh phrases. Insert evidence here

17 Welsh Language Development Outcome 3 - Oracy They respond to instructions, questions and other stimuli spoken clearly by a familiar voice. Context: (can be changed accordingly) A.Children give each other instructions to draw pictures. B.Children respond to ‘5 a day’ activities. Insert evidence here

18 Welsh Language Development Outcome 3 - Oracy With support they repeat/memorise songs and rhymes. Context: (can be changed accordingly) Children sing ‘Adeiladu Tŷ Bach’ from memory. Insert evidence here

19 Welsh Language Development Outcome 3 - Oracy Children listen to stories, songs and rhymes and express some enjoyment and interest. Context: (can be changed accordingly) Children show enjoyment and interest by singing ‘Mi Welais Jac y Do’ using actions. Insert evidence here

20 Welsh Language Development Outcome 3 – Reading/Oracy Children listen to stories, songs and rhymes and express some enjoyment and interest. Context: (can be changed accordingly) Children show enjoyment and interest as the teacher reads the book ‘Gwyliau’. Insert evidence here

21 Welsh Language Development Outcome 3 – Writing They begin to recognise the alphabetic nature of reading and writing and understand that written symbols have sounds and meaning. Context: (can be changed accordingly) Whilst in the ‘Siop Anifeiliad Anwes’ the teacher supports the children writing about their favourite pet, using their sounds to spell out the words. Insert evidence here

22 Welsh Language Development Outcome 3 - Writing They begin to recognise the alphabetic nature of reading and writing and understand that written symbols have sounds and meaning. Context: (can be changed accordingly) Whilst in the ‘Siop Anifeiliad Anwes’ the teacher supports the children writing about their favourite pet, using their sounds to spell out the words. Insert evidence here

23 Outcome 4 Children show an understanding of words and phrases spoken clearly by a familiar voice and respond by means of short oral phrases. They speak with intelligible pronunciation and intonation when imitating and using simple words and phrases. With support they express simple information, and ask and answer questions. Children recognise familiar words. They connect the written form of words with their sound when reading individual words. They show understanding of individual words by means of non-verbal responses. They sometimes need support/assistance. Children communicate by copying correctly and writing words and some simple familiar phrases from memory.

24 Welsh Language Development Outcome 4 - Oracy Children show an understanding of words and phrases spoken clearly by a familiar voice and respond by means of short oral phrases. Context (can be changed accordingly) Children tell the ‘Story of Ten’ in rap style. Insert evidence here

25 Outcome 4 - Oracy They speak with intelligible pronunciation and intonation when imitating and using simple words and phrases. Context (can be changed accordingly) Children recite ‘Gwyn fel yr eira...’ and show pictures to illustrate the descriptions e.g. ‘Melyn fel yr haul’’. Welsh Language Development Insert evidence here

26 Welsh Language Development Outcome 4 - Oracy With support they express simple information, and ask and answer questions. Context: (can be changed accordingly) Children are asked by fellow pupil ‘Oes......... gyda ti?’ and reply ‘Oes/Nag oes’. Sometimes they require some support from the teacher. Insert evidence here

27 Welsh Language Development Outcome 4 - Reading Children recognise familiar words. They connect the written form of words with their sound when reading individual words. Context: (can be changed accordingly) A child reads familiar words relating to the weather. Insert evidence here

28 Welsh Language Development Outcome 4 - Reading Children recognise familiar words. They connect the written form of words with their sound when reading individual words. Context: Insert evidence here

29 Welsh Language Development Outcome 4 - Oracy They show understanding of individual words by means of non-verbal responses. They sometimes need support/assistance. Context: (can be changed accordingly) The children are asked ‘Ble mae’r...?’ and respond by choosing appropriate pictures. Insert evidence here

30 Welsh Language Development Outcome 4 – Writing Children communicate by copying correctly and writing words and some simple familiar phrases from memory. Context: (can be changed accordingly) The child wrote a list of different coloured teddies independently. Insert evidence here

31 Welsh Language Development Outcome 4 - Writing Children communicate by copying correctly and writing words and some simple familiar phrases from memory. Context: (can be changed accordingly) The child copied a phrase correctly following the class discussion. Insert evidence here

32 Welsh Language Development Outcome 4 - Writing Children communicate by copying correctly and writing words and some simple familiar phrases from memory. Context: (can be changed accordingly) A child constructed sentences using a sentence starter and a word bank. Insert evidence here

33 Outcome 5 Children show understanding of short items spoken by a familiar voice by responding either non-verbally or by means of short oral phrases. They seek, understand and communicate simple information and respond to a range of stimuli. They speak with intelligible pronunciation and intonation, varying vocabulary and patterns to a degree. Children recognise simple and familiar words and phrases that are within their experience and begin to show an interest in written material by reading some simple passages. They show an understanding of what they have read by responding orally or non-verbally to the content. Children communicate by writing words, phrases and sometimes sentences to express factual and personal information, using familiar patterns. Simple words are usually spelled correctly.

34 Welsh Language Development Outcome 5 - Oracy Children show understanding of short items spoken by a familiar voice by responding either non-verbally or by means of short oral phrases. Context: (can be changed accordingly) Children respond to the instructions non-verbally from the familiar voice of a fellow pupil. Insert evidence here

35 Welsh Language Development Outcome 5 - Oracy They seek, understand and communicate simple information and respond to a range of stimuli. Context: (can be changed accordingly) Children watched ‘Fflic a Fflac yn y Caffi’’ then using prompts in the role play area reinacted a scene. Insert evidence here

36 Welsh Language Development Outcome 5 - Oracy They speak with intelligible pronunciation and intonation, varying vocabulary and patterns to a degree. Context: (can be changed accordingly) Pupils are asked a range of questions eg ‘Sut wyt ti?’ and reply with various vocabulary using ‘achos’ to extend their response. Insert evidence here

37 Welsh Language Development Outcome 5 - Reading Children recognise simple words and phrases that are within their experience and begin to show an interest in written material by reading some simple passages. Context: (can be changed accordingly) A child independently reads ‘Picnic Tedi Twt’. Insert evidence here

38 Welsh Language Development Outcome 5 - Reading Children recognise simple words and phrases that are within their experience and begin to show an interest in written material by reading some simple passages. Context: (can be changed accordingly) Children answer and ask questions in the format of a circle game. Insert evidence here

39 Welsh Language Development Outcome 5 -Reading They show an understanding of what they have read by responding orally or non-verbally to the content. Context: (can be changed accordingly) After reading‘ Cadi’ children retell the story. Insert evidence here

40 Welsh Language Development Outcome 5 - Reading They show an understanding of what they have read by responding orally or non-verbally to the content. Context: (can be changed accordingly) Pupils read ‘Y Tywydd’ in a guided reading session. Insert evidence here

41 Welsh Language Development Outcome 5 - Reading They show an understanding of what they have read by responding orally or non-verbally to the content. Context: (can be changed accordingly) Children have read the poem of ‘Ceiliog Coch a’r Iâr Fach Frown’ and then performed and wrote a story independently. Insert evidence here

42 Welsh Language Development Outcome 5 - Writing Children communicate by writing words, phrases, and sometimes sentences to express factual and personal information, using familiar patterns. Simple words are usually spelled correctly. Context: (can be changed accordingly) Following oracy activities on the topic ‘Anifeiliaid Anwes’, a child has written sentences independently about their pets. They used the sentence pattern ‘Mae... gyda fi’ with appropriate vocabulary. Insert evidence here

43 Welsh Language Development Outcome 5 – Writing Children communicate by writing words, phrases, and sometimes sentences to express factual and personal information, using familiar patterns. Simple words are usually spelled correctly. Context: (can be changed accordingly) A child has written a fact file about herself. The child was supported by classroom resources and displays but constructed the sentences independently. Insert evidence here

44 Outcome 6 Children show understanding of a series of short items, spoken by a familiar voice, by responding orally or non-verbally. They seek, understand and communicate simple, personal and factual information clearly and make some statements voluntarily. They will express an opinion simply. They speak with intelligible pronunciation and intonation and use an increasing range of vocabulary and sentence patterns which are usually correct. Children read simple texts fairly clearly. They understand and respond simply to texts that contain an increasing range of words, phrases and short passages in familiar contexts. They will respond and express an opinion to poetry, stories and factual material. They begin to read independently and choose some texts voluntarily. Children write short basic sentences, using suitable and familiar vocabulary and patterns to communicate simple factual and personal information, fairly accurately. Familiar words are usually spelled correctly and they show some awareness of basic punctuation by using capital letters, full stops and question marks with a degree of consistency.

45 Welsh Language Development Outcome 6 - Oracy Children show understanding of a series of short items, spoken by a familiar voice, by responding orally or non-verbally. Context: (can be changed accordingly) The children are asked a variety of questions about a picture. Insert evidence here

46 Welsh Language Development Outcome 6 - Oracy They seek, understand and communicate simple, personal and factual information clearly and make some statements voluntarily. They will express an opinion simply. Context: (can be changed accordingly) Children hold a conversation using familiar language patterns. Insert evidence here

47 Welsh Language Development Outcome 6 - Oracy They speak with intelligible pronunciation and intonation and use an increasing range of vocabulary and sentence patterns which are usually correct. Context: (can be changed accordingly) Pupils give personal information about themselves using familiar language patterns. Insert evidence here

48 Welsh Language Development Outcome 6 - Oracy They speak with intelligible pronunciation and intonation and use an increasing range of vocabulary and sentence patterns which are usually correct. Context: (can be changed accordingly) Children interact with the teacher sharing personal information. Insert evidence here

49 Welsh Language Development Outcome 6 - Reading Children read simple texts fairly clearly. Context: (can be changed accordingly) Children read the story ‘Anrheg i Doli Glwt’. Insert evidence here

50 Welsh Language Development Outcome 6 - Reading They understand and respond simply to texts that contain an increasing range of words, phrases and short passages in familiar contexts. Context: (can be changed accordingly) Children answer questions about the story ‘Anrheg i Doli Glwt’. Insert evidence here

51 Welsh Language Development Outcome 6 - Reading They will respond and express an opinion to poetry, stories and factual material. Context: (can be changed accordingly) Children have read and performed the poem ’Mae ‘da fi ddau lygad..’ and have responded by drawing pictures and labelling them. Insert evidence here

52 Welsh Language Development Outcome 6 - Reading They will respond and express an opinion to poetry, stories and factual material. Context: (can be changed accordingly) Children read the poem ‘Mae ‘da fi ddau lygad’ Insert evidence here

53 Welsh Language Development Outcome 6 - Reading They begin to read independently and choose some texts voluntarily. Context: (can be changed accordingly) Child choose a book voluntarily ‘Ddim Yma! Ddim Yma!’ and read it aloud independently. Insert evidence here

54 Welsh Language Development Outcome 6 - Writing Children write short basic sentences, using suitable and familiar vocabulary and patterns to communicate simple factual and personal information, fairly accurately. Familiar words are usually spelled correctly and they show some awareness of basic punctuation by using capital letters, full stops and question marks with a degree of consistency. Context: (can be changed accordingly) A child has written a fact file independently about herself, using suitable and familiar sentence patterns. Insert evidence here

55 Welsh Language Development Outcome 6 – Writing Children write short basic sentences, using suitable and familiar vocabulary and patterns to communicate simple factual and personal information, fairly accurately. Familiar words are usually spelled correctly and they show some awareness of basic punctuation by using capital letters, full stops and question marks with a degree of consistency. Context: (can be changed accordingly) A child has written a postcard independently to Fflic and Fflac, using suitable and familiar sentence patterns. Insert evidence here

56 Welsh Language Development Outcome 6 - Writing Children write short basic sentences, using suitable and familiar vocabulary and patterns to communicate simple factual and personal information, fairly accurately. Familiar words are usually spelled correctly and they show some awareness of basic punctuation by using capital letters, full stops and question marks with a degree of consistency. Context: (can be changed accordingly) A child has written a character description of a pirate. Insert evidence here

57 Welsh Language Development Outcome 6 – Writing Children write short basic sentences, using suitable and familiar vocabulary and patterns to communicate simple factual and personal information, fairly accurately. Familiar words are usually spelled correctly and they show some awareness of basic punctuation by using capital letters, full stops and question marks with a degree of consistency. Context: (can be changed accordingly) A child has written a dialogue after performing a scripted role play activity. Insert evidence here

58 Welsh Language Development Outcome 6 - Writing Children write short basic sentences, using suitable and familiar vocabulary and patterns to communicate simple factual and personal information, fairly accurately. Familiar words are usually spelled correctly and they show some awareness of basic punctuation by using capital letters, full stops and question marks with a degree of consistency. Context: (can be changed accordingly) A child has independently written a paragraph about herself. Insert evidence here

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