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Why should the world go Lean? To Create Innovative Manufacturing & Supply Chains Prof Dr Richard Keegan FIEI Enterprise Ireland, Competitiveness Department.

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Presentation on theme: "Why should the world go Lean? To Create Innovative Manufacturing & Supply Chains Prof Dr Richard Keegan FIEI Enterprise Ireland, Competitiveness Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why should the world go Lean? To Create Innovative Manufacturing & Supply Chains Prof Dr Richard Keegan FIEI Enterprise Ireland, Competitiveness Department Trinity Business School, Trinity College Dublin

2 The Future of Business is in how well WE DO IT! TOGETHER A F R. ABSOLUTELY FOCUSED and RELENTLESS

3 Hearts - Heads - Hands World Class Businesses…Together Engineering Purchasing Administration Production Sales Workers and Management Engineering Purchasing Administration Production Sales Workers and Management SupplierBuyer Consumer

4 Disruptive Reforms 2014 Entrepreneurship Export Sales National Productivity Step Change  EI Response - Lean Business Offer & Supporting activities 2015 Action: Additional funding of €1.5 million for IDA Manufacturing Step Change Programme Lean - Action Plan for Jobs 2014 & 2015…2016 2016- Lean Ireland Initiative IDA, Enterprise Ireland, Udaras Na Gaeltachta LEOs Shared Lean Support….working together

5 QUICKER BETTER CHEAPER.........TOGETHER Simplifying things…. Lean is doing what you do….

6 Five Lean Principles…. Time Money Effort Respect Challenge Must want to compete…..

7 Rules –Respect & Challenge 1. Fairness 2. Firmness 3. Consistency 4. Look 5. See 6. Understand 7. Think 8. Do Dealing with People Dealing with Processes

8 Five Fundamental Lean tools….. Process Mapping Physical Flow mapping Check Sheets – What is going wrong? Run Charts – Is it getting better or worse? Teams – People working together to improve their business

9 Key Lean Questions….. What are you doing? How are you doing it? Why are you doing it? Who is going to improve it? When? Capture the FACTS! Make things better…..

10 Lean Works DEJI/Forfas Review of Enterprise Ireland’s Lean Business Offer: 633 Projects supported to date (2010 – 2013): (Now at 801 projects supported by Enterprise Ireland) 397 Start Average Savings +€55k 162 Plus Average Savings +€145k 74 TransformSignificant Overall Programme Funding = €62.4m (€17.8m - State, €44.6m - Companies) Total productivity gains = €662 million Product & Service quality up 30% 6,029 people trained in programme Delivery adherence up 43%1,600 trained after programme Sales up 40% 58% appointed Lean Champion Sales per Employee up €37k =20% Productivity Improvement Employment up an average of 11%

11 We Know what has to be done…. We know how to make World shares the knowledge It is NOT easy but we know what has to be done Working together…with key suppliers/customers Balanced approach between strategic and transactional relationships

12 Major Japanese Auto Maker Have visited Toyota Deeside 55 times Our Taoiseach (Prime Minister) has visited Over 1,700 Irish people have visited, workers and management Each and every time something, many things have improved SHIN-ken Sho-bu. SERIOUS

13 Not Just Toyota….. Traditional Structure Company Sales Mfg Design

14 High level of Comms Company Sales Design Mfg

15 Working Together…. Sweet Spot 1 Sweet Spot 2 Company Sales Mfg Design Suppliers

16 What we can do to help…. National Lean Business Offer – financial support, consultants directory Benchmarking- Comparisons internationally, hard and soft measures Best Practice Visits Toyota Engine Plant: Over 1,200 visitors to date European sites: leading companies Site visits locally EU Japan Centre for Industrial Co-Operation - Europe & Japan Lean Conference: May 2017

17 National Lean Business Offer Enterprise Ireland, IDA, Udaras Na Gaeltachta Eligible cost elementsClient costs EI grant Lean-Start‘Lean’ consultancy fees at €900 per day €6300€3150 Lean-Plus‘Lean’ (& specialist ) training fees Cost of company ‘lean project champion’. subject to EI assessment. Up to €70 k Up to 50% Lean Transform Training fees training costs company staff costs and other costs as may be approved by EI Typically over €100 k As set by EI. < 50%

18 Supporting Documentation NSAI – SWIFT 11:2013 Driving Competitiveness using Lean Becoming Lean Becoming a Lean Service Company Oak Tree Press

19 Just because you can’t do it doesn’t mean it can’t be done...BUT, we Need to do it!

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