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Climograph Graph that indicates average temperature and precipitation for a place. Line Graph shows temperature Bar Graph shows precipitation If the line.

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Presentation on theme: "Climograph Graph that indicates average temperature and precipitation for a place. Line Graph shows temperature Bar Graph shows precipitation If the line."— Presentation transcript:


2 Climograph Graph that indicates average temperature and precipitation for a place. Line Graph shows temperature Bar Graph shows precipitation If the line graph goes up in the middle – it is showing a place in the northern hemisphere. If the line graph goes down in the middle – it is showing a place in the southern hemisphere. If the line is fairly straight – it is showing a place that is near or on the Equator.


4 Description – hot and wet throughout the year. Precipitation Wet – 80 + inches a year - Rains daily Temperatures about 80 all year vegetation - Lush and diverse – 6% of earth, but more than half the plant and animal species. Canopy – layers of broadleaf evergreen trees. Leaching – continuous rain pulls the nutrients out of the soil (not arable) Biome: Rainforest Amazon River Basin Congo River Basin Indonesia

5 Tons of precipitation every month. Rio BelemTemperatures are about even so it must be near the Equator.


7 Description – grassland with distinct dry and wet seasons. Winter is dry. Summers have 20 – 100 inches of precipitation a year. Winter is dry. Dry season is dramatic. High year round temperatures around 80. Vegetation – clumps of coarse grass and few trees. Biome: savanna Llanos of Venezuela Caribbean Islands Serengeti of Tanzania

8 Near the Equator Darwin Dakar COLD DRY COLD


10 THUMBS UP OR THUMBS DOWN A climate that has a distinct dry season and a distinct wet season is called a Tropical Savanna.

11 THUMBS UP OR THUMBS DOWN Tropic Rainforest make up about 6% of the world’s land, but contain over half of the plants and animals.


13 Description – dry, largely treeless grassland. Location – Low & mid latitudes. Border deserts & interior of continents (leeward side) Precipitation 10 – 20 inches a year Vegetation - Grassland with few trees or cactus. Desertification - spread of desert-like conditions to semi-arid areas is a serious problem in the Steppe Biome: grassland

14 Alice Spring Northern SouthernHemisphere


16 Description – dry area with sparse plant life that covers about 1/3 of the world’s land. There are two types of terrain: reg – desert pavement (gravel, rocks, and sand) and erg – dunes Precipitation – 10 in. or less a year Temperatures: Desert does not mean hot – it means dry!!! Day and night temperatures vary drastically. Vegetation - scrub and cactus Oasis is an area in the desert where water is available. Biome: Desert / Desert Scrub

17 Cairo Tehran Lima


19 THUMBS UP OR THUMBS DOWN The hot areas of the earth are called deserts.

20 Deserts are sometimes hot. Desert means ARID (not much moisture). Desert areas receive less than 10 inches of precipitation in a year. Some deserts are cold.

21 THUMBS UP OR THUMBS DOWN Steppe climates usually border deserts. They receive 10-20 inches of precipitation a year.


23 Description – ocean winds bring cool summers and damp winters. Location – 30-60º on the west coast in N. Hemisphere and east coast in S. Hemisphere. Located on Westerlies. Precipitation: Ocean air brings abundant rainfall. Vegetation: large coniferous – evergreen forests called temperate rainforests and mixed forests - both coniferous and deciduous trees. Biome: Deciduous Forest

24 London Vancouver Sydney Abundant rainfall all year. High around 70. Low around 40.


26 Description – mild, rainy winter and hot sunny summers. Precipitation: 15 – 30 in (mostly in the winter) Vegetation - Chaparral – underbrush, woody bushes and short trees – cork, olives, grapes, etc. Leathery leaves hold moisture Biome: chaparral

27 Athens Perth Santiago Jordan COLD WET


29 Description – short, mild winters and nearly year round rainfall. hurricanes & typhoons. HOUSTON is in HST Precipitation: year round Vegetation – fruits, rice, vegetables, inland grasslands, and mixed forests - deciduous and coniferous trees. Biome: Deciduous Forest

30 Shanghai Buenos Aires Southern hemisphere Northern hemisphere


32 Description - 4 distinct seasons. Storms and continentality - far in the interior of continents influence climate. Location - interior mid-latitude in N. Hemisphere Temperatures: winters longer as you travel north and inland. Vegetation: Agriculture has replaced natural prairie grass, and short coniferous forests. Biome: Deciduous Forest

33 Helsinki Moscow Northern Hemisphere


35 THUMBS UP OR THUMBS DOWN Houston is a Humid Subtropical climate. It precipitates every month. Average winter temperatures are around 40 degrees and summer temperatures are around 80 degrees.

36 THUMBS UP OR THUMBS DOWN The climate that precipitates more in the winter months than in the summer months is a Marine climate.

37 Marine climates are influenced by the ocean winds. They generally have abundant precipitation all year and only a small temperature change. Around 40 in winter and 70 in summer Mediterranean climates have warm dry summers and cool damp winters. It precipitates more in the cold months. Almost all of Italy has a Mediterranean Climate

38 THUMBS UP OR THUMBS DOWN This climograph represents a Marine climate.

39 I think it is too cold in the winter to be Marine. Marine climates do not have a wide temperature change. This is a Humid Continental climate. Notice the cold temperatures are around 20 and high around 60. There are about 3 months in each temperature which would be 4 obvious seasons.


41 Description – bitterly cold winter and short, cool summers. Temperatures: Widest temperature range between summer and winter. Vegetation: Taiga (Russian word for forest) a boreal forest – needled evergreens. Permafrost – only a small layer of the ground thaws. Biome: Taiga

42 SaskatoonOmsk Northern Hemisphere


44 Description – very cold with polar night for ½ of the year. Location – far north in the northern hemisphere Temperature: Cold: rarely above 50° - at least 9 months below freezing – some below 0º Vegetation: Short bushes, short grass, mosses, and lichen. permafrost bogs in summer. Biome: Tundra

45 Northern Hemisphere Freezing


47 Description – snow and ice cover this area up to 2 miles thick Polar night – 6 months a year the sun does not rise above the horizon (24 hours dark) Polar desert – moisture in the air does not reach the dew point, so it does not precipitate. Far away from Equator (dry & cold as move away) Temperature: Below freezing all year - Many months below zero. Vegetation: Possibly lichen and moss

48 Northern SouthernHemisphere Thuls Air Force Base Freezing


50 Located in mountain systems throughout the world Precipitation – affected by the Orographic Effect. Leeward is dry – windward is wet. Temperature – varies with elevation – for every 1,000 feet increase in elevation the temperature decreases 3.5  Vegetation – usually mixed forests at the base. Meadows with small trees, shrubs, and wildflowers line the mountainsides. Biome: Alpine

51 Mexico City Near Equator Northern Hemisphere Near Equator

52 THUMBS UP OR THUMBS DOWN The climate with the widest temperature range between summer and winter temperatures is Subarctic.

53 THUMBS UP OR THUMBS DOWN Because of the extremely cold temperatures, nothing grows in the Tundra.

54 In the Tundra you will find short bushes, short grass, mosses, and lichen. Most grow in the permafrost bogs during the summer months. This vegetation makes it possible for caribou, musk ox, artic fox, polar bears and many others animals to survive.



57 Hot land. 0 - 2,500 ft. 68-91ºF. Grow: rice, Banana, sugar cane, cacao, pineapple Forests: Sea level – swamps up to dry forests around 2,000 feet

58 Temperate land. 2,500 – 6,500 ft. 60-70ºF. Grow coffee, cotton, tobacco, citrus fruit, squash, beans, and corn Forests: Wet forest

59 Cold land. 6,500 – 10,000 ft. Less than 60 degrees. Grow grains such as wheat, oats, rye, and barley, apples, and also potatoes. Forests: Cloud forests

60 Most above the tree line. 10,000 – 14,000 feet temperatures: 20 – 55º Grow: Grassland and hardy shrubs. Elfin forest at lowest elevations Grazing of sheep, alpacas, and llamas.

61 Snow line and above. Above 14,000 feet Below 20º. Nothing grows here except maybe a few moss and lichen in summer.

62 THUMBS UP OR THUMBS DOWN The altiplano (high plain) of Chile where llamas and alpaca herds are kept is an example of a Paramo.

63 THUMBS UP OR THUMBS DOWN Houston would be most like a Tierra Caliente climate.

64 Tierra Caliente is really hot and humid (I know…. Houston Summer), but even more moist and hot. Tierra Caliente is usually a Tropical Rainforest. Tierra Templada is more like Houston. This area is from 2,500-6,500 feet and grows coffee, cotton, tobacco, citrus fruit, squash, beans, and corn

65 THUMBS UP OR THUMBS DOWN Between 6,500 and 10,000 feet is the Tierra Fria where grains such as wheat, oats, rye, and barley, apples, and also potatoes grow.

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