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PhD Energy  Specific energy technology courses;  Nurturing entrepreneurial talents that match energy market requirements;  Platform for academia and.

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Presentation on theme: "PhD Energy  Specific energy technology courses;  Nurturing entrepreneurial talents that match energy market requirements;  Platform for academia and."— Presentation transcript:

1 PhD Energy  Specific energy technology courses;  Nurturing entrepreneurial talents that match energy market requirements;  Platform for academia and industry, researchers, CEOs, students and business  Innovation & business creation and entrepreneurship and energy technology  Chemical fuels/Clean Coal/Smart Grids/ Smart Cities/Renewables/Nuclear Energy Venues All of those mentioned in the following slides Deadline: None

2 Keys to Success..III (PhD School) Admission Criteria - Already studying a fully funded PhD in one of KICs main thematic areas and which involves industry - Associated with one of the KIC partners More info: and-selection-criteria/ and …/education/phd-school-new-application- documents-and-structures/ and-selection-criteria/…/education/phd-school-new-application- documents-and-structures/ Application Process - Continuous application! - Letter, CV, App. form, Letters, Certificates. - Evaluation and ranking based on motivation, know-how and innovation

3 MSc Clean Fossil and Alternative Fuels  Technologies for the efficient thermal and chemical conversion of coal with reduced pollutant emissions;  Principles and practices of all stages of power systems operation  Integrating chemical fuels and renewables;  Two months industrial training;  Entrepreneurship training;  Activities with leading industrial and business specialists (study visits, special lectures, consultations) Venues Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon, PT AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, PL Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, PL Start March or October @AGH/SUT Deadline: Nov.22-Dec.31st

4 MSc Innovation/Nuclear Energy (EMINE)  Fundamentals of nuclear engineering, safety, radiation protection;  Summer school on innovation and energy management (Grenoble);  Materials science/Nuclear Reactor Physics and Engineering/Nuclear Plant Design, Operations, Fuel Cycle/Decommissioning and Waste Management;  Economical, organisational and managerial skills;  Close collaboration with four major European companies in the nuclear energy sector (Vattenfall, AREVA, EDF and ENDESA) Venues Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, ES Royal Institute of Technology, SE Grenoble Institute of Technology+Grenoble Ecole de Management, FR + 5 Unis in Paris, FR Deadline: 28 Feb/30 April

5 MSc Energy Technologies (ENTECH)  Interdisciplinary knowledge essential for coping with the complexity of future energy systems;  Design, development, operation and analysis of future energy technologies;  Main subjects: Thermal power plants/ Decentralised power supply and grid integration/Nuclear and fusion technology/ Renewable energy and energy storage/ Chemical energy carriers/Energy in buildings/ Energy economics/Utility facilities; and  Innovation and entrepreneurship; Venues Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, DE Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon, PT Grenoble Institute of Technology, FR Uppsala University, SE Deadline: 28 Feb/30 April

6 MSc Renewable Energy (RENE)  Advanced technology concepts and methodus plus holistic understanding of the sustainable energy field;  Appreciation of the value chain from power generation (solar photovoltaic, concentrated solar power, hydropower, wind energy) to storage and transmission (energy vectors, grid integration);  Three modules: Advanced technology concepts and methods/Transversal courses/Renewable and sustainable energy principles and technologies/  Internship with a leading ‘renewable’ industrial partner (e.g. TOTAL, EDF, Schneider Electric, Saint Gobain, Gas Natural Fenosa, Alstom Wind, Iberdrola, ABB and EdP); Venues Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, ES Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon, PT ParisTech, FR Royal Institute of Technology, SE ESADE Business School, Barcelona, ES Deadline: 28 Feb/30 April

7 MSc Smart Cities  Energy aspects of smart cities (design, construction, energy conversion and supply);  Energy technology relevant for energy supply and distribution in the built environment; and  Smart city energy networks, sustainable mobility and energy-efficient buildings.  Industrial traineeship Venues Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, ES KU Leuven BE, TU Eindhoven, NL INSA – Lyon, FR INP, Grenoble, FR Royal Institute of Technology, SE Deadline: 28 Feb/30 April

8 MSc Environomical Pathways for Sustainable Energy Systems (SELECT)  From basic renewable energy sources to a future sustainable energy system;  Biomass&Biofuels/Polygeneration/Renewable Energy/Solar Systems/Electrical Systems/ Energy Efficiency and Fuel Cell Technology;  Summer internship with industry Venues Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, ES Royal Institute of Technology, SE Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon, PT TU/Eindhoven, NL Aalto University, FI Politecnico di Torino, IT Deadline: 28 Feb/30 April

9 MSc Smart Electrical Networks and Systems (SENSE)  Understanding, modelling and analyzing electric power generation, transmission, distribution and utilisation incl. smart networks and systems;  Power system analysis, power electronics, electrical machines, high-voltage engineering  Energy Management in Buildings and Power Grids/Information Systems and Electricity Market/Intelligent Transmission Networks/Power Distribution/Power Electronics/Storage and Sustainable Electrical Energy Systems  Two summer schools and industrial partnerships with ABB, Vattenfall and IREQ Venues Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, ES Royal Institute of Technology, SE KU Leuven BE TU/Eindhoven, NL Uppsala University, SE INP, Grenoble, FR Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, DE Deadline: 28 Feb/30 April

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