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Data Communications ผู้สอน : ผศ. ดร. ศักดิ์ชัย ทิพย์จักษุรัตน์ (2D/1) ผศ. ดร. อรฉัตร จิตต์โสภักตร์ (2D/2)

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Presentation on theme: "Data Communications ผู้สอน : ผศ. ดร. ศักดิ์ชัย ทิพย์จักษุรัตน์ (2D/1) ผศ. ดร. อรฉัตร จิตต์โสภักตร์ (2D/2)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Communications ผู้สอน : ผศ. ดร. ศักดิ์ชัย ทิพย์จักษุรัตน์ (2D/1) Email: ผศ. ดร. อรฉัตร จิตต์โสภักตร์ (2D/2) Email: Tel: (02) 329-8341-2 TEXTBOOK: B. A. Forouzan, Data Communications and Networking, 4 th edition McGRAW-HILL GRADING POLICY: Assignment 20% Midterm Exam 30% Final Exam50%

2 List of Studied Topics Basic of Communication: Chapter 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Introduction (1), Signal (3), Digital Transmission (4), Analog Transmission (5), Multiplexing (6), Transmission media (7) Standard Communication Protocol: Chapter 2 and Appendix C Network Model (TCP/IP) (2) and OSI model (Appendix C) Switching, Telephone network, and High Speed Digital Access : Chapter 8-9 Data flow control: Chapter 10-15 Error detection & correction (10), Flow control (11), Point-to-Point Access (12), Multiple Access (13), LAN (14), Wireless LAN (15)

3 WCB/McGraw-Hill Data Communication System Components

4 Data Representation Text ASCII (8 bits): (The American Standard Code for Information Interchange) ASCII Table -> Appendix Unicode (16 bits): Represents symbols belong to languages other than English Images Videos Audio


6 Direction of Data Flow between two devices

7 Figure 1.2 Simplex

8 Figure 1.3 Half-duplex

9 Figure 1.4 Full-duplex

10 1.2 Networks Distributed Processing Physical Structures Categories of Networks

11 Physical Structure

12 Point-to-Point Connection Guided medium link Unguided medium

13 WCB/McGraw-Hill Multipoint Connection

14 Categories of Topology

15 Figure 1.7 Categories of topology

16 Mesh Topology - Physical Structure: point-to-point - number of link = n(n-1)/2 n = number of devices Any two devices have their own link - Advantages Transmission speed ( สูงมาก ) Reliable (damage link) ( สูงมาก ) Privacy, Security ( สูงมาก ) Fault Detection ( ง่ายมาก ) - Disadvantages Cost (Installation and Maintenance) ( สูงมาก ) Expansion and Modification ( ยุ่งยากมาก )

17 Star Topology - number of link = n n = number of devices Centralize communication - Advantages Cost (Installation and Maintenance) ( น้อย ) Reliable (damage link) ( ปานกลาง ) Expansion and Modification ( ง่าย ) Fault Detection ( ง่าย ที่ Hub) - Disadvantages Intelligent central controller Limited number of ( ตามจำนวน port ของ Hub) - Physical Structure: point-to-point

18 Tree Topology - point-to-point Multi-level star - Disadvantages Intelligent central controller Limited number of devices - number of link = n + m n = number of devices m = number of secondary hubs - Advantages Cost (Installation and Maintenance) Reliable (damage link) ( ปานกลาง ) Expansion and Modification Fault Detection Group Priority

19 Ring Topology - number of link = n n = number of devices - point-to-point Loop around - Advantages Cost (Installation and Maintenance) ( ปานกลาง ) Expansion and Modification Fault Detection ( ปานกลาง ) Multiaddressing - Disadvantages Unreliable (damage link; unidirectional ring) Extra-cost for repeater Get rid of unused data

20 Bus Topology - multipoint - number of link = 1 Share a single medium Unreliable (damage link) Expansion and Modification Fault Detection - Disadvantages Transmission speed Limited number of devices - Advantages Lowest Cost Efficient utilization of the medium

21 Performance Comparison of each network topology Cost Device, Connection, and Maintenance (Low -> High): Bus < Star < Ring < Tree < Mesh Transmission Speed (High -> Low): Mesh > Star > Tree > Ring > Bus Expansion and Modification (Easy -> Hard): Star > Ring > Bus > Tree > Mesh Fault detection (Easy -> Hard): Mesh > Star > Tree > Ring > Bus Reliable (High -> Low): Mesh > Star >Tree > Ring > Bus Privacy and Security (High -> Low): Mesh > Star>Tree > Ring > Bus

22 Categories of Networks

23 Figure 1.12 Categories of networks

24 Figure 1.13 LAN - Area < 2 mi (2-3 km) - Data rate 100, 1000 Mbps

25 Figure 1.13 LAN (Continued)

26 Figure 1.14 MAN - Area: Town, City -Example: part of the telephone company network providing High speed DSL / Cable TV

27 Figure 1.15 WAN

28 28 Classifying Networks by Area A personal area network (PAN) refers to the small computer networks that are found in private homes. A Campus area network (CAN)

29 1.3 The Internet A Brief History The Internet Today

30 A Brief History of the Internet (cont.) กลาง 1960 ยุคของคอมพิวเตอร์ Mainframe ARPA (Advanced Research Project Agency) in Department of Defense (DoD) ปี 1967 ARPANET – Host attached to specialized computer called IMP (Interface Message Processor)

31 A Brief History of the Internet (cont.) ตั้งแต่ปี 1969 ARPANET มีการใช้งานจริง UCLA (University of California at Los Angeles) UCSB (University of California at Santa Barbara) SRI (Standard Research Institute) University at Utah Software คือ Network Control Protocol (NCP) ปี 1972 Internetting Project ปี 1973 – Protocols to achieve end-to-end delivery of packets TCP IP – Internetworking protocol

32 Figure 1.16 Internet today ISP: Internet Service Providers

33 ประสิทธิภาพของการส่งผ่านข้อมูล ถูกที่หมายปลายทาง ข้อมูลที่ได้รับต้องถูกต้องแม่นยำ ปราศจาก ข้อผิดพลาด เวลาในการส่งเหมาะสม WCB/McGraw-Hill

34 Criteria ในการวัดประสิทธิภาพ ของระบบ network -Throughput - Delay

35 1.4 Protocols and Standards Protocols ( เกณฑ์วิธี, โพรโท คอล ) Standards Standards Organizations Syntax, Semantics, Timing

36 WCB/McGraw-Hill - Standard not been approved by organization body - Widespread - Standard been approved by organization body

37 ตัวอย่างขององค์กรที่ทำหน้าที่ จัดทำ standard ISO -> OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) ITU-T -> V series, X series, ISDN, email ANSI -> ASCII code IEEE -> LAN standard EIA -> physical connection interfaces & signalling FCC -> A government agency that regulates radio, television, and Telecommunication WCB/McGraw-Hill (International Organization for Standardization) (International Telecommunication Union-Telecommunication Standards Sector) (Electronic Industries Association) (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) เดิม CCITT : Consultative Committee for International Telegraph and Telephony (American National Standard Institute) (Federal Communications Commission)

38 Forum Frame Relay ATM Forum ISOC & IETF (Internet Society and Internet Engineering Task Force) (Asynchronous Transfer Mode)

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