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How entrepreneurial are you? Jeannette Jansen Gabry Karsdorp KCH International.

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Presentation on theme: "How entrepreneurial are you? Jeannette Jansen Gabry Karsdorp KCH International."— Presentation transcript:

1 How entrepreneurial are you? Jeannette Jansen Gabry Karsdorp KCH International

2 Welcome Introduce yourself: Name Organization Country

3 Program of the next hour That’s me! Do the test Discussion Closing

4 That’s me!

5 Who received or handed out a businesscard today?

6 That’s me! Who asked a question during the plenairy talk?

7 That’s me! Who tasted ‘drop’ today?

8 That’s me! Who likes testing?

9 That’s me! Who teaches entrepreneurial skills?

10 That’s me! Who is an entrepreneur?

11 That’s me! Who prefers ‘doing’ instead of ‘thinking’?

12 That’s me! Who is able to skate on ice?

13 That’s me! Who can speak more than three languages?

14 That’s me! Who wants to be a coach for entrepreneurial opportunities?

15 Do the test Which type of entrepreneur are you? Think of three strong points and three weak points of yourself of being a coach for entrepreneurial opportunities.

16 Four types Imaginative designer Performance- focused analyzer Empathic communicator Reliable organizer

17 Discussion Form groups with same types (highest score) Discuss in groups about the three strong points and three weak points of your type for being a coach for entrepreneurial opportunities.

18 Imaginative designer Strong points: creativity, ingenuity, independence, persistence, imagination, intuitive, optimism, vision. Weak points: chaotic, unstructured, undisciplined, impetuous, irresponsible.

19 Performance-focused analyzer Strong points: critical, analytical, realistic, independent, competitive, corporate, effective, objective, perceptive. Weak points: lack of empathy, more feeling for numbers than for people, rigid, stubborn, secretive, authoritarian, actually.

20 Empathic communicator Strong points: social, flexible, empathetic, empathy, customer- oriented, service-oriented, enthusiastic, persuasive. Weak points: avoid conflict, capricious, naive, dependent, impressionable, easily hurt.

21 Reliable organizer Strong points: logical thinking, structured, dominant, effective, reliable, methodical, disciplined, responsible. Weak points: pushy, little creative, shortsighted, risk-averse, conservative.

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