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Work Experience Professional Development for Computer Science Wendy England, Careers Adviser Darren Siggers, Placement Coordinator.

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Presentation on theme: "Work Experience Professional Development for Computer Science Wendy England, Careers Adviser Darren Siggers, Placement Coordinator."— Presentation transcript:

1 Work Experience Professional Development for Computer Science Wendy England, Careers Adviser Darren Siggers, Placement Coordinator

2 Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life Confucius Career Choices and-advice/general-advice/start-your-career-hunt

3 Doing the math 80:1 100:1

4 Internship, Placements and Work experience Work Experience Required

5 The secret of the three circles To be employable you need to demonstrate achievements in all three circles. Curricula Everything assessed within your subject Extra- curricula Everything else you do as a student Co-curricula Non-assessed skills gained during your course

6 Benefits of work experience The value of work experience is greater than ever Placements – paid or unpaid – can set you aside from the competition Employers view work experience as a sign of commitment and motivation It can also give you a head start on new opportunities

7 INTERNSHIPS Who can apply? Will I be paid?  Some first year internships and insight experiences 2/3 days  Mainly second or penultimate year students  Some graduate and postgraduate internships  But no definitive list!  Formal structured programmes 8 to 12 weeks, usually summer  Also can be 1 to 2weeks over Christmas and Easter  internships usually paid  er_embedded er_embedded

8 Will I be PAID? PRBFl0aA&feature=player_embedded HMRC plans crackdown on fashion industry's unpaid interns New taskforce formed for random spot-checks on firms Firms with unpaid interns breach UK national minimum wage laws

9 What counts as Work Experience?  Part-time jobs Internships Placements Work Shadowing Volunteering Enterprise – SIFE – re-named Enactus You can get work experience both within and beyond your curriculum, all with different benefits. Work Experience video

10 All sectors Large companies - e.g. Proctor Gamble, BT, HSBC, Unilever, Mars, BIG 4 – KPMG, PWC, Deloitte, Ernst Young Public Sector Small medium employers – STEP Finding job vacancies: placements & internships

11 Formal Work Experience Placement Year – also known as Industrial Placements, Year in Industry as part of your degree OR you can Suspend Your Studies to do 1yr placement Work based learning – degree related work experience Student Tutoring - Internships - also known as work experience schemes, vacation scheme, summer internship but may also be at Easter Short Term Insights – from 1 day to 1week – primarily first year students but usually open to all undergraduates

12 1.Part-Time Jobs Typical student jobs include: Administrative work; telemarketing, promotional; market research, call centres; retail; bar work; catering; waiting on; and events work. Other ways to find part-time work Speculative applications Recruitment agencies Vacation schemes: Closing dates from now including public service, charity and not-for profit

13 2. Volunteering Voluntary Work - there are 1,800 charitable organisations across Merseyside e.g. social exclusion, children & youth, disability, the elderly, health: School Volunteering Scheme for voluntary work in schools-see ‘volunteering’ at Volunteer at Citizen’s Advice Bureau Useful sites:

14 3.Work Shadowing Short-Term Insights - from 1 day to 1 week depending on the sector. Primarily for first year students, but usually open to all undergraduates. Network to obtain work-shadowing Ask your academic tutor if there are ever company visits within the module.

15 4. Networking- ‘Networking is about asking people you know for advice and information.’ Everyone is part of a network You don’t necessarily have to ask directly for job or work experience…but hopefully that will be the outcome. If they can’t help ask if they can suggest someone who can… Who can you ask? Parents, family Tutors Friends Work colleagues Facebook/LinkedIn

16 5. Work Based Learning Placements Short term placements arranged in partnership with Careers and your department – final year project You will receive academic credit for degree-related work while gaining valuable work experience. If you are interested in finding out more about these opportunities, please contact: Clare Martindale

17 6. Summer Placements & Vacation Work Many companies that offer the long year placements also offer Easter and summer experience placements Visit for opportunities. -Service provided by the National Association of Student Employment Services. Provides details of university jobshops across the Registering with recruitment agencies – see to search.

18 7. Placement Year Also known as an Industrial Placement, Year in Industry or Internship. We only advertise paid placements and the pay is approximately £15,000-£18,000 a year. You can find placement opportunities at or through specialist websites such as The placement team within the Careers & Employability service can answer any queries you may have. Year in Industry arrange UK based 6-12 month placements for students in business, engineering, science and Offers a range of placements for students in their second or penultimate year. Projects typically take place over eight weeks in the summer, but are also available as a 12 month sandwich year or graduate NB If you are an international student, ensure your visa allows you to do this.

19 RateMyPlacement - Placements & Internships for Students - Undergraduate Work Experience Reviews & Jobs - Rate Your Placement


21 Accenture Internships

22 8.Overseas Placements Gaining international experience can be a great way to bolster your CV, develop your personal and professional skills, and to experience a different culture. The University’s Going Global website allows you to search for work experience in various countries across the world.Going Global The Careers & Employability Service CareerHub also lists a range of international placements, internships and work experience opportunities. We have lots of useful information on our website. Check our leaflets on ‘Useful websites for work experience & placements’ and ‘Volunteering Abroad’. Useful websites for work experience & placementsVolunteering Abroad

23 9. Set up your own Business Graduates pay off university debts by selling their faces as AD SPACE Entrepreneurs: Ross Harper, left, and Ed Moyse have earned an amazing £25,000 since last October by selling advertising space on their faces This Is Money article dated 4 th March 2012 Read more : space.html#ixzz1oyaQ8tqQ space.html#ixzz1oyaQ8tqQ

24 Starting Points... subscribe to the Enterprise Champion newsletter e-mail (put ‘newsletter subscription’ in the subject heading) Bright Futures ENACTUS a community of student, academic and business leaders committed to using the power of entrepreneurial action to transform lives and shape a better, more sustainable world.

25 10.Diversity SEO- London

26 Diversity SEO- London SEO London diversity focused charity providing undergraduates from under represented ethnic minority backgrounds the opportunity to gain direct access to the very best graduate employers In 2012, SEO will provide more than 750 internships with ALL of the City’s leading investment banks and professional service firms and many top tier law firms, management consultants, multi-national corporate and advertising agencies (more than 35 firms in total). More than 80% of the 1,850 students that have taken part in the SEO London scheme since 2000 have secured full time graduate positions with partner firms, a success rate far in excess of the industry average.

27 Is all experience the same then? “In a highly competitive job market, relevant work experience, gained in a similar organisation or similar role to your target graduate job, acquires additional value and has become an increasingly important route to a graduate job.”

28 Download our How to.... for list of websites

29 Down load our Getting Started in.... HT_2012.pdf

30 Take advantage of the resources in our careers library and our free guides

31 Go direct to employer websites Summer & Industrial Internships Technology Technology Research Business Management Marketing HR programme/uk-internships.aspx

32 When to Apply? Year placements advertised from September (to start the following July to September ) however an increasing amount are now advertised from as early as July. Structured Summer programmes can also start recruiting from the September before, however, some smaller companies may start to advertise at Easter onwards. For overseas placements, it can be later (January/February) depending on the country and opportunity. If you don’t find anything straight away, don’t give up, some companies find new opportunities later in the recruitment cycle and often contact us. Keep checking careerhub If you can, do lots of research early on and book a careers appointment if you need help with applying for placements. advice/internships.aspx advice/internships.aspx


34 Summary Where to look for work experience Search our vacancies database Use our “Getting started in” series of leaflets tarted tarted Down load our How to Get Work Experience Leaflet df df Prospects Work Experience – has job profiles giving specific advice on gaining STEP 8weeks summer placement within a small- medium sized business Also offers placements for Rate My Placement read reviews of UK and global work experience

35 How to make a of your work experience “Be open minded and make the most out of the environment that you are in. Try to build a network of contacts throughout your time as you never know who or when they will be useful.” “ Reflect on the skills you’ve gained and make sure that you update your CV with this evidence”

36 Apply now Do your research Invest in your skills

37 CAREERS AND EMPLOYABILITY SERVICE 1 st Floor, Student Services Centre Open Mon-Fri all year:- Careers Resource Centre 10am-4.45pm Drop-in Interviews (15 mins) 10.45am-3.45pm Long Interviews (40 mins) by appointment Justin Richardson

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