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San Francisco Police Department FY 2013-14 Budget Chief Gregory P. Suhr 1.

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Presentation on theme: "San Francisco Police Department FY 2013-14 Budget Chief Gregory P. Suhr 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 San Francisco Police Department FY 2013-14 Budget Chief Gregory P. Suhr 1

2 FY 13-14 Budget 2 - Budget Overview - Sworn Hiring Plan Update - Re-civilianization Progress Report - New Public Safety Building Update - Technology Projects - Capital Improvement Projects - Vehicles

3 FY 13-14 Budget $ 518,753,814 3

4 FY 13-14 Budget $ 518,753,814 General Fund = 89% 4

5 Work Order / Police Services FY 2013-14 Airport$50,440,040 Municipal Trans. Agen. (MTA)$14,746,702 Port of San Francisco$628,637 Public Utilities Commission$300,000 Library$189,000 Human Services Agency$171,731 Moscone Convention Center$75,000 Treasure Island$80,087 DPW Graffiti Abatement$60,000 5

6 Positions FY 2012-13 Budget FY 2013-14 Budget Expenditures$492,124,231$518,753,814 Sworn FTEs Civilian FTEs Total FTEs (Funded) 2,213 448 2,661 2,201 501 2,702 Total Sworn FTEs Airport Sworn173178 All Other Sworn2,0402,023 Total Civilian FTEs Airport138 All Other310363 6

7 Sworn Hiring Plan 7

8 Sworn Hiring Plan Update 8 Fiscal YearGoalProgress 2012-13150 + 30 Aug = 10 Oct = 50 Feb = 50 Apr = 20 May = 50 2013-14150 2014-15150 + 7 2015-16150 + TBD 2016-17150 + TBD 2017-18150 + TBD Ongoing100

9 Police Department 9

10 Scheduling Efficiencies In 1986, the department adopted 10-hr day for Patrol only – the 10-hr day was industry standard. Over the past 25 yrs, all non Patrol units assumed the 10-hr day. Through meet and confer last year, officers not in Patrol went back to 8 hr day for Admin, and 9-hr day was negotiated for specialized units. 503 Officers went from 10-hour day to 8-hour day Scheduling adjustments for units, not assigned to Patrol, nets nearly 16,000 additional days (66 FTEs valued at $10.5m at no added cost) – Officers are available for deployment Significantly more officers assigned to night and weekend shifts 10

11 Police Department 11

12 Funded for 21 Positions in FY 12-13 Funded for 31 Positions in FY 13-14 These civilianized positions will allow 52 officers, who had been in Patrol prior, to be redeployed back to the field. 12 Re-Civilianization Plan HIRING PROGRESS A number of position requests were approved in January. The Department has a number of candidates who have started in this quarter and/or are in the background process. Recruitment and selection processes are underway to meet established FY 12-13 civilianization hiring plan. Of 21 positions: 5Filled 3 In backgrounds 1 Pending canvassing of holdover 3 Pending referrals from the active eligible list (2 1842s; 1 1408) 8In recruitment/ testing/ selection process 1 Under new classification process

13 13 Re-Civilianization Plan

14 Police Department 14 NEW PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING UPDATE Steel Erection Began in January Construction Will Be Completed August 2014 Inauguration of Building / Open to Public Will Be in October 2014

15 I.T. Projects 15 Committee on Information Technology Project Submissions Expansion of Crime Data Warehouse Network Connectivity Upgrades for Vehicle Modems Mobile Devices for Officers Community Sharing of Crime Information – with two-way communication

16 Capital Improvements 16 FY 13-14 – Approved Golden Gate Park Stables Renovation - $227,701 Lake Merced Range Renovation - $500,000 FY 14-15 - Requested Mission Station Security Fencing Traffic Division Relocation from HOJ District Station & Academy Improvements * Sally Port Roofs * HVAC and Electrical Upgrades * Parking Lot Pavements * Hot Water Supply Systems

17 Vehicle Replacements 17 Aging Fleet - 79 or 27% of Marked Cars at/over 100,000 miles - Vehicles still in service from 1985 - 350 Vehicles only allowed because they fall under the exception to the SF Environment Code Healthy Air & Clean Transportation Program: Older than 12 years Unfunded Liability 5-Year Replacement Schedule: Working with Mayor to Implement FY 11-12 Costs Fuel = $2.3m Maint./Repair = $2.9m

18 Questions Chief Gregory P. Suhr 18

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