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Chapter 2 The Responsibilities of Parenting Child Development I.

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1 Chapter 2 The Responsibilities of Parenting Child Development I

2 Objectives Explain who can benefit from knowing about child development and parenting. Describe the five areas of responsibilities for parents.

3 Preparation for Parenthood Being a parent is a job unlike any other. Parents work hard but are not paid. They are on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Parenting is the process of caring for children and helping them grow and develop.

4 Who Needs Parenting Skills? Anyone who lives or works with children can benefit from knowing about child development and parenting.

5 Parenthood Readiness People considering parenthood should take a close look at what parenting involves. Children deserve to be born to parents who are ready for parenthood. Emotional maturity Health considerations Financial concerns Management of personal resources Parenting skills

6 Group Work Work with someone next to you to determine one example of each factor listed below. (Independent Students Also) –Emotional maturity –Health considerations –Financial concerns –Management of personal resources –Parenting skills

7 Emotional Maturity Emotional maturity means being responsible enough to consistently put someone else’s needs before your own needs.

8 Heath Considerations Before pregnancy, it is best for both prospective parents to have a medical checkup. –Expectant mothers need to get: Proper nutrition Gain adequate weight Seek prenatal care

9 Financial Concerns Raising a child is expensive! –Clothes –Health care –Food –Equipment –Other Expenses

10 How much $? The U.S. government recently released their calculations for the cost of raising a child from birth to 18 years… –$160,140.

11 How much $? That doesn’t include college expenses which could add upwards of… $50,000.

12 Resource Management Skills Parents need to wisely use the resources they have available to provide for their families. Five Key Steps to Resource Management 1. Set goals 2. Identify resources 3. Make a plan 4. Put the plan into action 5. Re-evaluate from time to time

13 Parenting Skills Can parenting be learned? Absolutely! Classes in child development and parenting are good sources for information and support Hospitals Schools Community groups Private instructors/workshops

14 Other Ways to Build Parenting Skills –Books, magazine articles, online information –Work with children informally or as a job –Ask the advice of family and friends who have parenting experience –Observe parents and children whenever possible

15 Group Work Using the magazines in our classroom, look for parenting advice. Cut out your article and be ready to talk about why this information important. (Independent Students Also)

16 Galinsky’s Stages of Parenting Image-Making –Pregnancy – begin to imagine parenting Nurturing –Birth to age 2 – become emotionally attached to child Authority –Age 2 to ages 4-5 – determine rules Interpretive –Ages 4-5 to age 13 – decide knowledge, skills and values needed Interdependent –Adolescence – establish boundaries and disciplinary methods Departure –Child leaves home – evaluate parenting

17 New Responsibilities Many new parents say that having children changes everything!!!! –Lifestyle changes –Emotional adjustments –Relationship changes –Employment adjustments –Legal responsibilities

18 Low Birth Weight Babies Research Weigh less than five pounds, eight ounces. At risk for serious health problems –Vision and hearing loss –Learning difficulties –Mental retardation –Cerebral palsy

19 Low Birth Weight Babies Research Factors –Illness to the mother or fetus –Premature birth –Twin or other multiple –Mother smokes –Mother used alcohol or illegal drugs –Age of mother

20 Research (Independent Students Also) Research steps a woman can take to reduce her risk of delivering a low birth weight baby. Create a poster that includes a list of the steps you find. –Resources: Books, Magazines & Computer

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