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1 DSP&S On-Line Orientation Fresno City College Disabled Students Programs and Services 1101 E. University Ave. Fresno, CA 93741 Voice/TTY: (559) 442-8237.

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Presentation on theme: "1 DSP&S On-Line Orientation Fresno City College Disabled Students Programs and Services 1101 E. University Ave. Fresno, CA 93741 Voice/TTY: (559) 442-8237."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 DSP&S On-Line Orientation Fresno City College Disabled Students Programs and Services 1101 E. University Ave. Fresno, CA 93741 Voice/TTY: (559) 442-8237 FAX: (559) 485-7304

2 2 DISABLED STUDENTS PROGRAMS & SERVICES ONLINE ORIENTATION This presentation will: 1. Introduce you to the Disabled Students Program and Services 2. Direct you in applying for eligible services 3. Provide a guided tour of the DSP&S website.

3 3 PURPOSE The DSP&S Department was established at Fresno City College in 1970 to support the academic and/or vocational goals of students with physical, learning or psychological disabilities. Student participation in the program is voluntary and all information is confidential.

4 4 DISABILITY RELATED LAWS DSP&S provides programs and services for students with disabilities in compliance with: 1. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and 2. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Link to “Laws” DSP&S website

5 5 MISSION STATEMENT The mission of Disabled Students Programs and Services is to offer services to students with physical, learning and psychological disabilities beyond those provided by conventional Fresno City College programs, thus “aiding” students to successfully pursue their individual educational, vocational and personal goals.

6 6 REASONABLE ACCOMMODATIONS Reasonable Accommodations provide access to education in a timely manner without changing the fundamental elements of the course. DSP&S strives to support SCCCD in the inclusion of our students as independent, responsible, and productive.

7 7 STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES All students are held responsible for complying with the State Center Community College District Student Code of Conduct and other campus regulations as listed in the current campus catalog, as well as all rules and regulations as outlined in the DSP&S Student Handbook Code of Conduct Catalogs and Schedules DSP&S Student Handbook

8 8 Applying for DSP&S 1. Submit and complete a Fresno City College application. Application for AdmissionApplication for Admission 2. Call 442-8237 and schedule a New Student Intake appointment. 3. Bring verification of your disability to the New Student Intake Appointment. – Eligible DisabilitiesEligible Disabilities 4. Upon completion of the intake process you will be scheduled for an appointment with your assigned DSP&S counselor. 5. Take the placement test (if applicable); accommodations can be requested during intake appointment.

9 9 DETERMINING ELIGIBILITY 1. Students wishing to receive services must provide documentation from appropriate agencies or certified/licensed professions outside of DSP&S, per Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations. - Acceptable VerificationAcceptable Verification 2. There are nine disability categories eligible for DSP&S services with the California Community College system. 9 disability categories9 disability categories 3. In order to determine eligibility for services, DSP&S may require that additional documentation be submitted. 4. In addition to disability verification, each semester the student must meet with his/her DSP&S Counselor to request appropriate accommodations and services. 5. Each semester the student must meet with his/her DSP&S Counselor to complete a Student Educational Contract. SECSEC

10 10 Acceptable Forms of Verification A physical disability verified by an appropriate professional and/or physician (ex: medical doctor, psychologist, psychiatrist, chiropractor, etc.). The verification should identify and describe the student’s disability and the educational limitations which inhibit the educational process. Verification from another DSP&S program that determines eligibility for services per Title IV guidelines. Copies of a complete IEP if you received services in high school. The IEP should contain learning disability results and/or psychological reports. Page 1 of 3

11 11 Acceptable Forms of Verification, con’t. A student with a hearing impairment must have an audiogram indicating hearing loss on file with DSP&S or other professional certification of degree or level of hearing loss. A student with a learning disability must provide a copy of the test battery/results that qualify the student for LD support services. If the LD testing is 3 years old or more, you may be required to retest with our certified Learning Disability Specialist before services can be provided. Page 2 of 3

12 12 Acceptable Forms of Verification, con’t. A student with a speech/language disability must have that disability verified by a speech-language pathologist prior to receiving DSP&S services. DSP&S professional staff, with review by the DSP&S Director, may through personal observation, verify the existence of an observable disability. Use of this procedure is limited to conditions that can be seen externally (ex: quadriplegia, paraplegia, amputation, cerebral palsy) NOTE: Proof of SSI is NOT a valid form of disability verification. Page 3 of 3

13 13 SUBMITTING REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION Verification forms are available on the DSP&S Website FormsForms If submitting verification by fax, the number is (559) 485-7304

14 14 DISABILITY GROUPS AND MEANS OF VERIFICATION The next slide links to descriptions of the nine disability groups eligible for DSP&S services within the California Community College System. It is important that you identify which category best describes your disability, and also determine the appropriate professional who can provide you with the required verification.

15 15 DSP&S ELIGIBILITY CATEGORIES You may click a red hyperlink below to go directly to your specific disability category’s eligibility requirements, or if you are uncertain, you may move on to the next slide to view each of the disability categories in sequence. Acquired Brain Injury Deaf and Hard of Hearing Psychological Disability Mobility Disability Speech and Language Visual Disability Developmental Delayed Learner Learning Disability “Other” Disability

16 16 ACQUIRED BRAIN INJURY (ABI) ABI is defined as an acquired brain impairment caused by external or internal trauma, resulting in total or partial functional limitations that adversely affects or limits a student’s educational performance by impairing: Language and/or speech Cognition, information processing Memory and attention Psycho social behavior, or Physical functions ABI can be verified by a psychologist, neuropsychologist, or physician.

17 17 DEAF AND HARD OF HEARING Deaf/hard of hearing (HOH) means total deafness or a hearing loss so severe that a student is impaired in processing information through hearing, with or without amplification Deaf/HOH does not apply where the loss or impairment is the result of a psychological disability, autism, or ABI. The disability can be verified by a physician or other licensed hearing professional.

18 18 PSYCHOLOGICAL DISABILITY Psychological disability is defined as a persistent psychological or psychiatric disorder, emotional or mental illness that adversely affects educational performance. A psychological disability can be verified by a psychologist or psychiatrist, physician, Marriage Family and Child Counselor, or a licensed clinical social worker.

19 19 MOBILITY DISABILITY Mobility limitation is defined as any orthopedic or physical impairment that causes a serious limitation in locomotion or motor functions in the educational environment. Mobility limitation may include impairments caused by: congenital anomaly, disease, amputation, fractures and burns; other conditions in this category include: arthritis, spinal cord injury, post polio, M.S., muscular dystrophy, and back injury. A mobility disability can be verified by a physician.

20 20 SPEECH AND LANGUAGE DISABILITY Speech disability is defined as a disorder of expressive or receptive language, articulation, voice, or fluency of speech. This disability can be verified by a licensed Speech and Language Pathologist.

21 21 VISUAL DISABILITY Visual limitation is defined as a total or partial loss of sight that adversely affects a student’s educational performance. Visual limitation does not apply where the loss or impairment is the result of psychological condition or an Acquired Brain Injury (ABI). This disability can be verified by a physician, or a licensed vision professional.

22 22 DEVELOPMENTALLY DELAYED LEARNER The developmentally delayed learner (DDL) is a student who exhibits the following characteristics: Below average intellectual functioning Potential for employment settings This disability is typically characterized as having learning deficits resulting from below average intellectual functioning that adversely affects educational performance, existing concurrently with measurable potential for achievement in educational and/or employment settings. This disability can be verified by the DSP&S Coordinator or DDL specialists using the documentation from referring agency.

23 23 “OTHER” DISABILITY This category includes all over verifiable disabilities and health related limitations that adversely affect education performance but do not fall into any of the other categories. Other Disabilities include: Conditions having limited strength, vitality, or alertness due to chronic or acute health problems. Examples are: Attention deficit disorder (ADD); Epilepsy; Heart conditions; HIV/AIDS; Cancer This disability group can be verified by a licensed physician.

24 24 LEARNING DISABILITY (LD) A Learning Disability is defined as a persistent condition of a presumed neurological dysfunction. This dysfunction continues despite instruction in standard classroom situations. Learning disabilities are exhibited by: Average to above-average intellectual ability Severe processing deficit(s) Severe aptitude-achievement discrepancy(ies) Measured achievement in an instructional or employment setting Click for next slide 1 of 2

25 25 LEARNING DISABILITY (LD), con’t. This disability must be verified using the California Community College LD Eligibility Assessment model. Qualified DSP&S staff members can both verify and assess eligibility for services related to a Learning Disability. Documentation of appropriate test results from a referring agency may also be used in the community college LD eligibility model assessment. Test scores must not be more than 3 years old. Even though a student has been diagnosed previously, the community colleges needs to determine eligibility for their LD programs and services. The most recent Psycho- educational assessment, even if more than three years old, would be helpful, for history of LD.

26 26 LEARNING DISABILITY ASSESSMENT You may be requested to take the LD Assessment if: 1. This is your first LD referral with no history of verified LD; or 2. Your previous LD testing was done prior to age sixteen; or 3. You were tested more than three years ago.

27 27 WHO CAN ENROLL AT SCCCD? You may enroll in classes at SCCCD if you are a high school graduate or the equivalent (GED or CHSPE) or if not a high school graduate, you are at least 18 years old. Also, if you are a currently enrolled high school junior or senior, you are welcome to take classes with permission from a parent and your high school principal. Contact your high school counselor for details about the High School Enrichment Program.

28 28 SERVICES AND ACCOMMODATIONS The DSP&S program offers many services for students with disabilities. A complete listing of services, accommodations, and special equipment is available on the DSP&S website. DSP&S website

29 29 SPECIALIZED CLASSES AND PROGRAMS Specialized classes for students with disabilities are available in many areas. Specialized Programs for students with disabilities are available in many areas. A complete list of Fresno City College Associate Degree and Certificate Programs is available on the FCC Website FCC Home Page DSP&S Programs and Services Catalogs and Schedules

30 30 REVIEW Remember that you will be assigned to DSP&S counselor after you complete the following steps: 1. Submit and complete a Fresno City College application. ( –Application for AdmissionApplication for Admission 2. Call 442-8237 and schedule a New Student Intake appointment. 3. Bring verification of your disability to the New Student Intake Appointment. – Qualifying DisabilitiesQualifying Disabilities 4. Upon completion of the intake process you will be scheduled for an appointment with your assigned DSP&S counselor. 5. Take the placement test (if applicable); accommodations can be requested during intake appointment.

31 31 DSP&S ORIENTATION Certificate of Completion I have reviewed and understand the orientation to SCCCD DSP&S program. I am submitting my verification of disability to the DSP&S office on the campus of my choice. I am requesting services from DSP&S, I am submitting an application for DSP&S services, and I have scheduled a New Student Intake appointment. Signed: _______________________ Date: _______________________ Please download, print, sign and bring with you to your New Student Intake appointment.

32 32 ORIENTATION FINAL STEP Please bring your DSP&S Orientation “Certificate of Completion” to your New Student Intake appointment, along with verification of your disability. Disability CategoriesDisability Categories Applying for DSP&S

33 33 THANK YOU For viewing our orientation. We look forward to meeting you!

34 34 For further information please contact: Fresno City College Disabled Students Programs and Services 1101 E. University Ave. Fresno CA. 93741 Voice/TDD (559) 442-8237 FAX: (559) 485-7304 Please contact:

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