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Published byMarilynn Henderson Modified over 8 years ago
English Language Learner Updates LASAFAP April 5,2016
English Language Learner Updates Agenda Acronyms Purpose of the Program (s) Definition and identification of a Limited English Proficient (LEP) student Assessment Requirements Impact of ESSA on Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives Other Updates Questions Louisiana Believes
Acronyms EL or ELL: English (language) learner—Refers to students. LEP: Limited English Proficient—Refers to a student classification. (Term used in the law). ESL: English as a second language—Refers to a kind of instructional program. ELP: English Language Proficiency ELDS: English Language Development Standards ELPS: English Language Proficiency Standards Louisiana Believes
4 Purpose of the ESL Program To ensure that all children who are English Language Learners (Els) attain English proficiency, develop high levels of academic attainment in English, and meet the same challenging State academic content and student academic achievement standards. To promote parental and community participation in language instruction educational programs for the parents and communities of ELs.
5 Definition of an EL 1. who is aged 3 through 21; 2.who is enrolled or preparing to enroll in an elementary school or secondary school; 3.who was not born in the United States or whose native language is a language other than English; 4.who is a Native American or Alaska Native or who is a native resident of the outlying areas and comes from an environment where a language other than English has had significant impact on such individual's level of English language proficiency; or 5.who is migratory, whose native language is a language other than English, and who comes from an environment where a language other than English is dominant; and 6.whose difficulties in speaking, reading, writing, or understanding the English language may be sufficient to deny the individual: a. the ability to meet the state's proficient level of achievement on state assessments described in Section 1111(b)(3); b. the ability to successfully achieve in classrooms where the language of instruction is English; or c. the opportunity to participate in society (PL-10710, Title IX, Sec. 9101[25]. Bulletin 118 §3307 A student :
6 Identifying ELs 1. Each LEA should ensure that all students have a completed Home Language Survey (HLS) in their records. 3 Questions: On separate form or on registration form Student’s first language Language spoken at home Language used most frequently 2. If student language is other than English, LEAs should administer a standardized, norm-referenced assessment instrument to “screen” the student to determine English Language Proficiency (LAS Links; IPT). 3. Inform parents of a child identified for participation in a Title III or specialized ESL program within 30 days after the beginning of the school year. For a child who enters school after the beginning of the school year, the school must inform parents within two weeks of the child's placement in such a program.. (NCLB, §1112(g)(2)).
7 Parental Refusal of Specialized Services 1. Parents do have the right to refuse specialized services outlined in Parental Notification Letter. Refusal must be in writing 2.School district must still: Provide necessary supports to ensure curriculum is accessible to the student; Administer ELDA until student achieves level required to exit LEP status; and Provide accommodations just like all other ELs. Parent refusal of services does not waive a child’s right to appropriate accommodations. 3. Student will still be included in LEP student group for AYP and AMAO purposes.
8 Assessment Requirements ● In Louisiana, all LEP students must participate in statewide assessments (Bulletin 118, §3307). ● The ELDA will be used in 2016-2017 ● In addition, both Title I and Title III requires that all LEP students take an annual assessment of English language proficiency that measures students’ reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills in English. ● Louisiana administers the English Language Development Assessment or ELDA
9 Accommodations LEP students qualify; for accommodations provided: ▪ They are used in the students' regular classroom instruction and assessment; ▪ Test accommodations must not be different from or in addition to the accommodations provided in the classroom during instruction and assessment and must not compromise test security or confidentiality. (Bulletin 118, §3307) Accommodations include: ▪ Extended /adjusted time ▪ Individual/Small Group Administration ▪ Provision of English/Native Language Word-to-Word Dictionary ▪ Tests read aloud (except portions that test reading comprehension) ▪ Test administered by ESL teacher to by individual providing language services.
10 Assessment Waivers ● The SBLC shall be granted the authority to waive the state's grade promotion policy for a LEP student. An EL who was granted a waiver at the fourth grade level is ineligible for a waiver at the eighth grade level. ● Safe Harbor Test: The test score of every student who is enrolled in any school in an LEA on October 1 of the academic year and who is eligible to take a test at a given school within the same LEA shall be included in the LEA’s district performance score (DPS). The score of every student that will count in the DPS will be counted at the school where the student was enrolled on February 1 for SPS and subgroup AYP. Bulletin 111
11 English Proficiency Defined 1. For grades K-2: a. two years at composite level V on the English language development a assessment (ELDA); or, in the same year; composite level V on ELDA and at grade-level/benchmark/low-risk on a standardized reading assessment, such as DIBELS Next. 2.For grades 3-8: a. composite level V on ELDA; or, in the same year; b. at composite level 4 IV on ELDA and at proficient on the ELA or English language arts state content assessment. 3.For grades 9-12: a. composite level V on the ELDA: or, in the same year; b. at composite level IV on the ELDA and at proficient on ELA or English state content assessment in the most recent academic year. English proficiency requirements are :
12 Impact of ESSA on Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives (AMAO) December 10, 2015, the President signed into law the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), which reauthorizes the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESES). Although the provisions of the ESSA do not go into effect until the 2017-2018 school year, to ensure an orderly transition, there are several immediate impacts on Title III Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives (AMAOs).
13 Impact of ESSA on Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives (AMAO) Continued In both its December 2015 and January 2016 “Dear Colleague” letters, the US Department of Education (USDOE) stated that states are not required to hold LEAs accountable for their performance against AMAOs 1, 2, and 3 under Title III of ESEA. Accordingly, the letters stated that States must freeze district accountability under Title III on the most recent AMAO calculations and continue to provide LEAs with corresponding supports and interventions in the remaining months of the 2015-2016 school year and the 2016-2017 school year.
14 Impact of ESSA on Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives (AMAO) Continued Given the importance in evaluating the effectiveness of district programs to increase the language proficiency of its English language learners (ELs), the LDOE did calculate each 2014-2015 Title III districts’ performance against the applicable AMAO targets. However, in light of the transition to ESSA, your district’s Title III accountability will “freeze” under the 2013-2014 determinations. This means: 1. No parental notification of 14-15 AMAO results is required; 2. Title III improvement plans based on 2014-2015 determinations are not required. However, if your district has a current improvement plan, you are strongly encouraged to look at current determinations as a strong measure of the effectiveness of this plan and to make any applicable changes needed.
15 AMAOs defined ● AMAO 1 Progress – Percent of ELs students making progress in learning English as indicated through ELDA scores ● AMAO 2 Attainment – Percent of Els attaining proficiency in English (see below) ● AMAO 3 ELL Accountability – District making Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) for the EL subgroup
Longitudinal Report Will email 14-15 AMAO results this week via 4-year longitudinal reports. Email will be emailed to district Superintendent; Title III Coordinator and applicable Network leader will also be CC’d Louisiana Believes
Sample Longitudinal Report Louisiana Believes
Other Updates Completing work on ESL District Handbook. Will release by end of April; LDOE continues collaboration with South Central Comprehensive Center (SC3) to build its capacity in the area of supporting our districts/schools in serving English learners. Two main initiatives with SC3: Louisiana Believes
ESL Coaches Academy ESL Coaches Academy : First ELL Academy was offered to a cohort of districts from geographical areas covered by old Networks 4 and 5. This area was chosen because the districts in it serve a majority of the ELs in the state (17,644 out of 21,733 or 81%). Phase 1: Training session: Two trainings sessions to introduce peer- coaching model techniques and instructional strategies effective for ELs held on June 4 & 5, and September 14&15. Phase 2: Implementation Pilot:. Jefferson Parish, St. John the Baptist Parish, and Algiers Charter Association participating in an implementation pilot Phase 3: Next Steps: Support implementation and evaluate effectives of model in 3 pilot districts; (2) develop immediate “roll-out” plan for building capacity in remaining Cohort 1 districts; (3) build long-term roll- out strategy for remaining state-wide districts. Louisiana Believes
Community of Learners Monthly interactive webinars designed to increase district participant’s knowledge of effective strategies for improving academic achievement of English learners (ELs). Open to all who want to share with others as you build your skills in working with Els; For a calendar of webinars and registration information, please contact Rosie Garcia-Belina, Louisiana Believes
Resources English Language Learner Toolkit from Department of Education and Department of Justice: -learner-toolkit/index.html South Central Comprehensive Center ELL Knowledge Base: Louisiana Believes
Questions? Louisiana Believes
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