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Race & Discrimination.   Race is viewed by many as the idea that humankind can be sorted into biologically distinct groups  Based on physical characteristics.

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Presentation on theme: "Race & Discrimination.   Race is viewed by many as the idea that humankind can be sorted into biologically distinct groups  Based on physical characteristics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Race & Discrimination

2   Race is viewed by many as the idea that humankind can be sorted into biologically distinct groups  Based on physical characteristics  Every person fits into 1 category  Rejected by biologists, geneticists, & social scientists –all people belong to the same species  Biologically race may be a myth, but it is a social reality  Race is defined as a category of people who share observable physical characteristics & whom others see as being a distinct group Race as Myth & Reality

3   Ethnicity is separate from race  Ethnicity refers to a set of cultural characteristics that distinguishes one from another  People who share a common cultural background and a common sense of identity are known as an ethnic group  Ethnicity can cross racial lines Ethnicity

4   Dominant group: refers not to the majority but to the group that has the ability to discriminate by virtue of its power  A minority: group of people who, because of their physical characteristics or cultural practices, are singled out & unequally treated  Ascribed status, strong bond & sense of loyalty, members tend to practice endogamy Minority Groups

5  Acting WhiteActing Black Acting Hispanic/LatinoActing Asian Acting Native American

6   Choose 5 instances (physical objects & patterns of behavior) from the Sneetches and relate them to real life, be sure to give an example

7   Discrimination : is the denial of equal treatment to individuals based on their group membership (actions)  Legal Discrimination : is upheld by law (de jure)  Institutionalized Discrimination : discrimination by corporations, govts, schools (de facto)  Unequal access to resources can push a minority group into less-powerful positions

8   Prejudice : is an unsupported generalization about a category of people (attitudes )  Stereotype : is an oversimplified, exaggerated, or unfavorable generalization about a group of people  Self-fulfilling prophecy : a prediction that results in behavior that makes the prediction come true  Racism : the belief that one’s own race of ethnic group is naturally superior to others

9   Sociological Explanation:  Prejudices are embedded into social norms that describe how members of society are expected to relate to certain out-groups  Psychological Explanation:  Personality type  Scapegoating: the practice of blaming others for one’s problems  Economic Explanation:  Arises from competition for scarce resources Sources of Discrimination & Prejudice

10   Cultural Pluralism : allows each group within society to keeps its unique cultural identity  Assimilation : the blending of culturally distinct groups into a single group with a common culture  Legal Protection : policies to ensure that minority groups are treated equally  Segregation : physical separation of a minority group from the dominant group Patterns of Minority Group Treatment

11   Subjugation : maintaining control over a group through force  Population transfer : minority group is separated from the dominant society by being moved to a new territory  Extermination : elimination of a minority group  Genocide: occurs when the goal is to destroy an entire national, ethnic, or racial group  Ethnic cleansing: removing a group from a particular area through terror, expulsion, & mass murder Pattern cont’d

12  “You do not take a man who for years has been hobbled by chains, liberate him, bring him to the starting line of a race, saying, ‘you are free to compete with all the others,’ and still justly believe you have been completely fair...” 1.Put the quote in your own words 2.What do you think this quote means? 3.What event/time period in history do you think this quote is from? Warm-up

13  “You do not wipe away the scars of centuries by saying: 'now, you are free to go where you want, do as you desire, and choose the leaders you please.' You do not take a man who for years has been hobbled by chains, liberate him, bring him to the starting line of a race, saying, ‘you are free to compete with all the others,’ and still justly believe you have been completely fair... This is the next and more profound stage of the battle for civil rights. We seek not just freedom but opportunity—not just legal equity but human ability—not just equality as a right and a theory, but equality as a fact and as a result.” -President Lyndon B. Johnson, June 4, 1964

14   A gap between what Americans claim to believe & how they behave –Gunnar Mydral  Ideals vs. action  White Anglo-Saxon Protestants (WASPs) have set the dominant culture, however it doesn’t reflect multiculturalism  Minority groups adapt to dominant culture The American Dilemma

15   12% of US population  Civil Rights movement of 1950s & 60s brought about social gains  41% of household have middle-class incomes, still negative trends in education, employment, & income  Environmental racism: racial bias in environmental policies  Targeting minority communities for waste sites Black Americans

16   9% of the population  In 2006 44 million in the US -59% increase since 1990  Come from a variety of backgrounds  Immigrated for economic opportunity & political freedom  Very politically active group  Struggle in areas of employment & education Hispanic Americans

17   5% of US population  Come from a variety of backgrounds  Have excelled in education & have used this to rise in society  “model minority”  Masks huge differences in experiences  Not all Asian Americans have prospered Asian Americans

18   Government policies have been abusive  2.9 million Native Americans in US today  55% live on reservations,  Hardships:  50% on or near the reservations are unemployed  25% live in poverty  Less than 14% attend college  Pan-Indianism: social & political movement that unites culturally distinct Native American nations to work together on issues that affect all Native Americans Native American

19   White ethnics: immigrants from the mainly catholic countries of Ireland, Italy, Poland, & Greece  Jewish Americans: religious ethnic group  Arab Americans: people who trace their heritage to Arab nations (ex: Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon) –diverse in language & religion Other Minorities

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