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Planning for the Future The WHY, WHAT and HOW to updating your club constitution and developing a supporting long term plan WELCOME from… Hans van Bavel.

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Presentation on theme: "Planning for the Future The WHY, WHAT and HOW to updating your club constitution and developing a supporting long term plan WELCOME from… Hans van Bavel."— Presentation transcript:

1 Planning for the Future The WHY, WHAT and HOW to updating your club constitution and developing a supporting long term plan WELCOME from… Hans van Bavel Director, DELTA Training Office for Recreation and Sport Community presenter STARCLUB Mentor Club Secretary

2 Today we will cover: 1. Why review and update your constitution? 2. Outline a recommended approach to achieving this task 3. Provide a process for undertaking a long term plan, taking into account aspects of the constitution

3 What’s changed? More regulation: GST Privacy Work Health and Safety Children’s Protection ASADA More issues: Increased insurance premiums Harassment and bullying Alcohol Drugs Importance of Good Governance

4 You are not alone! Under outdated constitutions sports clubs are struggling to deal with the demands of these pressures Good governance also requires sound planning to organise managing change The issue…

5 - How old is your club constitution? - Has it lost its relevance and meaning?

6 Majority of clubs have original constitutions that date back many years! Many have been amended piecemeal over time The amendments create a less consistent document Many don’t separate the regulations, making it difficult for the committee to be proactive How old is your club constitution?

7 Requires members support to make amendments Constitution Elected committee can make amendments Regulations (By-laws)

8 Don’t panel beat it, replace it!

9 National Association State Association Regional Association Club ASC and ORS have developed templates for each Templates are aligned and based on best practice governance principles The need for constitutional alignment

10 The club’s constitution binds members to the jurisdiction of the Regional Association. In turn the Regional Association constitution also binds the member clubs to the State Association, etc… National Association State Association Regional Association Club The need for constitutional alignment

11 Why is alignment important? Related objects from National body(NSO) to clubs Common membership categories Common effects of membership Stronger/entrenched relationships from NSO to clubs Policies and rules developed by the NSO and SSO automatically adopted by club Common disciplinary clauses and dispute resolution processes SAVES YOU TIME AND EFFORT IN UPDATING!

12 Updating your constitution Contact your State Association Gather key documents (e.g. current constitution, state constitution, ORS Template, other club examples) Form a Constitution Sub Committee Set a project timeline (6 months out from your AGM) Sell it to your members – develop a rationale/benefits list Seek input from members Keep members informed on progress

13 ORS Template search pathway Website: Sport and Active Recreation – for Associations and Clubs: ‘Click’… Under ‘Support for Associations and Clubs’ Scroll to ‘Club Development’ 3 rd dot point ‘Club Constitution Template’: click to open ‘ Associations Organization Development’ page Scroll down to Constitutions Templates and ‘click’ on blue constitutions templates Open Club Constitution Template and begin!

14 Constitution sorted? – then why plan? Professionalism expected of committees – Good governance Legal and ethical requirements More competition between sports Enables growth challenges to be incorporated Demographics are changing – shift to family involvement Need to develop strategies that appeal to community values and needs Compliments the components of the constitution (e.g. Objects)

15 ‘The big picture’: Get the M.O.S.T. out of long term planning Mission/Vision: Why we exist – our purpose / ideal future [Very long term] Objectives:Key goals required for success: WHATS Strategies: Ways to achieve our objectives: HOWS Tasks: Lots of tasks to ‘get by’ (agenda items) [Very short term] + What are the Club’s values supporting the plan?

16 How to Steps 1.Preparation Agree the need Develop key pillars (5-7) that will be the focus of the plan Invite participation from members by way of a 2-3 hour workshop – selling the need/benefits (link to constitution update) Seek out an independent facilitator Consider making it semi-social

17 How to Steps…cont. 2.Conduct the workshop Participants are asked to brainstorm and agree:- Vision, mission, stakeholders & values Members then write down their ideas, strengths, opportunities and challenges… …for the Club’s future under each headlined ‘pillar’ Participants vote on ideas that best represent priority future needs – these are converted to Objectives

18 How to Steps…cont. 3.Post planning work The committee consolidates the information using a simple template to form the plan The plan is refined and communicated for feedback Links to parent body are considered and compatible Objectives and strategies are assessed against the constitution for compatibility A reporting approach to advise progress is agreed A sub-committee finalizes the plan for committee approval

19 Plan template content Outline of ‘Who we are’ – background Vision Mission Stakeholders Values Pillars – Each pillar requires the following: OBJECTIVESSTRATEGIESKPI’sTIMELINESWHO WILL LEAD

20 Distribution to members You will have to consider how you distribute both the constitution and strategic plan to them It may be part of the next year’s membership pack, you may place it on the club/association website or make copies available at club rooms or competitions Demonstrate your achievement, efficiency and transparency!

21 Take the first step… Thank you for the opportunity to present to you.. Hans van Bavel On behalf of the Office for Recreation and Sport.

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