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Presentation on theme: "EASTSIDE ACTIVITY CENTER MASTER PLAN PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT CPA 13-08 Board of County Commissioners Hearing May 13, 2008."— Presentation transcript:


2 Eastside Activity Center Location

3 Eastside Activity Center Aerial View

4 Existing Land Use

5 Currently Adopted Future Land Use Map (adopted 1994)

6 Eastside Activity Center Interim Guidelines (From Alachua County Comprehensive Plan) Employment-Based Medium-Intensity Activity Center, established in 1994: ■ Designated for institutional, office, light industrial, residential, neighborhood commercial, and support service uses ■ Mix of uses based on percentage of total acreage ■ Promote economic development and job creation ■ Framework for private investment

7 Eastside Activity Center Context





12 Activity Center Master Plans ■ County Comprehensive Plan calls for updated master plans for Activity Centers to bring them into compliance with County’s general policies for compact mixed uses  Specific plan to address land use, transportation, natural resources, and development standards.  Compact development with a mixture of uses  Automobile, transit, bicycle, and pedestrian connections ■ Implementation of Plan East Gainesville ■ Eastside Activity Center Plan is first to be updated

13 Scope of Work ■ County Commission approved Resolution 06-99 in September 2006 to initiate the Eastside Activity Center Master Plan, including an update of the 1994 Interim Guidelines ■ Community Involvement, 2007:  3 community meetings  1 focus group meeting  Participation by Renaissance Planning Group  Coordination with School Board, City of Gainesville, and property owners

14 Scope of Work ■ Conceptual Master Plan presented to County Commission on January 22, 2008 ■ County Commission recommended initiating Comprehensive Plan amendments to implement Conceptual Master Plan ■ County Commission direction for greater focus on residential land use, and less on employment ■ Proposed amendment (CPA 13-08) responds to County Commission direction from January 22, 2008

15 Mixed use areas throughout Activity Center Mixed use areas throughout Activity Center Residential areas with a variety of densities Residential areas with a variety of densities Neighborhood-scale retail and services Neighborhood-scale retail and services Employment-generating land uses behind high school Employment-generating land uses behind high school Highest density/intensity concentrated near Hawthorne Road/SE 43 rd Street intersection Highest density/intensity concentrated near Hawthorne Road/SE 43 rd Street intersection Internal circulation system, including pedestrian and transit facilities Internal circulation system, including pedestrian and transit facilities Strategic Ecosystem protection west of SE 43 rd St. Strategic Ecosystem protection west of SE 43 rd St. Master Plan Overview

16 New Master Plan Future Land Use Map

17 “Mixed Use” “Mixed Use” “Mixed Use, Residential” “Mixed Use, Residential” 1 to 4 units per acre 1 to 4 units per acre 4 to 8 units per acre 4 to 8 units per acre 8 to 14 units per acre 8 to 14 units per acre “Mixed Use, Employment” “Mixed Use, Employment” “Mixed Use, Neighborhood Convenience Center” “Mixed Use, Neighborhood Convenience Center” New Future Land Use Map Categories Mixed Use Mixed Use Residential (1-4) Mixed Use Employment Mixed Use Residential (4-8) Mixed Use Residential (8-14) Institutional Mixed Use, Neighborhood Convenience Mixed Use Residential (4-8)

18 Mixed use, transit-oriented node near intersection of Hawthorne Rd. and SE 43 rd Street Mixed use, transit-oriented node near intersection of Hawthorne Rd. and SE 43 rd Street Office, Retail, and Residential Mix Office, Retail, and Residential Mix Vertical mixing of uses allowed Vertical mixing of uses allowed Retail concentrated near Hawthorne Road Retail concentrated near Hawthorne Road Residential Density: 8 to 14 dwelling units per acre Residential Density: 8 to 14 dwelling units per acre Non-Residential Mix: Non-Residential Mix: Retail Commercial: Max. 60% of Non-Residential Retail Commercial: Max. 60% of Non-Residential 4 to 5 story mixed use buildings 4 to 5 story mixed use buildings “Mixed Use”

19 “Mixed Use” - Examples

20 3 Sub-categories: 3 Sub-categories: 8 to 14 dwelling units per acre 8 to 14 dwelling units per acre 4 to 8 dwelling units per acre 4 to 8 dwelling units per acre 1 to 4 dwelling units per acre 1 to 4 dwelling units per acre Various dwelling unit types: Various dwelling unit types: Single-family attached Single-family attached Single-family detached Single-family detached Multiple-family Multiple-family Non-residential uses optional within mixed use buildings Non-residential uses optional within mixed use buildings “Mixed Use, Residential”

21 “Mixed Use, Residential” - Example Density = 8.5 units per acre Non-Residential on Ground Floor Park Lane, Tower Road Area

22 Residential Density Example Density = 10 units per acre Residential-Only Eastgate Apartments, Eastside Activity Center

23 Residential Density Example Tiger Bay Villas, SE 24 th Street (in City) Density = 8 units per acre Residential-Only

24 Residential Density Example Density = 6 units per acre Town of Tioga, W. Newberry Road

25 Employment-Generating Uses Employment-Generating Uses “Mixed Use, Employment”  “Back-Office” Development  Business Services  Technology-Based Business  Research and Development  Educational Facilities  Business Incubators  Job Training Centers “Micro Enterprise”  “Micro Enterprise” Consistent with Plan East Gainesville guiding vision Consistent with Plan East Gainesville guiding vision Limited retail to support employment uses Limited retail to support employment uses Residential option within mixed use buildings Residential option within mixed use buildings

26 “Mixed Use, Neighborhood Convenience Center” Small scale shopping, dining, offices, and services Small scale shopping, dining, offices, and services Oriented toward surrounding neighborhood Oriented toward surrounding neighborhood Residential option within mixed use buildings Residential option within mixed use buildings Centrally located and accessible from all areas Centrally located and accessible from all areas

27 “Institutional” Recognizes existing Institutional land uses in Eastside Recognizes existing Institutional land uses in Eastside Activity Center, including: Activity Center, including:  Eastside High School  Alachua County Fire Station School expansion permitted consistent with Florida Statutes School expansion permitted consistent with Florida Statutes

28 Community Facilities Map

29  Internal circulation system connected to existing roads  Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Intermodal Facilities  Pedestrian safety improvements  Wildlife/Greenway corridor west of SE 43 rd Street  Public civic use – incentive-based Community Facilities

30 Staff Recommendation Approve CPA 13-08 (Eastside Activity Center Master Plan) for transmittal to the Florida Department of Community Affairs.

31 Questions or Comments? CPA 13-08




35 Extra Maps Not for presentation – reference only

36 Natural Resources Context

37 Zoning Map

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