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Residential Fire Sprinklers Realtor Education

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1 Residential Fire Sprinklers Realtor Education
Oregon Fire Sprinkler Coalition

2 The Fire Problem Statistics National Oregon
Each day 7 people die home fires Each year on average over 2,500 people die and more than 13,000 people are injured in home fires Fires kill more people each year than all natural disasters combined Children and the elderly are most at risk Oregon From 2004 to 2013 there were: nearly 350 fire deaths more than 2,500 injuries Source: NFPA

3 Medford Residential Fire Deaths 20-Year Study
13 in single family homes 3 in duplexes 2 in multi-family homes 4 in structures associated with residences (2 in a garage and 2 in a shed) 31.8% 59.1% Conclusion: 17 of our citizen tragic fire deaths could have been avoided if the homes were protected with fire sprinkler systems

4 Medford Residential Fire Statistics (5-year average)
Structure Fires Per Year 82 per year Homes vs. Multi-family 80% one and two family 20% multi-family Direct Property Losses Per Year: $1.1 million per year

5 Vulnerable Populations
Children Children under the age of 5 are 1 ½ times more likely to die in a home fire as the general public Babies cannot self-evacuate Young children often hide during fires or need assistance Children may sleep through a sounding smoke alarm Children have reduced reaction times Source: NFPA

6 Vulnerable Populations
Older Adults The elderly are nearly 3 times more likely to die in a home fire as the general public Older adults may suffer from reduced sensory abilities such as smell, touch, vision, and hearing Inability to smell smoke Inability to feel if something is hot Inability to see fires or notice fire causes Inability to hear smoke alarms or fire sounds Older adults may suffer from disabilities Older adults have reduced reaction times Source: NFPA

7 Why Do We Still Lose People in Home Fires?
Safe Window of Escape Time Studies have shown that the average safe window of escape time has been reduced from 17 minutes in the 1970’s to as little as three minutes currently. This change is attributed to the widespread use of hydrocarbons (petroleum products) in modern furniture, such as plastics and polyurethane foams. These newer fuels cause more rapid fire growth. Smoke and products of combustion from these fires become deadly in a matter of just a few minutes. People are dying because they simply do not wake up or cannot get out in time. Source: NIST

8 Why Do We Still Lose People in Home Fires?
Some Would Say Smoke Alarms are Enough… They may not provide an early enough warning for everybody to escape todays fast moving home fires Smoke alarms were present and operated in 40% of home fire deaths There are maintenance issues 37% of fire deaths were in homes with missing smoke alarms 23% of fire deaths were in homes where smoke alarms were inoperable Source: NFPA’s Smoke Alarms in U.S. Home Fires, March 2014

9 Smoke Alarm Trends in Fatal Fires
Source: Ahrens, Marty. Smoke Alarms in U.S. Home Fires, Quincy, MA, March ( : smoke alarms operated in 40% of home fire deaths) Source: Ahrens, Marty. Smoke Alarms in U.S. Home Fires, Quincy, MA, September ( : smoke alarms operated in 37% of home fire deaths) Source: Ahrens, Marty. U.S. Experience with Smoke Alarms and Other Fire Detection Equipment, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA, May ( : smoke alarms operated in 37% of home fire deaths) Source: Home Smoke Alarms and Other Fire Detection and Alarm Equipment, Public/Private Fire Safety Council, April ( : smoke alarms operated in 30% of home fire deaths) Source: Smoke Alarm Performance in Residential Structure Fires, USFA, March (smoke alarms operated 24% of the time in single fire fatalities) Sources: NFPA; UFSA; Public/Private Fire Safety Council

10 Furnishings & Fuel Loads
Heat Release Rates (HRR) (Btu/sec) Small wastebasket TV set Cotton mattress Polyurethane mattress ( %) Cotton easy chair Polyurethane easy chair ( %) Polyurethane sofa Armchair (modern) Recliner (synthetic padding/covering) Christmas tree, dry Pool of gasoline (2 quarts on concrete) 949 Living room or bedroom fully involved Modern furniture contains high heat release rates in comparison to older furniture. The polyurethane foams and plastics in modern day furnishings are basically made out of hydrocarbons similar to gasoline. It has been said that polyurethane foam is just solidified gasoline. This is why we are experiencing such rapid and intense fires in homes. Source: NFPA 921; Kirk’s Fire Investigation

11 1970s vs. Current Fuel Loads Source: UL

12 Total Time to Firefighting Intervention (Minutes)
Fire Timeline Ignition 0 Alarm-Discovery 1 Evacuation 1 911 call 1 Dispatch Time 1 Turnout Time 1.5 Drive Time 5 Setup Time 1 Fighting Fire

13 The Facts – Lightweight Construction
Firefighter Safety Hazards Lightweight Construction Began to appear 25 years ago Vulnerable to fire conditions Times to reach structural failure percent shorter 5 minutes to failure NIST Tests 5 minute unprotected trusses 2” x 4” with ½” plywood and 300 lb weight on roof 20 minutes unprotected 2” x 6” framing with ½” plywood and 300 lb weight on roof 20 minutes to failure Sources: NIST Tests, Dutchess Community College Tests, NFPA Fire Sprinkler Initiative

14 The Facts – Lightweight Construction
UL Tests Sources: UL Tests, NFPA Fire Sprinkler Initiative

15 USFA Study Study Source: USFA

16 The Solution + => Survival => Survival +
Your chances of surviving a residential structure significantly increase when the structure is protected with both fire sprinklers and smoke alarms. The added benefit is the protection and preservation of your property. Your Chances of Surviving a Fire Increase Significantly with: A fire sprinkler system and Smoke alarms

17 Case Study Conclusions
Fire Sprinkler Experience Studies in jurisdictions that had long-standing fire sprinkler ordinances have proven that residential fire sprinkler systems are effective in saving lives, reducing injuries, and reducing property damage The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) compared sprinklered and non-sprinklered homes over a period of time and came to the following conclusions: Houses equipped with smoke alarms and a fire sprinkler system experienced 100 % fewer civilian fatalities, 57 % fewer civilian injuries, and 32 % less direct property losses and indirect costs resulting from fire than houses equipped only with smoke alarms. Source: NIST Benefit-Cost Analysis of Residential Fire Sprinkler Systems, 2007

18 Fire Sprinklers Increase a Home’s Value
2012 National Poll (Harris Interactive): 69% Said Home Fire Sprinklers Increase a Home’s Value 63% Were Aware that Home Fire Sprinklers : Source: HFSC

19 System Components and Features
Residential Sprinkler Heads: Aesthetically Appealing There are many cutting-edge, flush type heads that blend into the ceiling Some manufacturers offer as many as 300 custom paint colors. :

20 Additional Community Benefits Environmental Considerations
Environmental Impact of Sprinklered vs. Non-Sprinklered Homes Greenhouse gas emissions were cut by 97.8% Water usage was reduced between 50% and 92% Fewer persistent pollutants, such as heavy metals, were found in sprinkler wastewater versus fire hose water The high PH level and pollutant load of non-sprinkler wastewater are an environmental concern Source: Home Fire Sprinkler Coalition and FM Global

21 Costs of Home Sprinkler Systems
Nationally - $1.35 per sq. ft. of living area Lowest $0.74 in San Clemente CA Locally (Medford) - $1.70 per sq. ft. of living area Source: Fire Protection Research Foundations, NFPA

22 Myth – Home Fire Sprinklers Leak
A residential sprinkler system is not any more likely to leak than fixtures in a plumbing system And…most contractors warranty their work! Source: NFPA US Experience with Sprinklers 2013

23 Myth – When One Head Activates, They All Activate
This is a myth that is sometimes perpetuated by Hollywood… Sprinklers are each independently heat-sensitive. They activate separately! Commonly, only a single sprinkler will activate in a home fire. Source:

24 Myth – Home Fire Sprinkler Systems Require A Lot of Maintenance
The Maintenance Standard, NFPA 25, excludes One & Two Family Dwellings 13D maintenance requirements are simple: Walk the sprinklers periodically (no specific time requirement) to look for: Obstructions to discharge (storage, etc) Painted or damaged heads Source: NFPA

25 Myth – Home Fire Sprinkler Systems Require A Lot of Maintenance
Industry-standard insulation installation and pipe routing techniques can eliminate freeze protection issues. Source: NFPA

26 Myth – Home Fire Sprinkler Systems Use A Lot of Water
The Scottsdale Report revealed that a typical sprinkler activation in a home uses an average of 341 gallons of water, compared to an average fire department suppression amount of 2,935 gallons. Source: HFSC

27 Myth – Home Fire Sprinkler Systems Use A Lot of Water
-13D allows for a design using the same water demand of the domestic system The fire sprinkler demand and the domestic system demand do not need to be added together; they can be concurrent Source: NFPA 13D

28 Myth – Home Fire Sprinkler Activations Result in Extensive Water Damage
Sprinklers vs. Firefighting Water usage was reduced between 50% and 92% in a 2010 FM global Study Source: FM Global

29 Myth – Sprinklers Can Activate Accidentally
Factory Mutual loss records indicate that only One in 16,000,000 sprinklers will accidentally discharge due to a manufacturer malfunction Source: FM Global

30 Myth – My Insurance Rates Will Increase If I Have Sprinklers
Nationally, on average, you not only don’t get penalized, you get rewarded. Most insurance companies offer a premium discount for having a fire sprinkler system in the home. OPSC Section (2011) NFPA 13D ORSC Appendix T ORS (4) Sources: 2008 FPRF

31 Myth – My Insurance Rates Will Increase If I Have Sprinklers
ISO, an advisory organization that serves the property/casualty insurance industry, recommends an 8% credit for the installation of a residential sprinkler system Sources: 2008 FPRF / NFPA

32 Myth – My Insurance Rates Will Increase If I Have Sprinklers
ISO also advises ‘leak’ protection (FPRF 2008) This means you receive a discount, as well as coverage for any accidental water discharge, and; Coverage for damage due to fire-related system activation Sources: 2008 FPRF / NFPA

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