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John Tyler First VP to become President upon the death of president Texas Revolution Annexation of Texas Brigham Young takes Mormons to Utah.

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Presentation on theme: "John Tyler First VP to become President upon the death of president Texas Revolution Annexation of Texas Brigham Young takes Mormons to Utah."— Presentation transcript:

1 John Tyler First VP to become President upon the death of president Texas Revolution Annexation of Texas Brigham Young takes Mormons to Utah

2 First VP to become President upon the death of president After the death of President William Henry Harrison, Vice President John Tyler assumes the presidency. He is the first ever to do so, setting the precedent for presidential succession. He claimed that the Constitution gave him the full and unqualified powers of the office, and had himself sworn in immediately. "His Accidency," Letters that come to the White House addressed to "Acting President Tyler" -- all were returned unopened.

3 Texas Revolution Mexico Invites U.S. Settlers To protect territory, Mexico encourages U.S. farmers to go to Texas Offers land grants to empresarios (agents) who sell land cheaply Until 1830s, Anglo settlers live as naturalized Mexican citizens

4 Texas Revolution Austin in Texas –Stephen F. Austin, successful empresario, establishes colony in 1821 –U.S. wants lands south to Rio Grande; Mexico refuses to sell Texas

5 Texas Revolution “Come to Texas” Cultural differences arise between Anglos and Mexico: Anglos speak English, not Spanish Southerners bring slaves; Mexico abolished slavery In 1830s, Anglos greatly outnumber Tejanos Mexican president Santa Anna imprisons Austin revokes local powers; rebellions erupt, including Texas Revolution

6 Texas Revolution “Remember the Alamo!” Santa Anna marches to Texas; Austin tells Texans to arm themselves Santa Anna storms Alamo, old mission; all 187 U.S. defenders killed

7 Texas Revolution The Lone Star Republic –Sam Houston defeats, captures Santa Anna at Battle of San Jacinto Treaty of Velasco grants independence to Texas (April 1836) Houston becomes president of the Republic of Texas 1838, Houston invites U.S. to annex, or incorporate, Texas


9 Annexation of Texas Mexico still considered Texas its own and threatened war if the United States interfered. Also troubling to many Americans was the prospect of yet another slave state upsetting the sectional balance in Congress.

10 Texas Annexation Since Texas was still another nation, negotiations to secure its statehood fell to Calhoun, and his blatant proslavery views made abolitionists uneasy. Tyler signed the Texas statehood bill into law on the first day of March 1845, just three days before leaving office.

11 Brigham Young takes Mormons to Utah The Mormon Migration –Joseph Smith forms Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in NY –Mormons—religious group, settles in Illinois; clashes over polygamy –Brigham Young, Smith’s successor, leads Mormons outside U.S. settle near Great Salt Lake, Utah

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