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WESTERN EXPANSION Answer Key. 15. 2 THE LOUISIANA TERRITORY Who – Thomas Jefferson offered Napoleon money for the Louisiana Territory What – The Louisiana.

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2 15. 2 THE LOUISIANA TERRITORY Who – Thomas Jefferson offered Napoleon money for the Louisiana Territory What – The Louisiana Purchase cost 15 million dollars and doubled our size Where – The territory was West of the Mississippi River When – April 30, 1803 Why – The US wanted to ship goods through the New Orleans port Key Terms: Territory – a region of land Types of change – geographic (added land), economic (cost us 15 million) Manifest Destiny – Positive b/c we started moving towards the Pacific ocean

3 15.3 FLORIDA Who – James Monroe and the Spanish government What – FL was a Spanish colony but many runaway slaves and Natives lived there, eventually Monroe sent in Jackson to FL but Jackson overthrew the Spanish government Where – Florida When – 1818-1819 Why – GA was being attacked by Indians (Seminoles), slaves ran away to FL Key Terms - Diplomacy – the art of conducting negotiations with other countries Types of change – geographic (added state of FL), economic (paid money for purchase), political (changed from Spanish government to US) Manifest Destiny Positive because it spread US culture to new land Negative because it didn’t take into account the Seminole tribe’s claim

4 15.4 TEXAS Who – Austin Family, General Santa Anna, Sam Houston, James K. Polk What –Fighting breaks out between Mexicans and Texans, Mexico wins at the Battle of the Alamo but lose at the Battle of San Jacinto, TX becomes independent country (Lone Star Republic) and is later added to the US Where – Texas When – 1821-1845 Why – Texans got tired of Mexican rule (wanted slaves), Some citizens want to add TX (South), others don’t (North) Key Terms – Texan War for Independence – 1836 rebellion of Texas Annex – Add Types of Change – Geographic (TX own country), Political (change of governments), Social (Mexican and Texan cultures blend) Manifest Destiny Positive – added more territory Negative – did not consider Mexican culture equal to European culture

5 15.5 OREGON COUNTRY Who: Jedidiah Smith, missionaries, Natives, James K. Polk What: 1844 Election of James K. Polk occurred because he was for expansion (“All of Oregon or Nothing” ) Where: Rocky Mountains to Pacific Ocean When: 1804-1844 Why: Wanted the land for settlement and farms (“Oregon Fever”) Key Terms: None Types of Change – geographic (added Oregon Territory), Political (Election of Polk), Social (missionaries tried to convert Natives) Manifest Destiny: Positive – more settlers spread west, missionaries converting natives

6 15.6 MEXICAN WAR Who: James K. Polk, American generals ( Winfield Scott, Zachary Taylor) What: Polk tried to buy CA and NM from Mexico, US annexes Texas, Mexico attacks US, Mexican War begins and by the end Americans force Mexico to sign Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (Americans get TX and Mexican Cession, Mexico gets $) Where: TX and Mexican Cession (CA, NV, UT, AZ, NM, parts of CO and WY) When: 1821-1853 Why: Americans want more land to farm cotton and build ranches, wanted the additional Gadsden Purchase to build the railroad Key Terms: Mexican American War – the war with Mexico from 1846-1847 that resulted in Mexico ceding a huge region to US Types of change – Geographic (Mexican Cession, Gadsden Purchase), Political (sign Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo), Economic (US pays 25 million total) Manifest Destiny Positive – gained land that stretched almost to Pacific Ocean Negative – Did not include the Mexican rules and laws into European culture

7 16.2 THE EXPLORERS Who: Lewis and Clark, Native Americans, Zebulon Pike What: Explored the LA Territory, met groups of Natives, mapped a route to the Pacific Where: LA Territory When: 1800-1840, expedition was 1804-1806 Why: To see if Natives were interested in trade, map a route to the Pacific, try to find the NW Passage (unsuccessful) Key Terms: Lewis and Clark Expedition – a journey made from 1804 to 1806 by Merriweather Lewis and William Clark Legacy – a person’s or group’s impact on future generations Types of Change: Geographic (new territory), economic (trade with Native cultures) Manifest Destiny – Positive – explored the West and left a legacy for other pioneers to come

8 16.3 CALIFORNIOS Who: Californios (settlers of Spanish descent) What: missionaries went to convert Natives to Catholicism, but many treated the Natives badly, some Mexican settlers were given land grants (ranchos), Californios were self-sufficient and had farms and ranches Where: CA When: 1769-1846 Why: wanted to convert Natives, cattle ranching Key Terms: Rancho- a land grant made by the Mexican government, used mostly for cattle raising and farming Types of Change: Political (changed from Mexican to US government), Social (Mexican Culture added to US), Economic (cattle ranching) Manifest Destiny : Negative – Natives were treated harshly, Positive – added California

9 16.4 MOUNTAIN MEN Who: Fur trappers What: Crisscrossed the West looking for furs, was a dangerous job, their routes became trails Where: Missouri River to Pacific When: 1807-1850 Why: Looked for furs, freedom, and adventure Key Terms: None Types of Change – Economic (fur traders made profit), Social (new type of rugged culture) Manifest Destiny – Positive – spread culture out West

10 16.5 MISSIONARIES Who: Marcus and Narcissa Whitman, Henry and Eliza Spalding – came west to spread Christianity What: traveled the Oregon Trail, few Natives converted, many Natives died of disease, many new settlers came west When: 1831-1847 Where: Missouri to Pacific Ocean, Oregon Country Why: wanted to convert Natives Key Terms: Oregon Trail – an overland route that stretched 2,000 miles from Independence, MO to Oregon Types of change – geographic (explored new area), social (spread religion) Manifest Destiny – Positive – tried to spread religion Negative – many Natives perished

11 16.6 PIONEER WOMEN Who: Pioneers What: traveled trails to the West, did many jobs, risky but showed strength, helped set up schools and churches, got some women right to vote Where: Missouri to Oregon, Wyoming Territory When: 1840-1900 Why: Women wanted more freedom and equality Key Terms: None Types of Change: Social (women gained more respect), political (women got to vote in a few Western states Manifest Destiny – Positive – changing US culture by demonstrating strength of women

12 16.7 MORMONS Who: Joseph Smith and Brigham Young (founders) What: were pushed out of the East, planned the journey West, when they got there they created dams, canals, and irrigation systems due to desert conditions When: 1830-1877 Where: Great Basin (Salt Lake City, UT) Why: were persecuted because of their beliefs (ex. Polygamy), settled there b/c no one else wanted it Key Terms: Mormons – members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Types of Change – social (new religion out west), geographic (settled UT) Manifest Destiny – Positive – spread white culture West

13 16.8 THE FORTY-NINERS Who: people from all over the world What: rushed to CA to find gold, dangerous life b/c no law, hard and tedious work Where: CA When: 1849 Why: wanted to be rich Key Terms: Forty-Niners – the people who joined the gold rush in CA in 1849 Types of Change – Economic (wealth), geographic (added CA as a state) Manifest Destiny – Positive – Added a new state to US Negative – many Natives died and Californios lost land

14 16.9 THE CHINESE Who- Chinese Immigrants What –had special laws made against them (discriminated against), still persevered and opened restaurants, laundries, and stores, big communities in cities Where – CA (particularly San Francisco) When – 1852-1876 Why – wanted to find gold and return to China to help their families Key Terms – None Types of Change – economic (gold), social (faced racial discrimination) Manifest Destiny – Negative – were not treated fairly b/c not part of European culture Positive – diversified American culture

15 17.9 MEXICAN AMERICAN LAWS Who – Mexicans of the SW What – Had different laws from Americans (mining, water, community property) When – 1830’s Where – SW US Why – B/c 49ers needed rules, water was scarce, women could own property Key Terms – None Types of Change – political (new types of laws), social (new culture) Manifest Destiny – Positive – it allowed Mexican laws to be included in the US government

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