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Complete Streets The Columbus Experience Road School March, 2014.

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1 Complete Streets The Columbus Experience Road School March, 2014

2 Bicyclist – 2,000 miles per year Recreational, commuting Engineer – City, County, Consulting Volunteer – Park Foundation, Trail clean-up days Fund Raiser – People Trail Campaign, Tour de Trails DAVID HAYWARD: MY ROLES

3 1977 – Moved to Columbus, no trails 1985 – First Trail Plan adopted - Recreational only 1986– Noblitt Park to Mill Race Park Trail (1 mi) 1987 to 1990 – Sidewalks designated as trails 1992 – Clifty Park loop constructed (1.5 mi) 1993 – People Trail Masterplan Update 1994 – Westenedge Park Trail constructed (1 mi) 1997 – Bakalar Green sidepath constructed (0.5 mile) COLUMBUS BIKE/PED HISTORY

4 2001 – Rocky Ford sidepath constructed (1 mi) 2002 – Donner Park sidepath constructed (1 mi) 2002 – SR 46 Trail constructed (2 mi) 2005 – Haw Creek Trail constructed (5.5 mi) 2010 – Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan adopted 2011 – Owens Bend Trail constructed (1 mi) 2011 – 1 st bike lanes installed 2012 – People Trail Campaign COLUMBUS BIKE/PED HISTORY

5 A trail system to get people from: Home to School Home to Parks Home to Shopping For a variety of recreational reasons Emphasis on use of natural river corridors Minimal conflicts with vehicles Framework for the trail system ORIGINAL TRAIL PLAN

6 COLUMBUS BACKGROUND – 2006 Urban Area Designation - MPO formed – “Sharpened the focus on multi-modal planning” through the new CAMPO City had “become more conscious of the qualitative relationships between transportation and land use and between different modes of transportation.”

7 Committee began meeting in 2007 Final plan adopted May, 2010 Committee – MPO Director – CRH Healthy Communities – Bike shop owners – Bicyclists – Landscape architect – City Council member – Planning Dept. staff – Parks Dept. staff – City Engineer staff – Accessibility challenged 2010 BICYCLE & PEDESTRIAN PLAN

8 GOALS Expand transportation options Bicycle and pedestrian safety Attract new families and businesses Improve health and wellness Opportunities for tourism Regional bicycle connections Environmentally-friendly sustainable transportation options 2010 BICYCLE & PEDESTRIAN PLAN

9 GUIDING PRINCIPLES A balanced approach to meet the needs of all street users Increased emphasis on: – Community sustainability – Energy efficiency – Fiscal responsibility Integrate the plan into Thoroughfare Plan, Subdivision Ordinance, Zoning Ordinance, and Comprehensive Plan “The needs of bicyclists and pedestrians should be incorporated in the planning, design, and review of all infrastructure projects…” 2010 BICYCLE & PEDESTRIAN PLAN

10 SIDEWALK POLICY Sidewalks are an integral part of the transportation system. Sidewalks should be provided along all streets except in rural areas and along local industrial streets. The most efficient and effective time to install pedestrian systems is during construction/reconstruction. Consideration of potential conflicts can best be addressed during the design phase. “It is intended that developers will install such facilities as integral parts of their development.”

11 TYPES OF FACILITIES Multi-use Paths (People Trails) Bicycle Lanes Shared Lanes / Roads (Sharrow) Bicycle Routes Sidepaths Sidewalks Connectors Intersections & Street Crossings Bicycle Parking Trail Heads Signage & Wayfinding 2010 BICYCLE & PEDESTRIAN PLAN

12 IMPLEMENTATION & FUNDING Thoroughfare Plan Subdivision Ordinance Comprehensive Plan Parks Masterplan Safe Routes to Schools Street improvement projects (Fed. & Local) INDOT Projects DNR programs 2010 BICYCLE & PEDESTRIAN PLAN

13 KEY PLAYERS City Departments (Planning, Engineering, Parks, Police, Fire/Rescue, Community Development) Elected officials School corporation Hospital (Wellness, Healthy Community) Economic Development Chamber of Commerce Tourism, Visitors Center Others 2010 BICYCLE & PEDESTRIAN PLAN

14 THOROUGHFARE PLAN GUIDING PRINCIPLES Make each street complement its setting – All streets are not created equal. Example: Local street in residential area vs industrial area Use resources efficiently – Limited budgets Flexibility to build narrower streets Reduce initial construction cost and ongoing maintenance costs

15 STREET CLASSIFICATIONS Traditional Functional use (freeway, principle arterial, minor arterial, collector, local) We added: Context (urban, suburban, rural) Land Use (residential, commercial, industrial) Example Old – Minor Arterial New – Urban residential minor arterial

16 POLICY STATEMENT Each street is a system of inter-related components serving a wide variety of users. Vehicle travel lanes Bicycle travel lanes Drainage facilities Utilities Sidewalks Street trees On-street parking Traffic control devices Lighting

17 SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOLS PLAN Started planning in 2010 Adopted in 2012 New partnership with school corporation

18 COLUMBUS PARK FOUNDATION Funding for trail projects – Matching funds – Land donations Trail Campaign - 2012 – Raised $1 million in less than a year 18 projects – $5 million estimated cost

19 MAKING THINGS HAPPEN Develop Partnerships – School corporation (SRTS) – Columbus Regional Hospital – Healthy Communities – Police Department – Bicycle Co-Op – Engineering Dept. – Planning Department – CAMPO – Elected officials Private Developments Maintenance Projects Street Improvement Projects

20 PROJECT EXAMPLE BIKE LANES Speed reduction: 5 – 8 mph Keep it simple.

21 PROJECT EXAMPLE PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT Sidewalks required in all new subdivisions (except industrial). Sometimes off-site sidewalk improvements are required. Sidepaths, bike lanes are required if included in Thoroughfare Plan or Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan.

22 PROJECT EXAMPLE – MAINTENANCE Street Repaving (Re-striping) Traffic signal upgrades

23 PROJECT EXAMPLE – 4 TH ST. Wide sidewalks to encourage pedestrian activity. Reduced street width to slow or “calm” vehicular traffic. Removed all curbs and other barriers to accessibility. LED streetlights. Porous pavement. Permanent gates to allow the street to be closed easily for events and festivals. Narrow street width to minimize the crossing distance for pedestrians. Providing bicycle parking with Columbus’ signature “C” racks.


25 PROJECT EXAMPLE – INDIANA AVENUE Existing street has no curbs, no storm sewers, a few disconnected sidewalks, and random parking. The street is a major route to Columbus East High School and Clifty Park. Project includes: – Bike lanes – Sidewalks – Curb extensions at intersections – On-street parking – Curbs and storm sewers – Hopefully the project will lead to redevelopment of a low income neighborhood.

26 SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL PROJECT Pedestrian crossing improvements – 6 locations – RRFB or HAWK signals – Construction in 2014 – Funding – HSIP 90% Trail/Sidepath Extensions – 2 schools – Construction in 2014 – Funding – Federal SRTS

27 STREET DIET (RIGHTSIZING) Narrow 4 lane street Approx. 15,000 vpd (not increasing) Repaving street Analysis showed virtually no loss of capacity nor increase in delay Usually expect 25 – 30% decrease in accident frequency

28 ROUNDABOUTS Constructed in 2010 - Adjustments in 2011. Advice – Go big – criticism for being too small for trucks – Build more than one

29 FINAL THOUGHTS - ADVICE Keep it simple. If you build it, they will come. Know your community Develop partnerships & advocates. Don’t give up. You can’t do it all at once.

30 David Hayward, PE Christopher B. Burke Engineering LLC 50 Washington St., Suite 2A Columbus, IN 47201 (812) 376-9252

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