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Results Summary Revenue £1,810m (2005 – £1,522m) EBITDA £119.6m (2005 – £71.4m) Profit from Operations £86.3m (2005 – £44.9m) (After Exceptionals) Profit.

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Presentation on theme: "Results Summary Revenue £1,810m (2005 – £1,522m) EBITDA £119.6m (2005 – £71.4m) Profit from Operations £86.3m (2005 – £44.9m) (After Exceptionals) Profit."— Presentation transcript:


2 Results Summary Revenue £1,810m (2005 – £1,522m) EBITDA £119.6m (2005 – £71.4m) Profit from Operations £86.3m (2005 – £44.9m) (After Exceptionals) Profit before tax £80.8m (2005 - £40.9m) Tax charge 35.4% (2005 – 35.9%) Basic EPS 37.6p (2005 – 21.2p) Dividend 7.5p (2005 – 6.0p) +19% +67% +92% +98% +77% +25% 2

3 Year End December 2006 December 2005 Revenue £m Profit from Operations £m Revenue £m Profit from Operations £m Gibson Energy - Marketing - Other Hunting Energy Others 1,147.9 281.1 266.1 115.3 1,810.4 13.0 34.3 37.0 7.0 91.3 1,016.7 197.7 214.6 92.9 1,521.9 10.7 11.1 24.2 1.5 47.5 Revenue and Profit from Operations 3

4 Financial Net Borrowings Gearing Interest Cover December 2006 £69.3m 33% 11.3x December 2005 £97.0m 53% 7.1x 4

5 Capital Expenditure December 2006 £m December 2005 £m Gibson Energy Hunting Energy Other Activities 21.6 30.8 1.8 54.2 16.1 14.8 2.0 32.9 Split: Maintenance New business 27.4 26.8 54.2 15.0 17.9 32.9 5

6 Cash Flow December 2006 £m December 2005 £m Cash from operations Capital Expenditure Interest FREE CASH FLOW Acquisitions Disposals Rights Issue Dividends Other Decrease in Debt 93.3 (54.2) (8.1) 31.0 (1.0) __ (8.2) 5.9 27.7 54.8 (32.9) (4.0) 17.9 (9.7) 3.2 48.1 (5.6) (20.3) 33.6 6

7 7

8 Hunting PLC Corporate Strategy  Maximise Global Footprint  Continuance of Market Share Strength  Proprietary Technologies  Asset Utilisation 8

9 Gibson Energy 9

10 10

11 December 2006 £m December 2005 £m Marketing Truck Transportation Terminals and Pipelines Canwest Propane and Natural Gas Liquids Moose Jaw Refinery 13.0 9.6 5.3 5.2 14.2 47.3 10.7 4.9 5.7 3.0 (2.5) 21.8 Gibson Energy Profit from Operations 11

12 Gibson Energy Marketing Activities  Buy, sell trade 250k bbls/day  Crude Oil – Light, Heavy, Bitumen  Diluent (Natural Gas Condensate)  LPG, Natural Gas, Propane  Wellsite Fluids  Eleven strategically placed custom terminals used for quality management  Specialized skills in trading, risk management and logistics systems,  Marketing assets throughout Western Canada, together with trucks and strategically placed pipelines. A creation of time and quality based arbitrage can occur in virtually any market condition  Over 20 grades of Canadian crude are aggregated on multiple feeder pipeline systems giving multiple sources of arbitrage 12

13 Gibson Energy Marketing Opportunities  Expansion of assets  Physical and financial  Athabasca heavy oil volume growth  Increased gas market share  Expansion of Wellsite Fluids business  Emerging Carbon Dioxide markets  Volatility 13

14 Gibson Energy Truck Transportation Activities  600 tractor units, 1,000 trailer units – largest crude oil fleet in Western Canada  250,000 bpd hauling capacity  HSE excellence  Synergies between business units 14

15 Gibson Energy Truck Transportation Opportunities  Tar sand growth  Enhanced margins in growing business environment  Diversify by growing chemical, asphalt and Wellsite Fluid hauling  Lead industry in “next generation” trailers  Invest replacement capital in multi-functional trailers  State of the art onboard computer system  electronic data capture  real time invoicing and custom billing  web access  compliance and driver monitoring 15

16 Gibson Energy Hardisty Terminal  Largest of the Gibson Terminal facilities  1.6 million barrels of storage  250k bpd throughput  Strategic location 16

17 Gibson Energy Edmonton South Terminal  451,500 Barrels of Storage  Handles diesel produced by Suncor facility in Fort McMurray  Receives product by pipeline and load to rail and trucks  Receives crude oil and condensate by pipeline, truck and rail in support of Gibson Marketing blending operations  New rail facility to handle Petro-Canada low sulphur diesel 17

18 Gibson Energy Edmonton North Terminal  New facility – 310K barrel capacity  Pipeline connected to feeder pipeline systems to facilitate receipt of crude oil and condensate in support of Gibson Marketing blending operations  Connected to Enbridge mainline and Transmountain export pipelines  Exclusive to Gibson Marketing 18

19 Gibson Energy Canwest Operations  Second largest propane company in Canada  Operations in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Washington and North Dakota  45 branches and service locations  175 fully equipped, delivery and service vehicles 19

20 20

21 Gibson Energy Moose Jaw Refinery  Processing and Distribution – 16,000 bpd  Road asphalt  Roofing Flux  Tops and distillate  Wellsite Fluids  Off-road diesel fuel 21

22 Gibson Energy Moose Jaw Refinery Opportunities  Plant utilisation  Roofing Flux market growth  Expanded frac/distillate/diesel/tops  Regional storage  Taking advantage of multiple crude stream access 22

23 Hunting Energy 23

24 December 2006 £m December 2005 £m Well Completion Well Construction Exploration & Production 26.2 8.8 2.0 37.0 12.2 6.7 5.3 24.2 Hunting Energy Profit From Operations 24

25 Hunting Energy Business Platforms  Well Completion:  Providing the market manufactured products, proprietary technologies, engineering expertise and services in both below and above the well head for oil and gas wells.  Well Construction:  Providing the market manufactured products, engineering expertise and services in the construction of oil and gas wells along with trenchless boring applications.  Exploration and Production:  Invest at an average 10% of well cost as non operating partner with select independent oil and gas companies. Providing products and services to the operator as preferred supplier. 25

26 Hunting Energy Well Completion  Global Manufacturing:  Accessories and Completion Equipment for Oil and Gas Wells  Specialty Threading  Print Work Manufacturing  OEM Manufacturing  OCTG:  Casing for Global Markets  2 Step Tubing for U.S. Markets  Thread Protectors  Well Intervention:  Down Hole Tools  Pressure Control Equipment  Coiled Tubing Tools 26

27 Hunting Energy Well Construction  Mud Motors:  Improve Drilling Timelines  Trenchless Technologies:  Products and Services enhancing Underground Construction  Premium Connections:  Technologies for Deeper Drilling Activities  Engineered Products Providing “Well Insurance” 27

28 Hunting Energy 28

29 29 0 – 5000ft Well Completion: Accessories Thread Compounds Thread Protectors Well Construction: OCTG Thread Protectors 10,000-15,000ft Well Completion: Premium Tubing, Premium Connections, Coiled Tubing Products, Completion Assemblies, Pressure Control Equipment, Perforating equipment, Thread protectors Well Construction: OCTG, Premium Connections, Mud Motors, OEM products, Thread Protectors 15,000ft + Well Completion: Premium Tubing, Premium Connections, Completion Assemblies, Pressure Control Equipment, Perforating Equipment, Well Intervention Equipment, Thread Protectors, EnviroGuard Well Construction: OCTG, Premium Connections, Customer Specific Connections, APRS, Mud Motors, Shock Tools, OEM products, Thread Protectors Hunting Energy Well “Revenue Generators” by Depth of Well

30 Hunting Energy Exploration & Production  Number of wells drilled through 2006 - 18  Number of Successes: 15  Offshore: 10  Onshore: 5  Reserve replacement for 2006: 94%  2006 production: 380,628 net equivalent barrels from 276 individual wells 30 Oil Wells: 1 Gas Wells: 10 Gas and Oil Wells: 4

31 Hunting Energy Opportunities  Geographical expansion  Environmentally sound thread compound  Titanium  Annular Pressure Release System  Expansion of Chinese relationship  Continued investment in human capital  Expansion of product offering  Growth of “above the wellhead” technology 31

32 December 2006 £m December 2005 £m Gibson Shipbrokers Hunting Energy France Others 3.0 1.2 2.8 7.0 2.5 1.1 (2.1) 1.5 Others Profit From Operations 32

33 Rig Count Source: Baker Hughes, Spears and Associates 33

34 Average Oil and Gas Pricing Source: EIA 34

35  Continued Strong Commodity Fundamentals  Continued E&P Spend and Project Development  Geopolitical Uncertainty  Challenged Production Capability  Reserve Replacements / Depletion Rates  OPEC Cartel  Non-OPEC Supplies  U.S. Dollar Value  Demand will Continue to Rise Hunting PLC Conclusions 35

36 Hunting PLC Outlook  Hunting Will Continue:  Maximise asset utilisation  Increase capacity with customer assurances  Push new technologies, products and services further  Examine acquisition opportunities that meet financial criteria  Deliver results 36


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