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Published bySheryl Verity Hodge Modified over 8 years ago
PRIOR AUTHORIZATIONPRIOR AUTHORIZATION PRIOR AUTHORIZATIONPRIOR AUTHORIZATION DASIE Required for all publicly funded clients Determines client income and program eligibility DASIE Required for all publicly funded clients Determines client income and program eligibility ASSESSMENT/EVALUATION Clinician completes LOCI to determine Clinical need required to continue admission. ASI required for FFS clients ASSESSMENT/EVALUATION Clinician completes LOCI to determine Clinical need required to continue admission. ASI required for FFS clients ADMISSION - Level of Care is populated in admission based on LOC recommended by the agency in the LOCI. Be sure to select correct site license. Choose payer source in admission based on DASIE eligibility Click AUTHORIZATION LINK to Request TREATMENT authorization- review info for accuracy prior to requesting a Treatment authorization If client is eligible and funds are available, an authorization is created. Enhancements, if needed, should be added How to Request a FFS Authorization for Treatment and Bill for Services Go to AUTHORIZATION LINK Request ASSESSMENT VOUCHER (Not applicable for Drug Court referrals, skip to admission) Go to AUTHORIZATION LINK Request ASSESSMENT VOUCHER (Not applicable for Drug Court referrals, skip to admission) 2
How to Request a FFS Prior Authorization for Treatment and Bill for Services BILLING BILLING BILLING BILLING Provider claims (bills) for services rendered in Click on “Provider Services” then choose “Enter a new claim”. You will need Clients Date of Birth Level of Care and Enhancement Services must be recorded Provider claims (bills) for services rendered in Click on “Provider Services” then choose “Enter a new claim”. You will need Clients Date of Birth Level of Care and Enhancement Services must be recorded For a 30 day authorization, agency must provide services and submit claims in first 15 days to keep authorization active or it will cancel back to the start date. Agency must provide services and submit claims in second 15 days or the authorization will cancel mid-point Agency receives electronic reimbursement from CSC for authorized services every two weeks 3
Login to NJSAMS Real Time Data NJSAMS system requirement is Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 8 or higher as internet browser. Please do not use any other browsers like Google Chrome or Fire Fox etc. and please do not search NJSAMS in Google, MSN or any other internet search tools. Please use URL/Link If your agency’s current browser is not Internet Explorer, please download Internet Explorer version 8 or higher Enter your User ID and password. NEVER share your user ID & password with another staff member. Everyone needs their own user ID & password 4
Summary DMHAS Fee-for-Service Request and Approval Process 5 Prior-authorization for any service is requested through NJSAMS after completing the DASIE, LOCI, and ASI Authorizations for treatment are requested after completing above and Admission screens (Drug Court does not fund Assessments) Vouchers are requested through NJSAMS to CSC, the DMHAS Fiscal Agent CSC approves the request based on: Availability of funds; Client eligibility; Provider Eligibility If the request meets the criteria for authorization: Services are authorized through an interface of NJSAMS and CSC Provider can view service request status on NJSAMS immediately New authorizations must be secured every 30 days (or more often if authorization is of a shorter duration)
NJSAMS DASIE (DMHAS Addictions Income Eligibility) 6 DASIE is an income and program eligibility tool in New Jersey Substance Abuse Monitoring System (NJSAMS) If your agency staff needs to know how to enter client in NJSAMS, please click on “Help” on the horizontal menu. Also Data Entry Forms are available under “Document”
NJSAMS How to start Open Internet Explorer or click on the link Enter User ID and Password Search your client by Client ID, SSN or last Name 7
NJSAMS Home Screen 8
NJSAMS Screens You Will Use 9 DASIE: Client Identifiers- calculation of income and program eligibility; required for all publicly funded treatment Assessment Screens: Clinical information, ASI, LOCI Admission Screens: LOC, Payer, Choose license # Prior Authorization Link Funding Source Screen (on the 5 th tab/accordion/page) Discharge (If the client is discharged, voucher is cancelled by system)
DASIE: Client Identifiers 10 Name – First, Last Birth date and Gender Social Security Number Client ID is generated Initiative specific number SBI # - Criminal Justice Initiatives; Court Referred client DUII- Driver’s License number Household size and household income input used to calculate Federal Poverty Level (FPL) to determine eligibility for public funding
NJSAMS DASIE (Program Eligibility for FFS) 14
NJSAMS DASIE Final Report 16
The Client FFS eligibility in DASIE 17
NJSAMS – Click on Treatment Authorization When the client name displays click on “Select” Click on “Treatment Authorization” to request voucher 18
Assessment Authorization in DASIE For FFS funding, other than Drug Court, you will need an Assessment authorization Once assessed, the client will need to be admitted prior to securing an authorization for Addictions Treatment, including any enhancements 19
Steps in NJSAMS Prior Admission 20 Intake Assessment before admission DASIE (Income for FPL and Program Eligibility) Addiction Severity Index (ASI) Level of Care Index (LOCI) Must be completed to continue Admission
Admission in NJSAMS 21 Note: Level of Care (LOC) is populated from the Initial Level of Care the Clinician recommends in the LOCI evaluation – after admitted, LOC in admission cannot be changed
Treatment Authorization in NJSAMS 22 Detail from Admission module populates fields in Treatment Authorization Section Select correct funding source based on FFS Initiative eligibility in Program Eligibility in DASIE If requirements are not met, the following message will pop-up when clicking on treatment authorization:
Treatment Authorization Cont’d 23 Authorization request date Current date will auto fill in the system Service Request start date can be 7 days in advance, or due to weekends and holidays, can be backdated 5 days If you wait to backdate, funds MAY not be available for new clients for those funding initiatives with new clients limits Enhanced Services can be added or removed by checking and unchecking Note: Once an authorization is generated, current information should be accessed through
Adding and Removing Enhanced Services 24 Services for Vivitrol no longer available are highlighted in yellow
Discharge Module 25 Full Discharge Reasons for Discharge If the client is continuing care Continuing Care Type
NJSAMS Prior-authorization Parameters (See Chart 2 reference) 26 Assessment Initial Treatment Authorization at LOC Continuing Stay Treatment Authorization at same agency - no extension required Continuing Stay Treatment Authorization at same agency - extension required as per LOC parameter Change Level of Care (LOC) within agency Transfer to new Level of Care (LOC) at new provider Transfer to new provider same (LOC) Level of Care Parallel Care
27 To recap – NJSAMS Data Elements Required for Treatment Prior Authorization Assessment Clinical Information LOCI completed - LOCI date reference Addiction Severity Index (ASI) completed Discharge Continuing Care Discharge Full Discharge Admission Level of Care (populated from initial LOCI) Admission Date Funding And Service Request Information Funding Source (need to select) Authorization request date Service date range depends on LOC Packages DMHAS DASIE Completed
Fee for Service (FFS) Network Initiatives 28 Driving Under the Influence (DUII) Drug Court Initiative (DCI) MAP – State Parole Board (SPB) MAP – Department of Corrections (DOC) Medication Assisted Treatment Initiative (MATI) Screening, Brief Intervention & Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) – Mercer County only South Jersey Initiative (SJI) Recovery and Rebuilding Initiative (RRI) [Annex A 2]
Drug Court Initiative (DCI) 29 It is a good idea for Providers to market their program to local or statewide Drug Courts Referrals will come directly from the Drug Court Coordinator; not from DMHAS For all admission denials and administrative discharges, contact Steve Fishbein with specific reason for each via e-mail Drug Court extensions have a separate process than other initiatives (will be addressed later in this presentation)
Drug Court Initiative (DCI) 30 Physical and mental health medications are billed through a paper billing process DC reimburses providers at cost for 2 months per level of care (this is meant to be used as a bridge while providers assist clients to access other means for paying for their medications) To request an electronic version of medication billing forms Send an e-mail to Chad Williams at, (609) 292-7808 or Steve Fishbein at, 609-777-0655
Driving Under the Influence (DUII) DUII Agency eligibility Providers must have a current IDRC/IDP Affiliation Agreement in place for all sites and LOCs Residential Providers Affiliate with IDP directly; Ambulatory Providers MUST Affiliate locally (County IDRC) Providers MUST share monthly report/information with IDRCs for all clients receiving DUII funding 31
Driving Under the Influence (DUII) DUII Client Eligibility NJ resident with a DUII conviction after October 17, 2005 Client income 350% FPL (Federal Poverty Level) Client does not have to be referred by IDRC, but connection with IDRC must be established in the NJSAMS When Drivers License is entered into the DASIE module, conviction eligibility is shown/determined Any difficulties regarding convictions should be directed to: for assistance If you do not receive a response in 24 hours, contact Andrea Connor at or Tom Czeizinger at 32
MAP – State Parole Board (SPB) 33 State Parole Board funds assessments and treatment for those referred from the Mutual Agreement Program (MAP) MAP Abscond Procedure revised April 2013* All referrals should be preceded by a SPB MAP referral form that includes the SBI number Division of Parole Phone List April 2013* DMHAS SPB contacts Chad Williams; 609-292-7808; * Documents located on (under References)
MAP–Department of Corrections (DOC) 34 Funds Assessments and Long Term Residential (Level lll.5) treatment only Recently added urine reimbursement (add clinical review enhancement in order to claim urines) DMHAS DOC contact Chad Williams; 609-292-7808; Steve Fishbein; 609-777-0655
Medication Assisted Treatment Initiative (MATI) 35 MATI funds medication-assisted and other treatment services for indigent New Jersey adult residents who have an opiate addiction and a history of injectable drug use Individual must test positive for opiates or have a documented one year history of opioid dependence Particular emphasis is placed on providing access to treatment for individuals referred by Syringe Access Programs (SAP) If the client meets criteria for MATI-FFS, the client must refer to MATI-MMU (Mobile Medication Unit) With the exception of Turning Point and Straight and Narrow, who can admit clients directly into Medically Enhanced Detox
Medication Assisted Treatment Initiative (MATI) MATI FFS referrals must come directly from one of six (6) MATI-contract providers, unless a referral for Medically Enhanced Detoxification (this referral would come directly from one of two approved statewide MATI FFS Medically Enhanced Detox Providers) When a MATI contract provider identifies a client who requires a Level of Care (LOC) not provided by the standard MATI contract, the MATI contract agency submits a MATI referral request for authorization to DMHAS DMHAS MATI Contact, Adam Bucon, (609) 984-3316, 36
Medication Assisted Treatment Initiative (MATI) 37 Approval for authorization provided to MATI contract provider via DMHAS MATI FFS staff MATI contract provider notifies MATI FFS agency of approval and refers client for appropriate LOC MATI FFS agency admits client and obtains authorization for appropriate LOC MATI FFS agency has seven (7) days to secure an authorization from the date that DMHAS notifies the MATI contract agency
Recovery & Rebuilding Initiative (RRI) Client Eligibility: to be eligible for services available through RRI, consumers must: Be 18 years of age or older; United States citizen or legal resident Have been living in one of the storm affected counties between Oct. 28-30, 2012 (Atlantic, Bergen, Cape May, Cumberland, Essex, Hudson, Middlesex, Monmouth, Ocean, Union) Meet American Society of Addiction Medicine Patient Placement Criteria (ASAM PPC-2) for Level 111.7, 111.7D or 111.7DE treatment Federal funding for treatment services provided to RRI consumers must be accessed as the payer of last resort. Agencies are required to review all available resources before requesting the use of RRI funds 38
Recovery & Rebuilding Initiative (RRI) Provider Eligibility: Participating providers must be licensed by the NJ Department of Human Services, Office of Licensure under the Standards of Licensure of Residential Substance Use Disorder Treatment Facilities (N.J.A.C 10: 161 A) and be able to provide co-located detoxification and short term residential services Services available through the RRI: Assessments, Short Term Residential, Inpatient Detoxification, Medically Enhanced Inpatient Detoxification, Case Management, Co-occurring Services, Vivitrol and Transportation 39
Screening, Brief Intervention & Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) 40 Funds Outpatient (Level l) & Intensive Outpatient (Level ll.l) only For Mercer County residents & Mercer County providers only (Expect to expand to Middlesex County in near future) Referrals will come solely from Henry J. Austin Federally Qualified Health Center (HJA), with 5 project sites serving the greater Trenton area Contact Kathleen Russo at 609-984-4053 or
Structure for Fee for Service Benefits Packages 41 Structure of FFS Benefit Package ASAM[Annex A 1] Assessment Outpatient Service Packages Intensive Outpatient Partial Care Long Term Residential Packages Short Term Residential Packages Detoxification Medically Monitored Enhanced Detoxification Enhancements[Annex A 3] Clinical Review Co-Occurring Clinical Services Co-Occurring Medication Monitoring Services Psychiatric Evaluation Medication Assisted Induction/Stabilization Methadone Medication Assisted Methadone Maintenance Medication Assisted Induction/Stabilization Suboxone Medication Assisted Suboxone Maintenance Recovery Support Medical Services Vivitrol Enhancements (see sample ASAM and Enhancements excel sheets)
Co-occurring Network Enhancement 42 Co-occurring services are an enhancement to treatment There is a difference between Co-occurring Licensure and being approved as a Co-occurring provider in the FFS network Provider must contact Office of Licensure (OOL) to add co-occurring services to their existing Ambulatory or Residential Addictions License per N.J.A.C. 10:161B-10.4 DMHAS requires that once approved for the MATI, DUII, RRI or SJI FFS networks, a provider must apply and be accepted into the Co-occurring network Once OOL approves co-occurring status, a provider must submit a separate application seeking quantitative detail descriptions of how co- occurring services will be delivered, scoring a 70 or above to be FFS co- occurring approved
Co-occurring Enhancement Services 43 Psychiatric Evaluation Comprehensive Intake Evaluation Medication Monitoring/Consultation Clinical Consultation Family Therapy (with or w/out client present) Individual Therapy- half hour or one hour session Co-occurring Group Therapy Crisis Intervention Case Management DMHAS Co-occurring contact is Chad Williams, 609-292-7808;
Extension Request Process 44 Who: All fee for service network providers will need to submit an Extension Request LOCI for continued care review What: Extensions allow the client to continue in treatment after the initial authorization expires at the same level of care When: Providers are prompted to submit an extension request within NJSAMS 15 days prior to the end of the authorization Where: Providers request an extension in the NJSAMS Extension Request LOCI (ERL) Why: Providers will not get reimbursed for services if the client continues in treatment without a new authorization
FFS Extension Review Process for Continuing Care Authorizations 45 All Fee for Service Network providers must submit the ERL through NJSAMS for the DMHAS Extension Review Staff DMHAS Extension Review will consist of: The completion of the ERL – all appropriate ASAM Dimensions completed using ASAM Risk Rating language with supporting clinical documentation. Extension request LOCIs cannot be more than 30 days old when submitted to Drug Court and DMHAS otherwise they will not be accepted When the ERL is completed appropriately, the provider is notified by DMHAS Extension Review staff via ERL in NJSAMS
ERL Approval Approval Status can be found under ERL by clicking “MODULES” on horizontal menu. 46
FFS Extension Review Process for Continuing Care Authorizations 47 If corrections to the ERL are needed to be made by the provider, then the Extension Request will be denied by DMHAS Extension Review Staff via ERL in NJSAMS The request will be denied until the Extension Request is resubmitted and appropriately completed by the provider; the request can then be approved by DMHAS Extension Review Staff
FFS Extension Review Process for Continuing Care Authorizations 48 Examples of Fee for Service Extension Request Denials: The DMHAS Extension Review Staff determined that the ERL was insufficient in its information as it does not have supportive documentation in the appropriate dimensions to justify the need for treatment at the level of care requested Client was already discharged from treatment; an extension request is no longer needed Client’s level of care was changed which does not require an extension request The provider requested an extension for ASAM Level 1.0 (Outpatient Treatment) which does not ever require an extension
Drug Court Extension Review Process for Continuing Care Authorizations 49 Extension Request Policy for Drug Court participants requires additional steps Each Drug Court treatment provider must contact the referring Drug Court and e-mail them an ERL (Extension Request LOCI) for their review, prior to submitting to DMHAS The LOCI MUST be able to justify the level of care A Drug Court Extension request cannot proceed without Drug Court notification Once the referring Drug Court team completes their final review of the ERL, the Drug Court Coordinator will then forward the Extension Request to the DMHAS Extension Mailbox indicating their approval DMHAS staff reviews the DC Coordinators’ approved extension request per the general policy The Drug Court Coordinators’ denied extension requests are not forwarded to the DMHAS extension Mailbox
Drug Court Extension Requests 50 Drug Court Clients extension requests must be approved by Drug Court Coordinator You can find the Drug Court Coordinator and their back-up’s e-mail addresses on under Documents / All Fee for Service Network providers must submit the ERL via NJSAMS for the DMHAS Extension Review Staff
Drug Court Extension Requests Should your program experience difficulties contacting the referring Drug Court Coordinator within 72 hours, please contact Steve Fishbein, DMHAS’ Drug Court Coordinator at (609) 777-0655 or 51
52 –billing site 52
Click on “provider services”; then choose “Enter a new claim” 53
DMHAS FFS Billing Procedure 54 Provider agencies will enter claim data (encounter) for each client on the website Encounter data includes: date, service type, number of units; and, if claim is for co-occurring services, counselor credentials Encounter data will be the basis for generating claims Providers will receive electronic payments directly from CSC Providers must have electronic payment capabilities established with CSC in order to receive payment
FFS Claim Submission Requirements 55 Service/claim submission is required regularly, at least weekly There has to be a level of care service provided and a claim entered within the first fifteen days to keep the authorization active for the second fifteen days There has to be a level of care service provided and a claim entered within the second fifteen days to keep the authorization active If the authorization stays active, you will have an additional 15 days to review your billing to be sure you did not miss billing for any services before the authorization is totally closed Important Note: Active Auths with Claim Submission Report available on (discussed later in presentation)
FFS Claim Submission Requirements 56 Example Authorization 123789 Start Date 1/6 End date 2/5 Initial encounter/claim: Service must be reported by 1/21 or authorization will be cancelled with full encumbrance and 0 value for utilization –authorization will be cancelled as of 1/6 (the start date), If service is reported between 1/6 and 1/21 the authorization will remain open till 1/21 Mid-point encounter/claim Additional service must be reported by 2/5 or the authorization will be cancelled on 2/5 with a cancel date of 1/21. LOC Authorization value will be based on date of cancel. If it is an outpatient service the full encumbrance will have been assigned for utilization rate calculation since all outpatient are fully encumbered by 15 days. Final Claim Submission: Agency must complete submission of all claims for the above authorization by 2/20. If claim submission is not complete and agency submits claim Timely Filing error 108 will be identified when claim is submitted
57 Claim Denial Codes Denial CodeDescription 0None 4Not authorized on dates indicated 6Authorization cancelled or discontinued 18Provider no longer actively enrolled 31Invalid provider for date of service 61Procedure designation does not exist 101Clinician not licensed for service 102Number of units/amount per service by day exceeded 103Number of units/amount per service by week exceeded 104Number of units/amount per service by month exceeded 105Number of units/amount per service by year exceeded 106Encumbrance for service package exceeded 107Clinician required 108The time limit for filing has expired 109 Number of units/amount per service by client exceeded 110Client exceeded annual limit for level of care 111Client exceeded number of units for the level of care 112Your contracted encounter has been recorded 57
Authorization search 58
Reports available on 59
Active Auths with Claims Submission Deadline Report 60
Active Auths with Claims Submission Deadline Report (continued) 61
Red Zone Report 62
Claim Detail Report 63
What is Utilization Rate? 64 Utilization rates are a performance indicator that mirrors clinical events of successful engagement and retention in treatment Research has shown that high engagement and retention rates are strongly correlated with positive treatment outcomes The practice of monitoring utilization rates will maximize provider service delivery and claims submission Manage FFS resources through fiscal project in order to ensure funds will be available for existing clients as well as new clients
Definitions for Utilization Reports 65 Initial LOC encumbrance Service Package maximum encumbrance Authorization Value LOC Adjusted value if authorization end date is revised is cancelled prior to initial end date. End date is revised and authorization value is adjusted based on rules for prorating authorization. Total Claims Provider amount billed for LOC services without enhancements Utilization Rate Total of LOC claimed divided by LOC Authorization value
Rationale for Calculation of Utilization Rates 66 DMHAS has sought to establish a fair and transparent methodology for calculating the utilization or consumption rate while allowing for maximum flexibility in the delivery of services Residential authorizations are pro-rated based on number of days the authorization is active Because the outpatient service packages include several services with different rates, and there is not a simple 1:1 relationship between a unit of service and a day of service, DMHAS is using a 2:1 ratio between the value of the authorization and the number of days in the service period to calculate the utilization rate
Utilization Rates 67 For the purposes of calculating utilization rates, the total authorization value is calculated as the total 30-day encumbrance amount divided by 15 and multiplied by the number of days that the authorization was open and active For example, an authorization with a 30-day value of $600 is worth $20 a day (20 x 30 = 600) One or more services can be delivered and claimed on a given day, and the actual reimbursement for those services will exceed $20 for a given day Providers should exercise caution when canceling authorizations to ensure that there is sufficient value on the authorization to submit a claim for services rendered
Prior-authorization cancellation parameters 68 Authorizations cancelled prior to start date are not included in utilization rate calculation Level of Care authorization value will be prorated. If agency cancels authorization in timely manner this will positively impact utilization rate Note: outpatient authorizations after 15 days will be equal to full encumbrance Authorizations cancelled by the system result in a utilization rate of “0” for the cancelled authorization
Authorization Cancellation Reasons 69 Cancelled by Agency Agency Error Change Payer Source Client Discharge Client No-show Client Service Needs Changed Cancelled by CSC Automated Cancellation – Zero Utilization (void voucher) Automated Cancellation – Partial Utilization
70 Calculation for Authorization Value Unbundled Outpatient Service Packages - Example Some of our Outpatient Service Packages Service*Outpatient - up to 6 services a week Outpatient - up to 3 services a week Outpatient - up to 2 services a month Outpatient - up to 6 services a month Max. Authorization per request 241326 Authorization time frame 30 Bill Structure Per service combination of Individual / Family and Group Daily Limits 3322 Weekly Limits 6322 Encumbered Amt $662.00$456.00$98.00$294.00 Note - each day the auth is active, The following amount will be charged towards your utilization rate: $44.13$30.40$6.53$19.60
71 Package Initial LOC Encumbran ce Authorization Active for X # of Days LOC Authorization Value LOC Services Provided LOC Claim Amount Utilization Rate OP- 6 per week $662.00 22x 44.13 = 88.27 individual - 1 @ $49 72.00 81.57% group - 1 @ $23 $662.00 66 x 44.13 = 264.80 individual - 2 @ $49 190.00 71.75% group - 4 @ $23 OP- 3 per week $456.00 55 x 30.40 = 152.00 individual - 2 @ $49 121.00 79.61% group - 1 @ $23 $456.00 1010 x 30.40 = 304.00 individual - 2 @ $49 190.00 62.50% group - 4 @ $23 OP- 6 per month $294.00 55 x 19.60 = 98.00 individual - 1 @ $49 72.00 73.47% group - 1@ $23 $294.00 1010 x 19.60 = 196.00 individual - 2 @ $49 144.00 73.47% group - 2 @ $23 Examples of Calculation for Authorization Value of Unbundled Outpatient Service Packages
FFS Prior Authorization Issues If your agency staff receives an error message when requesting a Prior Authorization for a FFS Initiative, please enter information into the NJSAMS Ticket Management System – see handout Immediately e-mail the following information to your agency’s FFS Prior Authorization Contact ( Your FFS contact needs to know the date this action took place for your protection in the event the issue is not resolved in time for you to secure the authorization with the correct start date) NJSAMS ID (never e-mail client names) Funding Initiative Level of Care (LOC) Service request start date Error message received when attempting to secure prior- authorization/description of problem NJSAMS – TMS ticket number (if any) NOTE: If error is related to name, social security # or date of birth error, please access TMS in NJSAMS by attaching Request for Correction of client’s data form in TMS (Ticket Management System) found on bottom link where you create a ticket 72
FFS Billing Issues 73 If your agency staff receives an error message when submitting a FFS claim, please e-mail the following information immediately to your agency’s FFS Prior Authorization Contact NJSAMS ID (never e-mail client names) Funding Initiative Level of Care (LOC) For claims denials: authorization # denial code claim number dates of service description of problem Before submitting information regarding a claim that has been denied, conduct a claim search at to be sure your agency has not already been paid for the submitted dates of
Problem resolution 74 The Prior Authorization Contact (either Robin Blake or Barbara Steele) assigned to your agency will review the prior authorization error or billing problem and work with your agency to remediate the problem
FFS Prior Authorization Contacts 75 Robin Blake (609) 984-0899 Barbara Steele (609) 633-3819 A list of providers and their FFS contacts can be accessed through under Documents – references; or on NJSAMS under “Documents” (DMHAS contacts)
Additional Customer Service Support 76 NJSAMS Ticket Management System (TMS) – see hand out 1-888-257-2103 Operates during normal business hours; closed weekends and holidays
DMHAS FFS related contacts 77 Subject MatterDMHAS Contact PersonStaff E-Mail AddressPhone Fee for Service Network Manager Nancy Fee For Service Contract Liaison Cathy Co-Occurring Chad Williams Christine Vivitrol Ann Clinician Roster Info. System (CRIS) Kathy Extension Requests John Network Operations, Quality Carmine Assurance, Credentialing, and New Initiatives
DMHAS FFS Initiative contacts 78 Subject MatterDMHAS Contact PersonStaff E-Mail AddressPhone Department of Corrections (DOC) Chad Steve Driving Under the Influence (DUII) Andrea Drug Court Initiative (DC) Steve Sara Medically Assisted Treatment (MATI) Adam Recovery & Rebuilding Initiative (RRI) Carmine Screening, Brief Intervention & Kathleen Russo Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) South Jersey Initiative (SJI) Alicia Chis State Parole Board (SPB) Chad WilliamsChad.Williams@dhs.state.nj.us609-292-7808 Steve Fishbein
Questions 79
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