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Roll call: Answer by telling me any word you can think of in Spanish! Review: On the note card provided, tell me 2 things that make you special! Welcome.

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Presentation on theme: "Roll call: Answer by telling me any word you can think of in Spanish! Review: On the note card provided, tell me 2 things that make you special! Welcome."— Presentation transcript:

1 Roll call: Answer by telling me any word you can think of in Spanish! Review: On the note card provided, tell me 2 things that make you special! Welcome to Spanish Unit 1: Day 1

2 Classroom items, Regulations, How to study Icebreakers Name game with ball M&M Game What you need to know?

3 1. Students will be able to ask and answer the question "What is your name? orally and in writing. 2. Students will be able to greet and say goodbye to others orally and in writing. 3. Students will recognize key vocabulary terms in writing and orally. Learning Objective

4 NC Standards NM.CLL.2.1 Understand the meaning of memorized phrases and questions about familiar topics and surroundings. NM.CLL.2.2 Understand the meaning of memorized words and phrases in sentences. NL.COD.3.1 Use single words and simple, memorized phrases, such as those for weather, days of the week, months, seasons, numbers and daily classroom activities, to present to an audience. NL.COD.3.1 Use single words and simple, memorized phrases, such as those for weather, days of the week, months, seasons, numbers and daily classroom activities, to present to an audience. NL.COD.3.1 Use single words and simple, memorized phrases, such as those for weather, days of the week, months, seasons, numbers and daily classroom activities, to present to an audience.

5 This lesson activity is designed to teach you how to say hello and goodbye in Spanish. It is intended for beginner students with extremely limited Spanish capabilities. It will get you speaking to one another and memorizing a variety of key phrases. What will you learn…

6 Hellos & Goodbyes Greetings Hola – hello Buenos días - good morning Buenas tardes – good afternoon Buenas noches - good evening ¿Qué tal? - what’s up? ¿Cómo estás? - how are you? Saying Goodbye Adiós – goodbye Hasta luego - see you later Hasta pronto - see you soon Hasta la vista - until we meet again Hasta la próxima semana - see you next week Chao – bye Cuidate - take care (be careful) Nos vemos - see ya

7 Los saludos

8 Buenos días 7 a.m.

9 3:35 p.m. ¡Buenas tardes!

10 ¡Buenas noches! 23 horas Shhhhhhhhhh!!!

11 ¡Adiós!

12 Hawfield’s Nombre Los saludos 1) Cnehos ensbau ¡! 2) ¡ahlo! 3) ¡! ísda seboun 4) Nubesa ¡! Stdaer 5) ¡!sAiod 1) ¡Buenas noches! 2) ¡Hola! 3) ¡Buenos días! 4) ¡Buenas tardes! 5) ¡Adiós!

13 I will turn the lights on, off, and half way off… If the lights are on: Good Morning If the lights are off: Good Evening If the lights are ½ way off: Good Afternoon Light Activity

14 You will be with a partner. With your partner write and practice a conversation to share with the class. Now Let’s Practice

15 Complete the Word Search provided! Exit Ticket


17 Roll call: Answer by telling me any word you learned from last class! Review: Translate the following: Good morning Good afternoon Good evening (night) Welcome to Spanish Unit 1: Days 2 & 3


19 ¡Hola clase! ¡Buenos días! ¡Buenos días Señora Atkinson!

20 ¡Hola! ¡Buenos días!

21 ¿Cómo te llamas? ¡Hola! ¡Buenos días! Me llamo Señora Atkinson.

22 ¡Hola! ¡Buenos días! ¿Cómo te llamas? ¡Hola! ¡Buenos días! Me llamo...

23 1. Me llamo es Señora Akinson. 2. Me llamo Señora Atkinson. 3. Me llama Señora Atkinson. ¿Cómo se escribe Atkinson? Se escribe A-T-K-I-N-S-O-N

24 Complete the worksheet: Vocabulario de los saludos Now work with another person in the class and ask them questions/respond! Now Let’s Practice

25 Watch the following video: Now… You will create your own teaching lesson for the words I give you. You will then teach the class using your own homemade video! Un Video

26 LA TAREA (Homework) Practice what you have learned with a family member and have them sign your journal indicating that you did the assignment.

27 Write down 5 words or phrases you have learned without using your notes. Exit Ticket

28 Roll call: Answer by telling me any country you would like to visit! Review: Translate the following: How are you? What’s your name? My name is… Welcome to Spanish Unit 1: Day 3

29 Vocabulario Nuevo Mucho Gusto El gusto es mio Igualmente Nice to meet you The pleasure is mine Likewise

30 Vamos a Practicar Create a conversation using ALL vocabulary with your partner.

31 Use a book in class… But don’t take it home yet!!!

32 Pagina 5 Numero 6 Read the conversation, then answer the questions to the right. Vamos a leer…We are going to read!

33 I will read the passages and you will follow along. We will then play Senorita Dice. Turn to page 6 in your book!

34 Make sure your rows are straight and all trash is picked up! Muchas Gracias!!! Exit Ticket

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