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Chapter 24, Lesson 1 World War. Trouble in Europe June 28, 1914 Archduke Franz Ferdinand killed in Bosnia Was heir (next in line) to the Austro-Hungarian.

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1 Chapter 24, Lesson 1 World War

2 Trouble in Europe June 28, 1914 Archduke Franz Ferdinand killed in Bosnia Was heir (next in line) to the Austro-Hungarian throne Tension in Europe had been building, competing for empires in Africa & Asia Strong nationalism: intense loyalty to country or group This inspired ethnic groups to break away from nations

3 Euro Military Alliances Growing militarism: buildup military strength to compete with other countries Created alliance system: different nations who promise to support each other if under attack Balance of power: equality amongst countries supposed to be created Small spark could set off war




7 Assassination & War Gavrilo Princip-Serbian nationalist who wanted to bring down Austro-Hungarian empire by killing Ferdinand Serbia was blamed and given list of demands by Aus-Hun & Germany Serbia refused and Aus-Hun declared war 7/28/14

8 “Great War” Begins Allied Powers Great Britain France Russia Japan Italy US (1917) Central Powers Germany Austria-Hungary Ottoman Empire (Turkey)

9 Western Front Germany invaded Belgium to reach France Hoping for a quick win, they’d then move east to Russia but Belgium was tough & gave France & Britain time Battle of the Marne stopped German advance & created stalemate: when neither side makes progress Both sides launched major offenses to stop the stalemate (Dec 1916:Battle of Verdun:750,000+ French & German dead

10 New Weapons Improved artillery fired bigger shells further Rifles were more accurate Poison gas made it hard to see & breath (gas masks) Allies had armored tanks to defeat trench warfare, soon Germans had them too

11 Air & Sea Airplanes gave new dimension to war for reconnaissance & bomb targets, “dog fights” Stalemate brought war to the sea Brits blockaded German ports (food & supply shortage) German U-boats: “Unterseeboot” submarines that sunk ships w/ supplies

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