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1 Analyzing EEG Coupling Alois Schlögl University of Technology Graz, Austria COST B27 ENOC Joint WGs Meeting Swansea UK, 16-18 September 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Analyzing EEG Coupling Alois Schlögl University of Technology Graz, Austria COST B27 ENOC Joint WGs Meeting Swansea UK, 16-18 September 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Analyzing EEG Coupling Alois Schlögl University of Technology Graz, Austria COST B27 ENOC Joint WGs Meeting Swansea UK, 16-18 September 2006

2 2 Offer: –Methods for analysing EEG coupling using Multivariate autoregressive modelling –Coherency, PDC, DTF, phase, etc. –BioSig http://biosig.sf.net Asking for: –EEG data on interesting research topics –collaboration

3 3 Multivariate AutoRegressive (MVAR) models Multivariate: spatio-temporal correlation Estimators: –Levinson-Wiggins-Robinson (LWR): Multivariate Yule-Walker –Nutall-Strand method (multivariate burg method) –Vieira-Morf (multivariate geometric lattice) Software: –TSA-toolbox: MVAR.M –BioSig Schlögl (2006), Comparison of MVAR estimators, Signal Processing.

4 4

5 5 Coupling almost all the time in all frequencies !? Time-Frequency Analysis PDC (Hypothesis: PDC>0) 0 1 Subject K3 Left hand

6 6 Event-related PDC (Hypothesis: PDC != ref) Increases and decreases of coupling can be observed ! pdc<ref pdc>ref Subject K3 Left hand ref=pdc(0-3s)

7 7

8 8 MVAR estimators Comparison of ARFIT Multichannel Yule- Walker Multichannel Burg (Nutall-Strand) Schlögl, A. (2006) Comparison of Multivariate Autoregressive Estimators. Signal processing

9 9 Signal processing (II) Spectrum Coherence (absCOH, imagCOH) Partial coherence (pCOH) Partial directed coherence (PDC) Directed transfer function (DTF) Full-Frequency DTF (ffDTF) Directed coupling (DC) Phase

10 10 Auto/Crossspectra & Coherence

11 11 Imaginare und partiel Coherence

12 12 Directed transfer function DTF & partial directed coherence (PDC)

13 13 Thank You for the Attention References: –Schlögl, 2006, Comparison of Multivariate Autoregressive Estimators. Signal processing –Schlögl and Supp (in press), Progress In Brain Research Contact: Alois Schlögl

14 14 Coupling almost all the time in all frequencies !? DTF (Hypothesis: DTF>0) 0 1 Subject K3 Left hand

15 15 Increases and decreases of coupling can be observed ! pdc<ref pdc>ref Subject K3 Right hand ref=pdc(0-3s) Event-related PDC (Hypothesis: PDC != ref)

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