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FP7 UK Technology Strategy Board Driving Innovation Horizon 2020 – The Health Challenge Manchester – 18 th December 2013 Octavio Pernas – Horizon 2020.

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Presentation on theme: "FP7 UK Technology Strategy Board Driving Innovation Horizon 2020 – The Health Challenge Manchester – 18 th December 2013 Octavio Pernas – Horizon 2020."— Presentation transcript:

1 FP7 UK Technology Strategy Board Driving Innovation Horizon 2020 – The Health Challenge Manchester – 18 th December 2013 Octavio Pernas – Horizon 2020 UK National Contact Point for Health

2 FP7 UK Technology Strategy Board Driving Innovation Facts and figures What’s on the Horizon 2020 The Health Challenge Case study NCP support Agenda

3 FP7 UK Technology Strategy Board Driving Innovation Facts and figures What’s on the Horizon 2020 The Health Challenge Case study NCP support Agenda

4 FP7 UK Technology Strategy Board Driving Innovation Year Total Funding Projects Funded Topics SME Targeted 2007€641 million153870% 2008€577 million172870% 2009€593million108710% 2010€628 million131720% 2011€657 million1245120% 2012€657 million1403753% 2013€819 million1433755% Facts and figures FP7 Health Theme Funding, 2007 - 2013

5 FP7 UK Technology Strategy Board Driving Innovation UK has highest level of participation in successful health projects Facts and figures FP7 Health Theme – Participants

6 FP7 UK Technology Strategy Board Driving Innovation UK organisations have secured > €670 million of EU funding for Health research Facts and figures FP7 Health Theme – EC contribution (€ M)

7 FP7 UK Technology Strategy Board Driving Innovation Facts and figures What’s on the Horizon 2020 The Health Challenge Case study NCP support Agenda

8 FP7 UK Technology Strategy Board Driving Innovation What is Horizon 2020? Financial instrument implementing the Innovation Union (Europe 2020 flagship initiative) Horizon 2020: Policy context What’s on the Horizon 2020

9 FP7 UK Technology Strategy Board Driving Innovation Horizon 2020: What is it? 70.20 billion euro research and innovation funding programme (2014-2020) New framework programme bringing together three separate programmes/initiatives (FP, EIT, CIP) Continuation of investment in frontier research More support for innovation activities – focus on business opportunities Simplification (e.g. reduction of average time to grant by 100 days) What’s on the Horizon 2020

10 FP7 UK Technology Strategy Board Driving Innovation Single set of rules for participation, coherent with other new EU Programmes One project – one funding rate - Eligible costs: direct + indirect (flat rate, 25% of direct costs) - 100% rate for research projects; - 70 % rate for activities closer to market; Simple evaluation criteria: Excellence, Impact, Implementation New funding schemes: pre-commercial procurement, prizes, loan and equity instruments, etc. Horizon 2020: What’s new? What’s on the Horizon 2020 Register as an expert!! sktop/en/experts/index.html

11 FP7 UK Technology Strategy Board Driving Innovation 1.Excellent Science 2.Industrial Leadership 3.Societal Challenges Horizon 2020: Three priorities What’s on the Horizon 2020

12 FP7 UK Technology Strategy Board Driving Innovation European Research Council (ERC) Supporting world leading scientist in blue sky research 13.09 Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) Collaborative research to open new fields of innovation 2.67 Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (MSCA) Opportunities for training and career development 6.16 Research infrastructures (including e-infrastructure) Ensuring access to world-class facilities 2.49 Horizon 2020: Excellent Science (€Bn) What’s on the Horizon 2020

13 FP7 UK Technology Strategy Board Driving Innovation Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies (LEIT) ICT (45 %), nanotechnologies (22 %), biotechnology (3 %), etc 13.56 Access to risk finance Leveraging private finance and venture capital for research and innovation 2.84 Innovation in SMEs Fostering all forms of innovation in all types of SMEs 0.6 complemented by c. 20% of societal challenges and industrial leadership and ‘access to risk finance’ with strong SME focus Horizon 2020: Industrial Leadership (€Bn) What’s on the Horizon 2020

14 FP7 UK Technology Strategy Board Driving Innovation CODETITLE BUDGET (€M)TYPE OF ACTION NMK 6 - 2015 Novel nanomatrices and nanocapsules 3 – 5R&I Actions NMK 8 – 2014 Scale-up of nanomedicine Research & Innovation Actions production 5 – 8R&I Actions NMK 9 - 2014 Networking of SMEs in the nano-biomedical sector 1 – 2CSA NMK 10 - 2014 Biomaterials for the treatment of diabetes mellitus 6 – 8R&I Actions NMK 11 - 2015 Nanomedicine therapy for cancer6 – 9R&I Actions NMK 12 – 2014 Biomaterials for treatment and prevention of Alzheimer ‟ s disease 6 – 8R&I Actions Health related topics (NMP - LEIT)

15 FP7 UK Technology Strategy Board Driving Innovation Health, demographic change and wellbeing7.47 Food security, sustainable agriculture & the bioeconomy3.85 Secure, clean and efficient energy5.93 Smart, green and integrated transport6.34 Climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials3.08 Europe in a changing world - inclusive, innovative and reflective societies 1.31 Secure societies – protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizen 1.69 Horizon 2020: Societal challenges (€Bn) What’s on the Horizon 2020

16 FP7 UK Technology Strategy Board Driving Innovation Copyright Beta Technology 2013 Excellent Science European Research Council (ERC) Marie Skłodowska- Curie actions Research Infrastructures Future & Emerging Technologies (FET) Industrial Leadership Innovation in SMEs Access to Risk Finance Leadership in Enabling and Industrial Technologies Societal challenges Health, demographic change and wellbeing Food security, sustainable agriculture, forestry, marine, maritime, inland water and bio- economy Secure, clean and efficient energy Smart, green and integrated transport Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials Secure societies – protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies JRCEIT Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation Science with and for Society

17 FP7 UK Technology Strategy Board Driving Innovation Facts and figures What’s on the Horizon 2020 The Health Challenge Case study NCP support Agenda

18 FP7 UK Technology Strategy Board Driving Innovation Health, demographic change and wellbeing challenge (SC1) Less prescription – what to do, but not how to do it Strengthening competitiveness of EU industries - development of new market opportunities Multidisciplinary approach - fostering cooperation between academic and industrial sectors Also implemented by the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) 2; European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP); Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) 2 The Health Challenge

19 FP7 UK Technology Strategy Board Driving Innovation SC1 – Work programme Work programmes with a 2 year-duration! 15 topics in the ‘co-ordination activities’ call (7 ERA-NET) 34 topics in the ‘personalising health and care’ focus area call Objectives: Create opportunities for real breakthrough research Translation of findings into the clinic Reduce health inequalities Promote active and healthy ageing The Health Challenge

20 FP7 UK Technology Strategy Board Driving Innovation SC1 – ‘Personalising health and care’ 1.Understanding health, ageing and disease – 3 topics 2.Effective health promotion, disease prevention, preparedness and screening – 6 topics 3.Improving diagnosis – 3 topics 4.Innovative treatments and technologies – 6 topics 5.Advancing active and healthy ageing – 4 topics 6.Integrated, sustainable, citizen-centred care – 7 topics 7.Improving health information, data exploitation and providing an evidence base for health policies and regulation – 5 topics The Health Challenge

21 FP7 UK Technology Strategy Board Driving Innovation PHC 10 - 2014) Development of new diagnostic tools and technologies: in vitro devices, assays and platforms Specific challenge: The development of new diagnostics (more sensitive, robust and selective) for improved clinical practice demands the translation of multidisciplinary scientific and technological knowledge from diverse fields into clinical applications. (…) A wide range of multidisciplinary competencies need to be brought together to develop and bring new diagnostics to the patient. This is also a field where many small European companies are active. Scope: Proposals will focus on the development of innovative in vitro diagnostic tools and technologies (not novel applications of existing ones) (…) Expected impact: New in vitro diagnostic tools and methods providing more accurate, more reliable and earlier disease diagnosis (…) Type of action: Research and Innovation action SC1 – Understanding the needs The Health Challenge

22 FP7 UK Technology Strategy Board Driving Innovation The Health Challenge CallBudget (€Mn)Submission procedureStage 1 Deadline Stage 2 Deadline H2020-PHC-2014- single-stage 185.20Single stage15 th April, 2014NA H2020-PHC-2014- two-stage 303.00Two stage11 th March, 201419 th August, 2014 H2020-HCO-201440.00Single stage15 th April, 2014NA H2020-PHC-2015- single-stage 162.00 Single stage21 st April, 2015NA H2020-PHC-2015- two-stage 330.00Two stage14 th October, 201424 th February, 2015 H2020-HCO-201529.00Single stage21 st April, 2015NA

23 FP7 UK Technology Strategy Board Driving Innovation Facts and figures What’s on the Horizon 2020 The Health Challenge Case study NCP support Agenda

24 FP7 UK Technology Strategy Board Driving Innovation 13 partners from 7 EU countries: 4 Hospitals, 3 Universities, 3 SMEs, 2 Patient Organisations, 1 Pharmaceutical Company HEALTH-2012-INN-1: 5 years of execution, € 8 million of EC contribution (30% for SMEs) Coordinator: Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospital NHS Trust NCP support: project matching, eligibility check with project officer, helpline during preparation, updated information during evaluation, support during negotiation Case study DevelopAKUre - Clinical Development of Nitisinone for Alkaptonuria

25 FP7 UK Technology Strategy Board Driving Innovation Evaluation: 15/15 1. S/T quality: “The overall project is presented very clearly, in a systematic manner. The description perfectly addressed all relevant aspects of the call”. 2. Implementation: “The project structure is well designed and appropriate. The parties involved are highly skilled, providing an excellent mix of scientific, strategic and operational skills” 3. Impact: “The plans for dissemination were extremely well prepared. The IP Policy was seen as exemplary” Case study DevelopAKUre - Clinical Development of Nitisinone for Alkaptonuria

26 FP7 UK Technology Strategy Board Driving Innovation Facts and figures What’s on the Horizon 2020 The Health Challenge Case study NCP support Agenda

27 FP7 UK Technology Strategy Board Driving Innovation All advice is confidential, impartial and free A UK-wide network provided by the Technology Strategy Board to help you engage with H2020 General advice on H2020 participation – help you to make an informed decision (signposting) Helpline - scientific priorities, calls, participation rules, financial rules, partnering… Follow-on advice – negotiation stage, reports, cost claims, IPR, project management… Informing and Awareness Raising (Infodays, seminars,…) NCP support

28 FP7 UK Technology Strategy Board Driving Innovation _Connect NCP contacts Information News Events Documents Network NCP support

29 FP7 UK Technology Strategy Board Driving Innovation European Commission – Horizon 2020: Participant portal: Fit for Health: NHS European Office: _Connect (NCP network): Further information

30 FP7 UK Technology Strategy Board Driving Innovation Website: E mail: Phone: 01302 322633 Mobile: 07775 584028 Twitter: @H2020_HealthNCP Alternative: Alex Harris 02073 952214 Horizon 2020 Health National Contact Point: Octavio Pernas

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