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Journal Publishing: Libraries Making a Difference Todd Chavez, Director Academic Resources William Garrison, Dean USF Libraries ALA Midwinter Meeting January.

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Presentation on theme: "Journal Publishing: Libraries Making a Difference Todd Chavez, Director Academic Resources William Garrison, Dean USF Libraries ALA Midwinter Meeting January."— Presentation transcript:

1 Journal Publishing: Libraries Making a Difference Todd Chavez, Director Academic Resources William Garrison, Dean USF Libraries ALA Midwinter Meeting January 21, 2012

2 Presentation Goals Touch on OA movement Building institutional support Describe USF’s Scholar Commons strategy Discuss staffing and skill sets Touch on workflow Describe future developments

3 USF Vital Facts, 2010/11 47,576 students 10,805 degrees awarded $309 million research expenditures $296 million endowment $1.5 billion budget 15,618 employees

4 “In my view, substituting open access for closed access journals is a necessary but not sufficient change to our system of academic communication. We need to recognize new modes of publication and dissemination of knowledge that are relevant beyond the academy, and we need to formalize credibility in this new, broader context. That would be truly radical.” John Hawks Paleoanthropologist University of Wisconsin-Madison

5 Removing Institutional Obstacles Library as Partner

6 Repository Services Digital Access Organization & Curation Long-Term Preservation eScholarship Services Publication & Scholarly Communication Data Management Planning Rights Management OA Publishing Services Digital Access & Preservation Impact Assessment Consultation & Strategic Planning Geoportal & Data Repository Data Curation & Preservation Information Visualization Enterprise GIS

7 OA Publishing Services Digital Access & Preservation Impact Assessment Consultation & Strategic Planning Library’s publishing targets … Open-access journals Open-access ebooks Open-access collections/digital projects Electronic theses/dissertations

8 Decision to Support Aim & Scope Align w/Library’s Strategic Interests Active & “Healthy” Editorial Profile Globally- relevant, Interdisciplinary Topics Peer-reviewed Committed to Open-Access

9 Journal users view 3.5 pages per visit versus 2.25 view for the average user across the Library’s web content. IJS, JSS, and Studia Geologia are three of the top four landing pages and three of the top five exit pages. Just over 50% of users are viewing from the US, with additional traffic from, in order of frequency, India, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Australia.

10 Total 2011 downloads = 8,717; lifetime = 19,042 Average monthly downloads = 739.25 46% of all of the title’s downloads occurred in 2011 Articles per issue = 6.3 100% of articles downloaded 50+ times; 88% over 100 times Average article downloads = 272 (921 maximum)

11 359.40% increase in article downloads from 2008 Total lifetime downloads = 22,637 Average monthly downloads = 511 76% of articles downloaded 100+ times Articles per issue = 6.6 26% of downloads from outside the USA

12 204% increase in article downloads from 2010-2011 Total lifetime downloads = 22,637 61.45% of articles downloaded 100+ times Articles per issue = 7 Redefining Terrorism downloaded 1,829 times

13 91% increase in article downloads from first-half 2011 Total 2011 downloads = 3,703 38% of articles downloaded 100+ times Articles per issue = 10.6

14 Coming in 2012




18 Additional directions …

19 Practical Matters: People & Workflows

20 Allocation of FTE, 2008 (n=27)

21 Allocation of FTE, 2011 (n=28) 20% Salary

22 Pete Reehling GIS/Data Mgmt. Richard McKenzie GIS Technician Beverly Caggiano Data Mgmt. Data Management Rebel Saul- Cummings IR Mgmt. Brian Falato IR Metadata IR Management Carol Ann Borchert OA Publishing Julie Fielding OA Journals Brenna Mathiesen OA Journals OA Publishing Scholar Commons Team

23 Valuable Skills & Experience Serial Collection Management Acquisitions Vendor Interactions Record of Publishing Editing Skills Layout & Graphics Cataloging & Metadata Database Management XML Markup Batch Record Loading & MS Excel Rights Management Publishing Trends Experience with Social Networking Knowledge of Persistent IDs Understand Peer Review Project Management Metrics Applied to Journals Carol Ann Borchert Brenna Mathiasen Julie Fielding Rebel Saul-Cumming

24 Simplified Timeline for Launch MOU Crafted & Signed Journal Described OR Journal Adapted Site Created Editor Training LAUNCH ! Elapsed time = 4-6 weeks

25 MOU – Hosting Agreement Enumerates services proffered Defines responsibilities Establishes grant of “non-exclusive, worldwide license for electronic dissemination” of content, abstracts, TOCs, reference lists, and metadata Describes the scope, aim, style/format, and policies of the journal


27 Source: Richard K. Johnson “Market Remedies: The Role of Open Access Publishing,” 2005 Traditional vs. OA Publishing Costs

28 Evolutionary Process

29 The Library's Environmental Sustainability initiatives include materials published by the library and by strategic partners. The Textbook Affordability Project (TAP) counters rising education costs by connecting students and faculty with alternatives to full- price textbooks.

30 Geoportal & Data Repository Data Curation & Preservation Information Visualization Enterprise GIS Bringing data to the OA process …. GIS Specialist Programmer System Architect Data Librarian GIS Specialist Richard McKenzie Beverly CaggianoPete Reehling

31 Bay Study Group Collection (May 2011)

32 Bay Study Group Collection (November 2011)

33 Questions & Thank You

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