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Published byRalf Mathews Modified over 8 years ago
Summary of the AWAKE Technical Board Meetings Edda Gschwendtner
Technical Board After the approval of AWAKE end 2013, urgent need to restructure and better organize the AWAKE collaboration: – Be more efficient to meet the experimental goal of having 1 st beam in 2016. Technical Board: Institution where all issues concerning the design, installation, integration, commissioning of the AWAKE experiment are coordinated: – Follow-up of the technical progress of the different groups/tasks. – Coordinate the design, installation, integration and interfaces of the experiment. – Provide specifications of the technical implementation. – Perform milestone tracking and resource loaded planning. – Take technical decisions. – Follow-up and documentation. Allows to have fine-meshed follow-up with much more efficient reactions! 2
M. Bernardini- AWAKE TB Global Overview: proton phase 25th August, 20143 Installation: 2015: 3 rd and 4 th Q 2016: 1 st and 2 nd Q HWC: 2016: 2 nd and 3 rd Q Proton Physics: 2016: from 4 th Q
TaskMemberAlternate MemberInstitute/Technical Group Chair Technical CoordinatorEdda GschwendtnerCERN/EN-MEF Deputy Technical CoordinatorChiara BraccoCERN/TE-ABT Ex-officio members SpokespersonAllen CaldwellMPI Deputy spokespersonMatthew WingUCL Physics CoordinatorPatric MuggliSilvia CipicciaMPI Simulation CoordinatorKonstantin LotovBINP Task Group Coordinators Metal vapor sourceErdem ÖzMPI Munich Helicon plasma cellOlaf GrulkeIPP Greifswald Pulsed discharge plasma cellNelson LopesIST Self-modulation diagnosticsRoxana TarkeshianMPI Electron spectrometerSimon JollyLawrence DeaconUCL LaserJosh Moody Electron gun elementsGraeme BurtCockcroft Institute Data AcquisitionPeter Sherwood SimulationKonstantin LotovAlexey PetrenkoBINP, CERN, IST CERN work package leaders SPS beamElena ShaposhnikovaCERN/BE-RF Proton and electron beam linesChiara BraccoCERN/TE-ABT Experimental area, integration, installationAns PardonsCERN/EN-MEF Electron sourceSteffen DoebertCERN/BE-RF Laser beam line and interfaceValentin FedosseevCERN/EN-STI CERN Sub work package leaders Radiation ProtectionEduard FeldbaumerHelmut VinckeCERN/DGS-RP RF synchronizationAndy ButterworthWolfgang HoefleCERN/BE-RF VacuumJan HansenCERN/TE-VCS Beam InstrumentationRhodri JonesLars JensenCERN/BE-BI Technical Board 4
Technical Board Meetings 2014 1 st TB: 9 April 2014 (Collaboration Meeting at CERN) 2 nd TB: 19 May 2014 (via phone) 3 rd TB: 1 st July 2014 4 th TB: 25 th August 2014 5 th TB: 24 September 2014 6 th TB: 6 November 2014 7 th TB: 11 December 2014 5
Technical Board Meetings 1 st TB: 9 April 2014 (Collaboration Meeting at CERN) – Edda summarizes for each work-package: milestones, matters arising, required input from others. 2 nd TB: 19 May 2014 (via phone) – All work-package leaders presented their progress and planning/milestones Inventory All issues put on the table Find weak points Explain why some work-packages need information so early/urgently/late… Connect the responsible people who need to work together 6
3 rd Technical Board Meeting 1 st July 2014 Beam Instrumentation, Controls, Planning Self-modulation diagnostics (Roxana) – CERN got better understanding of layout need to freeze it now – Follow-up meetings on optical lines for the streak-camera CERN BI: – Clear message on available resources for BI – caused many discussion with CERN management on use of CTF3 beam instrumentation and on TRIUMF collaboration Yesterday: TRIUMF presentation Member of the collaboration! PHIN beam Instrumentation can be used Some other instrumentation in CTF3 could be available Discussion started on how to measure synchronization CERN Control Standards – DAQ discussions started!!!! Parameter list of which data logged, used for alarms, etc.. Which readout system to use ongoing studies. Planning: – First time a global planning A lot of missing input 7
4 th Technical Board meeting 25 th August 2014 Downstream Plasma Line, Plasma Cell, Planning Quadrupole focusing for the electron spectrometer (Alexey) – Decision: install focusing magnets – Powering (in series) to be confirmed see 5 th TB! Integration issues downstream the plasma cell (Ans) – Length of 2m for the diagnostics table confirmed – Define rest of the downstream area now (choice of the spectrometer magnet) Status of the plasma cell (Erdem) – Grant company + planning – Many issues: Fast valve dimensions Rb dilution Diameter of tube Beam focusing Electron trapping Valve-induced density variations in the Rb vapor (Roberto) – More calculations ongoing see 5 th TB! Planning (Marzia) – Racks and cable needs! Deadline end September! – Installation planning started 8 PEB & many follow-up meeting!
5 th Technical Board Meeting 24 September 2014 Vacuum, Plasma cell, TRIUMF Update and follow-up of vacuum system (Jan) Put on the table many points!! – separating window: before decision: need input from Alexey and Lawrence this Coll. Mtg! more calculations on different window material/thicknesses needed. Consequence: if we put a window in that place, it’s ok in terms of planning. Huge budget difference in case we move the window more upstream. – Fast valve control system: to be defined Jan, Chiara, Patric, Erdem sit down! – Laser line acceptance tests: ongoing (on-hold). – Vacuum window at the end of the proton line: decision: shift tube upstream for exchange. – Calculations on electron line vacuum : on-hold. need plasma diameter – Proposed proton beam line: we can approve the documents. – Updated Rb dilution calculations: even with much smaller opening time only get > 50cm dilution area. (baffle with 10cm, 10 m). – CERN found an area for tests! Update of plasma cell (Erdem) – Very much in contact with GRANT Decisions on planning (clean tube design ready, etc…) Proposal of TRIUMF contribution (Victor) – Triumf become member of the AWAKE Collaboration!! – BPMs for electron beam line, Faraday cup 9
Topics to Cover in the Next TBs What:Impact on:Deadline:People involved: Electron spectrometer magnet Installation in Jan. 2015 order cable now, define PC, decsion on type 6 th TB! September 2014Alexey, Lawrence, Simon, Jeremie, Serial powering of quadrupoles Installation in Jan. 2015 order cable now! September 2014Alexey, Lawrence, Simon, Freeze plasma lengthMechanical design, purchase of beam-line elements September 2014 mtg Ans, Patric Erdem, Patric Freeze area downstream the plasma Mechanical design, purchase of beam-line elements September 2014Roxana, Erdem, Patric, Ans, Alexey Approve co-existence of proton and electron beam in common line Design of electron-proton merging area: vacuum system, magnets, beam instrumentation,… September 2014Ulrich, Julia, Chiara, Alexey Location of window, separating AWAKE and SPS Electron background in plasma cell and electron spectrometer, radiation to electronics, vacuum system, mechanical design, purchase September 2014, if moving window is required! Pablo, Alexey, Lawrence, Simon, Jan, Chiara Racks, cablesAvailable space, integration,September 2014All, Ans Fast valve: control system, interlock system, size, Control systemErdem, Patric, VAT, Jan Plasma cell: aperture, baffles, length remote control of pumps, gauges Electron line vacuum, control system, beam optics, electron trapping, electron beam-line design Erdem, Patric, Roberto, Jan, Alexey, Konstantin, Chiara, Janet Plasma cell inner tubeProduction at CERN- to have piece in Dec 2014 Design September 2014 Erdem, Patric, GRANT, Jan, CERN workshop 10
Topics to Cover in the Next TBs What:Impact:Deadline:People involved: Laser/Amplitude: transport UV light, mode-locking externally, compressor design Design of electron source area! Strategy for mode- locking, integration, purchase, production Some parts end September 2014 AMPLITUDE! Patric, Josh, Valentin, Mikhail, Christoph, Ans, Laser system: compressor, mirror mounts, translator. Vacuum compatibility, mechanical design, purchase, production. Elements are ordered. Jan, Valentin, Mikhail, Christoph, Proton beam line instrumentation (common proton/electron/laser) Design. Integration, production, purchase. Lars, CERN BI, Chiara Electron beam instrumentationDesign. Integration, production, purchase. Collaboration. Steffen, Chiara, Lars, CERN BI, TRIUMF Synchronization: Master-clock, … Design, who does whatWolfgang, Andy, Heiko, Steffen, Patric Electron-source: cathode system Design, integration, space, access to other area Steffen, Valentin&Co, Patric, Amplitude. Supports: plasma cell, diagnostics table Design, workshopAns, Patric, Roxana 11
Remarks Take the actions seriously Answer to Actions Take initiative: plenty of additional meetings with core people involved are required to get results for the TB Close link with PEB Some points where action is not very responsive (yet): – Everything where one has to sit down and think through the experiment ?! Racks, cables DAQ Planning – Amplitude 12
Summary The Technical Board is an extremely useful forum to discuss all aspects of the experiment which need to be covered for the design, integration and installation. Working very closely with the Physics and Experiments Board (PEB). Short time-scale of preparing the experiment and the tight planning – Need good coordination – Otherwise we have delay! Task owners and work-package leaders are supposed to take their role very seriously – Provide the necessary results, inputs and put issues on the table as soon as possible. 13
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