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Unit 5: Cell Reproduction Quiz Review #1 - Answers 1) Play the slide show 2) Read the question and try to answer before clicking to see the correct answer.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 5: Cell Reproduction Quiz Review #1 - Answers 1) Play the slide show 2) Read the question and try to answer before clicking to see the correct answer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 5: Cell Reproduction Quiz Review #1 - Answers 1) Play the slide show 2) Read the question and try to answer before clicking to see the correct answer. 3) Click again to go to the next question

2 1. What is the cell cycle? What is the longest phase/stage in the cell? ANSWER: It’s the set of events that represent the life of a cell Interphase is the longest phase

3 2. Why is mitosis important (why do we need to make more cells)? ANSWER: We need to: 1) Replace dead or old cells 2) Repair cells 3) Grow & develop 4) Maintain a healthy size

4 3. Describe what happens in interphase. ANSWER: - Cell Growth & Development -Preparation for cell division (copy DNA & make centrioles)

5 4. How do plant and animal cells differ in mitosis? ANSWER: 1) Animal Cells have centrioles but plant cells have no centrioles. 2) Animal cells form a cleavage furrow in cytokinesis while plant cells form a cell plate.

6 5. What are chromosomes? Draw a chromosome and label a)chromatid & b)centromere. ANSWER: They are structures made of condensed & coiled DNA.

7 6. What is a chromatid? ANSWER: Chromatids are single strands of DNA or one copy of DNA.

8 7. What is a centromere? ANSWER: Centromeres are areas where two chromatids meet/attach.

9 8. What do you call proteins that your DNA wraps around in order to form chromosomes? ANSWER: Histones!

10 9. How many chromosomes are found in most normal human body cells? ANSWER: 46

11 10.What are the two types of chromosomes? How many chromosomes do we have of each type? ANSWER: Sex Chromosomes (determine gender) = 2 Chromosomes (1 pair) Autosomes (determines traits other than gender) = 44 chromosomes (22 pairs)

12 11. What type of cell contains two sets of chromosomes and how many chromosomes are found in them for humans? ANSWER: Diploid cell & 46 chromosomes

13 12. What type of cell contains only one set of chromosomes and how many chromosomes are found in them for humans? ANSWER: Haploid cell & 23 chromosomes

14 13. What do you call nuclear division that makes identical cells? ANSWER: MITOSIS!!

15 14. For each of the descriptions, identify the stage of mitosis it is describing (prophase, metaphase, telophase, or anaphase): ANSWER: a. Chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell: Metaphase b. Spindle fibers and centrioles disappear: Telophase

16 14. For each of the descriptions, identify the stage of mitosis it is describing (prophase, metaphase, telophase, or anaphase): ANSWER: c. Nuclear Membranes and nucleolus appear: Telophase d. Chromosomes appear: Prophase

17 14. For each of the descriptions, identify the stage of mitosis it is describing (prophase, metaphase, telophase, or anaphase): ANSWER: e. Chromosomes split into chromatids: Anaphase f. Spindle fibers attach to centromeres: Metaphase

18 14. For each of the descriptions, identify the stage of mitosis it is describing (prophase, metaphase, telophase, or anaphase): ANSWER: g. Spindle fibers and centrioles appear: Prophase h. Nuclear membrane and nucleolus disappear: Prophase

19 15. What is the splitting of the cytoplasm called? During what phase of mitosis does this take place? ANSWER: Cytokinesis & it takes place during Telophase

20 16. Sketch each phase of mitosis and be able to label the structures.


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