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1 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 EGI-InSPIRE EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 Operations Portal Development Update on Requirements Cyril L'Orphelin IN2P3/CNRS OTAG-05 Evo Meeting December 14 th, 2010 11

2 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323  Development roadmap  Current status and developments  Priorities Overview 22

3 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 MS701 The updated plan  Migration of the remaining key features from the CIC portal to Operations Portal  Provide, when possible, regional modules of these features  Provide a systematic standard access to all information handled by the Operations Portal. Make the information available through standard format like xml for download or through API  Provide new adapters to Lavoisier Web Service to cope with new information sources  GOC DB harmonization  Provide further improvements to the existing features and customization as requested by the EGI Community. Development Roadmap 33

4 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 Current Status 44  Last Release 2.4 – November 18 th  3 major releases since the beginning of EGI  Migration on the Operations Portal :  Dashboard  Vo ID cards on-going – a prototype is in place  A regional package delivered in production since 2010-06-08  4 NGIs : NGI_GRNET, NGI_CZ, NGI_IBERGRID, NGI_BY  An upgrade of the package has been done with the release 2.4  Different improvements have been proposed on the dashboard :  Improvements on the ergonomics  Addition of a regional VO (nagios notifications )  RSS feeds  Nagios notifications history  Downtimes charts

5 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 Release 2.4.1 and release 2.5  Programmatic Interface on the Lavoisier Web Service (2.4.1)  Improvement of the DB queries (2.4.1)  Nagios Probes added in the local Nagios (2.4.1)  EGI Broadcast tool (2.5)  Decommission of CIC Portal Current Developments 55

6 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 Requirements - VO ID Cards  Requirements related to Vo Management Interfaces (Vo ID Card) :  Ticket 425 : single term of usage for vo registration  Ticket 426: Acceptable use policy template in vo registration  All developments related to Vo ID cards are currently discussed with UCST.  A review of these features are on-going. A candidate release is in place.  The process is long and complex because of the complexity of the workflow and the procedures were not well defined. After a long interaction with UCST we have a first version that will probably come in production soon.  Probably new requirements will come with the feedback from users after the official announcement of this feature.

7 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 Requirements on the dashboard  Requirements on the dashboard :  Ticket 480COD dashboard  Ticket 482 Dashboard. New Feature. critical tests list access s  Ticket 484 Dashboard: closing alarm in NON-OK status.  Ticket 485 Dashboard: Operations Support Metrics charts  Ticket 292 SD at risk not shown in the Dashboard  These requests will be implemented in release between release 2.5 and 2.6 January – February )

8 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 Other Requirements  Integration of a security dashboard  Dedicated topic  EGI Broadcast Tool :  No specific requirements expressed except :  To be able to contact several categories of stakeholders impacted by a problem, an announcement, or a specific release. The aim is to provide to the different actors of the grid community with the information by mail or RSS feeds and :  an archiving service  the integration of new mailing lists provided by EGI  a search engine by type of announcement  the integration of templates  the possibility to add customized contact lists  the possibility to save personal settings for announcements for future use  the possibility to attach a file to the broadcast.

9 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 Priorities 1)To migrate all remaining features to be ready to decommission the CIC Portal : - achieve the migration of VO ID card with the feedback of UCST - implement the Broadcast Tool 2) Dashboard improvements : - requests from Operators and security dashboard 3) New adapters for Lavoisier / Integration of Lavoisier 2.0 4) GOC DB Harmonization Nevertheless the prioritization of needs expressed by other activities SA1 and NA3 should be visible and discussed.

10 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 Timelines FeatureExpected date of release Broadcast toolEnd of January – Early February 2011 Dashboard requirementsFebruary 2011 Decommission of CIC PortalMarch 2011 Security Dashboard1st prototype - April 2011 Integration of Lavoisier 2.0April – June 2011 GOC DB HarmonizationJune 2011 – December 2011

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