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(Not)Academy Live Lync Mobile – Clients, Server & Deployment Planning.

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1 (Not)Academy Live Lync Mobile – Clients, Server & Deployment Planning

2 PCMac Browser MobileDesk Phones

3 Multi Platform Smartphone Experience IPHONEANDROID WINDOWS PHONENOKIA

4 Slate experience - iPad

5 Lync mobile clients enable you to stay connected, communicate and conference on-the-go iOS Stay connected, while controlling your availability Communicate with a single, consistent identity Join audio conferences with a single touch Familiar and intuitive design

6 Key Mobile Scenarios and Features Stay Connected, Communicate and Conference on-the-go

7 I can stay connected to my network Lync Mobile enables communication in new ways, from virtually anywhere ▪Signature Scenarios ▪ I can quickly and easily see the status of contacts that I care about ▪ I can find and contact colleagues based on relationships ▪ I can remain connected while protecting “off-work” time ▪Supporting Features ▪ Lync 2010 and Office 365 support ▪ View and expand contact groups ▪ View contacts presence and personal note ▪ Search the corporate address book ▪ Send location using Bing Maps integration ▪ Offline contact caching

8 I control my availability L ync Mobile lets me control how and when people contact me ▪Signature Scenarios ▪ I have control over how others see me ▪ I am confident Lync Mobile will protect my personal life ▪ I can use a single device for both work and personal communication ▪Supporting Features ▪ Edit and publish presence, and note ▪ Control push notification settings ▪ Update call forwarding and simultaneous ring settings ▪ Virtual work line – Single Number Reach

9 I can communicate from virtually anywhere Lync Mobile lets me communicate quickly and easily ▪Signature Scenarios ▪ I can easily see missed communications at a glance ▪ I can start multiple modes of communication with a single touch ▪ I can manage multiple conversations at once ▪Supporting Features ▪ IM, multi-party IM ▪ Device notification integration ▪ One touch calling (Call via Work) ▪ One touch conference join ▪ Visual Voicemail ▪ Conversation window management

10 IM/P and Contact Management ▪Contacts: Photo, Contact list, Contact card, Enterprise search ▪Presence: My status, Contact presence ▪Instant Messaging: IM, Multi-party IM, send location Presence and Instant Messaging Lync and Lync Online connectivity New UI, Photo, status, Presence View Lync Contact List Search in Corporate Directory and view contact card IM, Multi-party Conversation Distribution List expansion Send Bing Map Location in IM (GPS Based) Q2 CY12 Manage contact list Feature Windows Phone 7.5 “Mango” Nokia Symbian 3 SR2 1.11+ iPhone 4+iPad 4+ Android 2.3+

11 11 ▪ Single touch to join a scheduled Lync online meeting ▪ Lync callback to the configured phone number with Lync Mobile ▪ Windows Phone 7.5 “Mango” & Nokia Symbian utilize Exchange/Outlook so that the join conference feature is integrated in the calendar ▪ Meeting pane is used on iPhone/iPad to provide the join button ▪ Android has only URL based join launcher ▪ On iPad, callback is made to another device (no 3G voice channel on an iPad) Audio Conferencing Feature Windows Phone 7.5 “Mango” Nokia Symbian 3 SR2 1.11+ iPhone 4+iPad 4+ Android 2.3+ Join Lync Conference from Calendar (PSTN Callback) Calendar Integration Meeting Pane

12 Outside Voice ▪Lync is my single phone identity ▪One phone number on my business card, no need to broadcast your mobile number to your colleagues ▪People can reach me virtually anywhere ▪Lync can ring my PC and mobile so that I never miss a call Enterprise Voice Single Number Reach Dial pad Call via work (PSTN Callback) Call forwarding Calling From Contact Card Calling from Conversation Window Visual voicemail Feature Windows Phone 7.5 “Mango” Nokia Symbian 3 SR2 1.11+ iPhone 4+iPad 4+ Android 2.3+

13 Lync Server 2010 Mobility Service ▪Optimized web interface ▪ Optimizes battery/bandwidth usage between client & server ▪ Improves start up time for the client ▪ Caches state during network glitches for client re-sync ▪ Delivers push notifications to Lync mobile apps on iPhone/ iPad / Windows Phone ▪ Deploys as part of the consolidated topology as a web component on FE servers WaveGoal W14 CU4 Q4 CY 2011 and CU5 Q1 CY2012 Multi-platform Lync Mobile Clients On premise and service deployments Deliver core Lync features (Contacts, Presence, IM, Outside Voice, Conference) Integrate with standard Lync Manageability tools (SQUID, Auto-Discovery)

14 Push Notifications Clearing House

15 Lync Server 2010 Mobility Service - Architecture

16 Deployment ▪Mobility components ▪ Lync Server 2010 Mobility service on FEs ▪ Lync Server 2010 Autodiscover service on Directors & FEs ▪ Lync Server 2010 Push Notification service ▪On-prem steps ▪ Install CU4 on all roles (as of February 2012 CU5) ▪ Upgrade Directors and FEs ▪ Update Lync Certificates to include LyncDiscover.Domain. ▪ Configure Reverse Proxy rules to Mobility web services ▪ Configure DNS CName to allow Lync Mobile clients to discover Mobility service web end-point ▪ Enable push-notification for on-prem deployments ▪ Enable Outside voice policy for mobile users ▪Online steps ▪ Vanity domains require DNS CName configuration ▪ No other deployment steps needed ▪ Support for Outside Voice will be available in a later update

17 Capacity Planning – Workflow Estimate mobility usage User model Number of mobile users Mobile devices per user Always on vs. background devices Measure current capacity metrics Number of Lync users Number of FE Available memory per FE CPU Plan additional capacity Required min memory = 157 + (466*Always On+322*Back ground)/1024 MB Plan for failover Monitor KHIs Concurrent active sessions Concurrent active sessions with presence sub Available memory

18 Capacity Planning – Contoso Scenario Walkthrough

19 Monitoring ▪Mobility Performance Counters ▪ Push Notifications counters ▪ Voice calls e.g. inbound/ outbound failures ▪ Requests succeeded/ failed ▪ Session related counters e.g. concurrent active sessions, active poll count etc. ▪Other Performance counters ▪ Available Memory ▪ Request Queue Limit ▪ Maximum Concurrent Threads/ Requests ▪Alerts ▪ Push notification connectivity failure

20 Lync Mobility Resources ▪For your Voice Team: ▪WW TA Voice Team (contact your S-BDM for the right team member) ▪MS District STU Lync Team (contact your PTU PAM in-district) ▪Customer facing training materials are here: plan-strategy-assets.aspx?WorkloadID=7 plan-strategy-assets.aspx?WorkloadID=7 ▪Technical Documentation is here: ▪

21 Q & A.

22 Auto Discovery

23 Lync Mobile Tips and Tricks ▪Have you gotten the client to work? For instance, can you expand a group in the contact list? To do that, from the client “Contacts” page, tap a group to expand it. You should see pictures and presence. ▪Once a group is expanded, you can tap a contact, and get the range of functions, call, send IM, send email, plus other contact card information. ▪The “join meeting” function happens from your calendar pane on the WP front page (not the Lync client). Open the meeting, and when you select the “join” URL, it will pop the Lync client and initiate a call to your cell phone to join audio. You will not “see” the meeting as you would from a desktop, it will be as if you dialed the join number and entered a conference code. ▪Alternately, a meeting previously scheduled should offer a “join” option, and can be joined from there ▪When you first install and activate the client, be sure to turn on “push notifications” so that you will see when someone sends an IM to you. ▪My favorite (thanks to Vik Kolli). At first, the Lync client will appear only with all of your other applications and not in a pane on the front page of the phone. To get it there (if you don’t know how, I didn’t) find it in the application page, press and hold it, and it will be placed in a pane on the front page. You can then re-arrange the front page to get it where you want it.

24 Lync Mobile Tips and Tricks ▪To move around in the client (get to contacts from “my info” as an example), slide the page sideways. ▪To end a conversation in IM, be in the conversation and slide up the “…” in the lower right, you will see the menu choices for as conversation. ▪To set or change Presence, tap the presence setting showing on your own contact page

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