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Jamaica Customs eCommerce Designed & Developed By Fiscal Services Limited Presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "Jamaica Customs eCommerce Designed & Developed By Fiscal Services Limited Presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jamaica Customs eCommerce Designed & Developed By Fiscal Services Limited Presentation

2 Cargo Processing System Customs New Cash Remittance System (CNCRS) C78 Entry is prepared and submitted Entry is examined and made available for payment Duty is Collected and receipt issued C78 Entry Lodgment System Jamaica Customs

3 Entry prepared by Broker. C78 Electronic Entry Lodgment System

4 Entry Header Information entered by Broker C78 Electronic Entry Lodgment System

5 Invoice Details, Attachment Details and Package Details.

6 C78 Electronic Entry Lodgment System Entry Invoice Information.

7 C78 Electronic Entry Lodgment System Individual Item Details Information.

8 Entry(s) highlighted for submission C78 Electronic Entry Lodgment System

9 Error analysis is done automatically and an acknowledgement sent in real time to the Broker. C78 Electronic Entry Lodgment System

10 Invoice Inspector retrieves entry using C78 Cargo Processing System. C78 Cargo Processing

11 Invoice Inspector examines entry and assigns an appropriate status. C78 Cargo Processing

12 Supervisor examines entry and assigns an appropriate status. Entry is now ready for payment. C78 Cargo Processing

13 Duty collected and transaction report generated by the Customs New Cash Remittance System. Customs New Cash Remittance System - CNCRS

14 Future Implementation

15 ePayment Designed & Developed By Fiscal Services Limited

16 eCommerce Presently the Jamaica Customs Department is able to process C78 entries over the Internet in real time using the CASE system. An objective of the Customs Department is to be able to accept payment in the same process using the Internet, in order to become more efficient and facilitate trade for Customs and Jamaica. This section will show how FSL/Customs will carry out this function. ePayment

17 Proposed Interaction with The Banking Institution C78 Broker Application

18 Entry is created in the C78 Broker Application Broker enters Entry Details, Broker ID, Entry Locator & Total Amount Payable is generated by the system. Entry is then submitted to Customs. C78 Broker Application

19 Entry(s) is received by Invoice Inspector, then it is Passed/Failed. Cargo Processing System

20 Supervisor checks the entry(s), then it is Passed/Failed Cargo Processing System

21 Customs Broker then Queries for the status. If entry(s) has been Passed by the Supervisor, Broker selects the entry(s) for payment. C78 Broker Application

22 Custom Broker verifies the entry(s) selected for payment. Checks Entry details. This payment can also be made from the CASE II Website C78 Broker Application

23 Broker verifies payment amount and selects the payment method. Bank Transfer or Credit Card C78 Broker Application

24 Broker enter Bank Information, Account Number& Pin Number. Broker enter Card Details, Card Type, Card Number & Expiration Date. C78 Broker Application

25 Payment is now being processed C78 Broker Application

26 Payment Summary is Generated. C78 Broker Application

27 Payment Receipt is Printed. Details include Payment Date, Entry Number, Payment Locator Number, Bank Account/Credit Card Number, Importer Name, Duties & Taxes Paid & Total Amount Paid. C78 Broker Application

28 Entry status will show S (which means the entry has been paid).

29 The Daily Transaction Report for Web Cashier Report can be generated by Date Range & includes Payment Locator Number, Entry Locator Number, Duties & Taxes & Total Amount Paid. CNCRS Application

30 Presented by Leroy Cooke Fiscal Services Limited

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