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1 Network Requirements Analysis CPIT 375 Data Network Designing and Evaluation

2 Lab Marks Si NoAssessmentsMark 1Practical Quiz2.5 2Home Work2.5 3Practical Demo5 4Presentation5 Total15

3 Outline: –Network Design Phases (Overview) –Requirements Analysis –Cloud Computing in Network Design

4 Objectives network is part of a system that provides services to its end users there are processes for developing an analysis, an architecture, and a design for a network there are ways to characterize a network.

5 Network Design Phases Designing a network is typically broken into three sections: –Determine requirements –Define the overall architecture –Choose technology and specific devices In other words, we need to develop the low level design and the higher level architecture, and understand the environment in which they operate

6 Input to Network Analysis Input State of existing network Problems with existing network and system Requirements from users, applications, devices Descriptions of problem statements for network Descriptions of requirements for network Mappings of applications and devices to network Descriptions of potential risks Descriptions of traffic flows Equipment classes Network Architecture Technology choices for network Relationships between network functions Topology Input Vendor selections Network Design Blueprints and drawings Service Provider

7 Requirements Analysis: Understand the environment We need a process to filter or classify requirements –Network requirements (often have high, medium, low priorities) –Future requirements (planned upgrades) –Rejected requirements (remember for future ref.) –Informational requirements (ideas, not required)

8 Requirements Analysis Requirements can come from many aspects of the network system: –User Requirements the set of requirements gathered or derived from user input and is what is needed by users to successfully accomplish their tasks on the system. –Application Requirements requirements that are determined from application information, experience, or testing; applications need these to successfully operate on the system.

9 Requirements Analysis –Device Requirements the requirements of devices that the network will support, particularly the types of devices, their performance characteristics, and location information –Network Requirements requirements for a network architecture/design must consider the requirements, services, and characteristics of any existing networks that will be incorporated into, or interface with, the new network. –Other Requirements There are other requirements that apply across all of the components of the system, such as financial and enterprise requirements. There are likely to be other such requirements for your network, and they would be included here.

10 Requirements Analysis: Part of this process is managing the customer’s expectations What services are expected from the network? –Typical performance levels might include capacity, delay time, reliability Providing 1.5 Mb/s peak capacity to a remote user –Functions include security, scheduling, management Defining a security or privacy level for a group of users or an organization

11 Requirements Analysis:

12 Application Types could be categorized as following: Mission-critical applications have predictable, guaranteed, and/or high-performance RMA requirements. Rate-critical applications have predictable, guaranteed, and/or high-performance capacity requirements. Real-time and interactive applications have predictable, guaranteed, and/or high-performance delay requirements.

13 Lab Task Discuss the following in groups of 3 and write the answers. Before the end of the lab class the guidelines for solutions will be discussed by the instructor. 1. Why is requirements analysis important to network architecture and design? Give three reasons.

14 Lab Task 2. Categorize each of the following requirements as core (fundamental), feature, or informational. - A. Network must support Fast Ethernet and GigE interfaces for all devices on the network. - B. Network backbone should be upgradeable in capacity to 10Gb/s within 2 years of deployment. - C. Finance department requires firewall protection for their server. - D. Existing network consists of 10BaseT Ethernet and FDDI segments. - E. Network personnel would like to be able to bill users for network service. - F. Network core must not generate or terminate any user traffic. - G. Network must support digital video traffic from remote video cameras and may additionally support sound from these cameras.

15 Note Please note that this requirement does NOT specify the technology used to deliver the requirement – in other words, the fundamental requirement for the network to support 100BaseT and GigE does not imply that the digital video must run over Ethernet. In this case, the digital video is a fundamental requirement, but the methodology to provide the digital video may be a feature of a manufacturer to do so over Ethernet, or may be on a completely separate and parallel network infrastructure to the Ethernet backbone.

16 Lab Task 3. Categorize each of the following requirements as user, application, device, or network. - A. Database servers must run Brand XYZ software. - B. Teleconferencing requires at least 350kb\s capacity. - C. Users must be able to submit print jobs up to 25MB in size. - D. Each access network should be able to serve up to 200 users.

17 Lab Task 4. Give an example of a requirement as it flows from user to application to device to network. Show how it becomes more technical at each component.

18 Lab Task 5. Which of the following customer requirements could be categorized as mission critical? As rate- critical? As real-time? As none of these? Give reasons for each choice. - A. Processing telemetry data from a space shuttle launch and providing that data to mission control during launch (Customer: NASA). - B. Processing requests from automated teller machines throughout a city. (Customer: Bank) - C. Processing requires for Web pages from your servers. (Customer: Internet Service Provider)

19 Lab Task 6. Give an example of a mission-critical application for each of these three environments: government, military, commercial. Why would each application be considered mission-critical?

20 Cloud Computing in Network Design What is cloud computing ? –It is a type of computing that relies on sharing computing resources rather than having local servers or devices to handle the services of application. –In cloud computing, the word cloud is used as a metaphor for "the Internet," so the phrase cloud computing means "a type of Internet-based computing," where different services -- such as servers, data center and applications -- are delivered to an organization's computers and devices through the Internet.

21 Cloud Computing in Network Design What is the benefits of migrate network to the cloud? –Cost –Speedy introduction of new applications/services –Availability

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