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JOHN MARSHALL COMMUNITY SCHOOL Media Center Mrs. Shepard Updated 2/8/14.

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Presentation on theme: "JOHN MARSHALL COMMUNITY SCHOOL Media Center Mrs. Shepard Updated 2/8/14."— Presentation transcript:

1 JOHN MARSHALL COMMUNITY SCHOOL Media Center Mrs. Shepard Updated 2/8/14

2 INTERNET USAGE POLICY AS OF JUNE 8, 2012 Appropriate Use of Electronic Media, Services, and Communication Appropriate Use of Electronic Media, Services, and Communication (a) Technical Resources are for IPS business and instructional use. Incidental and occasional personal use of Technical Resources is permitted only when such use does not generate a direct cost for IPS. All Users must sign an “Acknowledgment” form which is Attachment 1 to this policy. (b) Students interested in accessing the Internet must first obtain permission to use the equipment from an IPS instructional staff member such as the student’s teacher or another member of the school’s administrative or teaching staff. Parents must sign the “Student Internet Usage Restriction Form” which is Attachment 2 to this policy if the parent wishes to deny Internet access to the student.

3 PRIVACY Network, hard drive and student email may be treated like school lockers. Administration may review communications at any time to maintain system integrity. Network, hard drive and student email may be treated like school lockers. Administration may review communications at any time to maintain system integrity.

4 ILLEGAL COPYING Students should never download or install any software or games. Students should never download or install any software or games.

5 INAPPROPRIATE MATERIALS OR LANGUAGE No profane, abusive, or impolite language should be used to communicate. No profane, abusive, or impolite language should be used to communicate. No inappropriate material such as nudity, pornography, etc. should be downloaded. No inappropriate material such as nudity, pornography, etc. should be downloaded. Rule of thumb: Never view, send or access materials, which you would not want your teachers and/or parents to see. Rule of thumb: Never view, send or access materials, which you would not want your teachers and/or parents to see. Report any inappropriate materials to your teacher immediately. Report any inappropriate materials to your teacher immediately.

6 CYBER BULLYING Cyber bullying such as personal attacks and/or threats on/against anyone made while using district owned technology to access the Internet or local school networks are to be reported to responsible school personnel. Cyber bullying such as personal attacks and/or threats on/against anyone made while using district owned technology to access the Internet or local school networks are to be reported to responsible school personnel.

7 USER NETWORK AND INTERNET RULES Take care of the computer and the network. You are responsible. Take care of the computer and the network. You are responsible. The netbook, network, and Internet are to be used for educational purposes. The netbook, network, and Internet are to be used for educational purposes. Abide by the copyright laws. If you didn’t purchase the games or songs, they cannot be on the computer. Abide by the copyright laws. If you didn’t purchase the games or songs, they cannot be on the computer. RESPECT: Do not use profanity, abusive, or impolite language. RESPECT: Do not use profanity, abusive, or impolite language. Do not trespass in another student’s folder, work, or files. Do not trespass in another student’s folder, work, or files.

8 CONTINUED… Passwords are to be shared with parents, teachers. Do not tell other students your passwords because you are then responsible for their actions in your account. Passwords are to be shared with parents, teachers. Do not tell other students your passwords because you are then responsible for their actions in your account. Use netbook responsibly – do not waste limited resources such as disk space or printing capacity (games/picture galleries) Use netbook responsibly – do not waste limited resources such as disk space or printing capacity (games/picture galleries) Notify an adult immediately if you encounter any inappropriate materials. Do not share with other students. Notify an adult immediately if you encounter any inappropriate materials. Do not share with other students. Use of proxy filters, or bypassing the IPS filter is prohibited. This includes accessing external Wikki‘s, blogs, chats and email. Use of proxy filters, or bypassing the IPS filter is prohibited. This includes accessing external Wikki‘s, blogs, chats and email.

9 MEDIA CENTER FAQ: NO Downloads Downloads Charging your phones Charging your phones Using phones Using phones Changing the desktop background Changing the desktop background Music Music Headphones Headphones Proxies Proxies Facebook Facebook Printing from the internet; cut and copy to a MS Word document to conserve paper and ink. Printing from the internet; cut and copy to a MS Word document to conserve paper and ink. *Exceptions are if it is part of your IEP, or part of an assignment.

10 MEDIA CENTER FAQ: YES Using technology to improve math and reading. Using technology to improve math and reading.

11 DISCUSSION QUESTIONS If you receive an e-mail from someone at school that says mean or cruel things, what should you do? If you receive an e-mail from someone at school that says mean or cruel things, what should you do? What if your friends are looking at online sites at school that are off-limits or inappropriate? What if your friends are looking at online sites at school that are off-limits or inappropriate? Why do you think people are so concerned about staying “safe” online? Why do you think people are so concerned about staying “safe” online?

12 INTERNET SAFETY WRITING PROMPT Summarize what you have learned about internet safety today. Summarize what you have learned about internet safety today.

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