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I/M Solutions Conference Virginia Beach, Virginia May 18-20, 2015

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1 I/M Solutions Conference Virginia Beach, Virginia May 18-20, 2015
OBD SAE Communication Standards Update Bob Gruszczynski, OBD Communication Expert Volkswagen Group of America And Thanks To: Paul Baltusis, OBD Technical Specialist Ford Motor Company May 19, 2015 SAE International

2 Changes to SAE/ISO Documents – J1979
Currently published documents: J1979_ E/E Diagnostic Test Modes (Aug 11, 2014) J1979DA_ Digital Annex of E/E Diagnostic Test Modes (Jun 10, 2014) ISO has the same document content with the exception of the Annexes. It refers to the J1979DA (Digital Annex). J1979DA is available as a pdf document (Word) and an excel document. J1979 Committee has quarterly meetings scheduled at SAE Troy: Feb 13, 2015 May 8, 2015 Aug 14, 2015 Dec 11, 2015 May 19, 2015 SAE International

3 J1979 Document Updates Update conditions where data not available – request message supported but cannot be completed within P2 timing. (It takes a few seconds to clear NVRAM). For Service $04, the use of negative response code $78 is limited to a duration of 5 sec before a positive response is required. Multiple responses are allowed. Clarify proper responses for all services in Table 10 and 11. Negative responses are not allowed for any services except for initialization, clearing DTCs and CVN, in some limited circumstances. Added examples for recently added Service $09 InfoTypes (e.g., ESN, EROTAN, FEOCNTR). Corrected minor typos/language. May 19, 2015 SAE International

4 J1979DA Document Change Summary
Update engine schematic to include diesel aftertreatment and EGR. Updated Fuel System definition to handle dual fuel systems. Updated PID $1C definitions (OBD Requirements) Update RUNTIM ($1F, $4D, $4E) to match new “propulsion system active” definition. Updated FUEL_TYPE ($51) to simplify implementation and removed electric vehicles. Updated FUEL_RATE ($5E) to specify update rate. Add “Recommended gear” to PID $65. Clarified language in EGR PID $69. Add HEV data PID $9A (EPA requirement). Add DEF reagent quality sensor PID $9B. Add new FUEL_RATE ($9D) for PEMS. Add Exhaust Flow Rate ($9E) for PEMS. Add fuel split ($9F) for dual fuel systems. Add corrected NOx sensor PID $A1 Add cylinder fuel rate PID $A2 Add new scaling bytes ($42, $43, $91, $92, $97, $98, $FB) May 19, 2015 SAE International

5 J1979DA Document Change Summary
Obtaining VIN, CALID and CVN from the network; what to display if data not available - ? for VIN and CALID, $00 for CVN Add several ECU names. Add Fueled Engine Operation Ignition Cycle Counter (InfoType $12) for hybrids (CARB requirement) Add Miles Since Evap Monitoring Decision (InfoType $14) for all vehicles (EPA requirement) May 19, 2015 SAE International

6 Proposed Changes to J1979 J2012 statistics from Nov 2006 through Nov 2013 – 53% used up Nov-06 Feb-07 Apr-07 Oct-07 Apr-08 Oct-08 Apr-09 Nov-09 Apr-10 Jun-10 Oct-10 Apr-11 Jul-11 Oct-11 Apr-12 Nov-12 Apr-13 Nov-13 New 94 88 182 165 276 162 109 179 146 41 50 282 78 52 105 275 272 232 Revised 39 21 60 16 23 407 295 54 90 12 6 7 45 28 53 Denied 71 112 132 177 129 - 24 70 180 159 113 172 86 800 SAE P-type Codes Possible: 11,160 SAE P-type Codes Used: 5936 SAE P-type Codes Remaining: 5224 FTB sub types available: 127 SAE P-Type Tables: 44 Remaining P-Type Tables: 17 Manf. P-Type Tables: 16+4 Manf. P-Type Available: 5120 If we continue to use DTCs at the current rate, we will be completely out of DTCs by Nov We will run out of DTC categories in probably two years. When we lose DTC categories, we will simply assign DTC sequentially in any open spaces. Current DTC usage rate (New) and cumulative DTC usage (CUM) May 19, 2015 SAE International

7 Proposed Changes to J1979 Benefits of adopting UDS services:
Supports 3 byte DTCs; conserves DTCs, 3-byte versus 2-byte Supports DTC status byte Allows to access to expanded data elements not available through SAE J1979 definitions (more PIDs/MIDs) Avoids doubled efforts in protocol implementations for OBD II and Enhanced Diagnostics Avoids different diagnostic protocol implementation efforts for different markets i.e. WWHOBD using ISO27145 UDS was designed to meet needs of both enhanced diagnostics, legislated emissions, and safety systems. UDS is planned usage for all next generation protocols UDS implementation specifications exist for CAN, Flexray, DoIP, etc. Many common UDS implementations across suppliers. Implications Requires software update for external test equipment. Requires major updates to J1979, J1962, J1699 Requires software update for all OBD module (phase-in needed) May 19, 2015 SAE International

8 Proposed Changes to J1979 Status
CARB will not be adopting UDS services in the current OBD Light Duty rulemaking. CARB was not comfortable with UDS services defined in the SAE proposal, manufacturers were not comfortable with phase-in and liability. CARB has committed to working with SAE and OEMs to define what data and services would be required to incorporate UDS during the next OBD rulemaking process. As an example, CARB may add a requirement to support DTC based readiness status. SAE J2012 committee will continue to assign DTCs as they have in the past. When categories get filled (e.g. Ignition System or Misfire), DTCs will be assigned in new DTC blocks without regard to the existing category names. A new UDS J1979 document has been started. The legacy protocols have been removed. The document has two sections: An old J1979 section which shows the current J1979 CAN implementation. A new J1979 section which shows the UDS equivalent implementation. This document will be used as the basis for future discussion with CARB. May 19, 2015 SAE International

9 J1979 Near Term Work Plan CARB will be requiring additional J1979DA data: Engine Reference torque (PID $63/SPN 544) Friction torque (PID $8E/SPN 514) Actual Engine Percent torque (PID $62/SPN 513)…already in regulation DEF dosing status On/Off (PID ?/SPN ?) DEF dosing rate in ml/sec (PID ?/SPN ?) Cylinder fuel rate in mg/stroke (PID A2/SPN ?) Engine fuel rate in g/s (PID 9D/SPN ?) Vehicle fuel rate in g/s (PID 9D/SPN ?) Exhaust flow rate in kg/hr (PID 9E/SPN ?) NOx sensor offset in ppm (PID A1/SPN ?) Hybrid Battery system voltage and current (PID $9A) Distance traveled since evap monitoring decision (Mode $09, InfoType $14) May 19, 2015 SAE International

10 J1979 Near Term Work Plan CARB is looking for additional PIDs for all vehicles to understand real world fuel economy and performance of off-cycle technologies: Distance (odometer) Distance since code clear Distance w/ engine off Fuel consumed Fuel consumed since code clear PKE (positive kinetic energy) Stops/Distance PHEV specific Energy Consumption in CD mode Average CD Distance Propulsion system active (PSA) time PSA VSS <=1mph PSA VSS >1 & <=30mph PSA VSS >30 & <=60mph PSA ambient < 50°F PSA ambient > 86°F PSA time w/ AC commanded on PID $7F (currently defined; proposed for all LDV/MDV) Engine run time Engine run VSS <=1mph (idle) May 19, 2015 SAE International

11 J1979 Near Term Work Plan CARB will be requiring additional changes to the current version of J Potential changes may include: Store FF with pending DTC, may or may not update for confirmed DTC Track IUMPR and Mode $06 for A/F Imbalance monitor CVN $78 allowed for 120 sec after reprogramming Require 4 Freeze Frames Physical code clears not allowed Permanent codes can be erased for reprogramming if readiness cleared for all modules (other than CCM) After VIN reprogramming, readiness must be cleared for all modules (other than CCM) May 19, 2015 SAE International

12 Changes to SAE/ISO Documents – J2012
The SAE J2012 task force meets every quarter at SAE Troy: Jan 30, 2015 April 10, 2015 July 24, 2015 Oct 23, 2015 The J2012 base document was published March 7, 2013 J2012-DA was last published January 31, 2013 and is available as excel document. New J2012-DA contains three-byte powertrain DTC definitions. This will fulfill the ISO request for a DTC strategy/format for WWH-OBD that is compatible with ISO May 19, 2015 SAE International

13 J2012DA - Example Example of the new 2012DA which provided DTCs in 2-byte of 3-byte format. May 19, 2015 SAE International

14 J2012DA - Plans Future J2012 Plans
Continue to add DTCs as requested by US and European manufacturers to the 3-byte DTC spreadsheet while retaining backward compatibility with the 2-byte DTC format. De-categorize DTCs as we fill existing categories until 3-byte DTCs available. Note that the committee is adding 2-byte emission-related DTCs to the Body and Chassis areas as needed and smart sensor DTCs to the Network Comm area. C Left Front Wheel Speed Sensor Circuit/Open B3A02 - A/C Refrigerant Distribution Valve Actuator "C" Control Circuit Low U Lost Communication With Engine Oil Pressure Sensor "A" Continue to work with J1930 to standardize component and system names as new DTCs are added. Publish J2012DA every 12 to 18 months. May 19, 2015 SAE International

15 Changes to SAE/ISO Documents – SAE J1930
Changes to SAE/ISO Documents – J1930 J1930-DA last published on March 4, 2014 J1930-DA is available as excel document J1930 Schedule, same as J2012 Jan 30, 2015 April 10, 2015 July 24, 2015 Oct 23, 2015 May 19, 2015 SAE International

16 J1930 Activity – New definitions
Adaptive Learning An algorithm that is used to adjust a control system to compensate for component variance, aging, or environmental conditions. The adaptive values are typically stored in memory (e.g. NVRAM). Calibration The permanent settings of software program variables that are assigned by engineering to deliver the desired function of the system or component. Battery Monitor Module A module that monitors the 12V battery system. Battery Interface Control Module A control module that monitors temperature, voltage, etc. of a number of cells in a hybrid/ev battery. Battery Cell A self-contained energy conversion device whose function is to deliver electrical energy to an external circuit via a controlled internal chemical process Reference USABC document Battery Module The smallest grouping of physically and electrically connected cells that can be replaced as a unit. A module can be thought of as the smallest, repeating building block of a battery pack. Battery Pack An array of interconnected modules that has been configured for its intended energy storage application, that is, the configuration is application dependent. Battery System Completely functional energy storage system consisting of the pack(s) and necessary ancillary subsystems for physical support, thermal management, and electronic control. Reductant Heater Control Module A control module that operates the Reductant heaters Turbocharger Outlet Pressure The pressure at the outlet of a turbocharger compressor EVAP System Vapor Pressure (EVAPVP) The pressure present in the EVAP system, measured in the fuel tank or in an evaporative system vapor line. Electronic Brake Boost Control Module (EBBC) A control module that manages the combination of mechanical and regenerative braking systems. ElecBrkBstCtrl Fuel Composition Sensor (FCOMP) A device that senses the percent blend of the engine fuel, typically used in a Flexible Fuel System Torque Vectoring Differential Control Module(TVDC) A control module that controls the torque distribution between either the two front or two rear wheels. TrqVecDiffCtl May 19, 2015 SAE International

17 J1930 - Plans Future J2012 Plans SAE J1930 Future J2012 Plans
“Retire” the J1979 PID Annex, since J1979 now has a Digital Annex Add new Figures in J1930 for intake and exhaust sensor locations, coordinate with J1979 figures, footnote terms related to the figures. Add new terms and definitions as they come up in the J meetings. May 19, 2015 SAE International

18 Changes to SAE/ISO Documents – J1699-3
Latest J document was published May 11, 2012. Previously, the J Committee made modifications to facilitate testing for EOBD products. Changes included: Add prompt to choose between OBD-II and EOBD Add 250K CAN Allow for not having VIN, CVN and ECU Name Accommodate VIN format differences Allow for not having IUMPR (needed for Stage V+) Allow for not having Permanent Codes Allow for 3-trip MIL May 19, 2015 SAE International

19 Changes to SAE/ISO Documents – J1699-3
The J Committee has made changes to J based on EOBD requirement, changes in J1979 and requests from CARB to test Heavy Duty OBD vehicles. Add new J1979 PIDs and define warnings and failures based on LD/MD/HD, US or Euro OBD, vehicle type (gas/diesel/HEV) Add consistency check between PIDs $01 and $41 Allow for unique EOBD freeze frame requirements Add prompt to choose between Light Duty, Medium Duty, Heavy Duty. Add IUMPR validation by vehicle type Update CARB drive cycle criteria by vehicle type Add ESN check for HD and FEOCNTR check for PHEV Update Service $04 negative response criteria May 19, 2015 SAE International

20 Changes to SAE/ISO Documents – J1699-3
The latest document is Version 14.94, software version is V , dated 1/14/2015. The current document has been balloted and approved. It is waiting for Motor Vehicle Council (MVC) approval and will be published shortly. After the ballot, theJ Committee plans to make additional changes based on the latest balloted version of J1979/J1979DA and to add a provision for testing vehicles for India OBD-II. India OBD is similar to Euro Stage 4 for light duty vehicles and Euro Stage V for Heavy Duty. May 19, 2015 SAE International

21 Changes to SAE/ISO Documents - J1978
The major categories of things that shall be tested: (1) Initialization {establishing communication} (2) Proper Messaging {structure, response, format, etc.} (3) Display content {per J1978, the operator’s display must meet some basic requirements} (4) Connecter and cable test issues; electrical testing (voltage and current), bit timing tests (5) Protocol tests (message timings, transport layer, responses, etc.) (6) Testing for interface anomalies May 19, 2015 SAE International

22 Changes to SAE/ISO Documents - J1978
Ready for ballot Q – minor editing being performed. Document is already referenced in several upcoming SAE and ISO publications May 19, 2015 SAE International

23 Changes to SAE/ISO Documents - J1978
New project approved to correct typographical error. Will correct and send for 28-day ballot. No other changes to be allowed at this time. Currently in ballot. May 19, 2015 SAE International

24 Changes to SAE/ISO Documents - J1978
ISO balloted SAE team working closely with ISO team to keep documents common Next version of document will be based on ISO document New J1979 requirements will continue to shape future versions of J1978 May 19, 2015 SAE International

25 Changes to SAE/ISO Documents – J1962
New SAE/ISO Document – J3005 Changes to SAE/ISO Documents – J1962 SAE J3005 initiated for Remote OBD (i.e. continuous I/M) Joakim Pauli from Volvo truck is lead author. Scope changed to “equipment which has a semi-permanent or permanent connection to the J1962 connector” Introduced to provide guidance for the use of these devices on the J1962 connector. Acceptable data items Acceptable data rates Goal is non-interference with vehicle operation while allowing multiple use cases J3005_ Permanently or Semi-Permanently Installed Diagnostic Communication Devices was published on Dec 03, 2014 May 19, 2015 SAE International

26 Changes to SAE/ISO Documents – J1962
New SAE/ISO Document – J3005 Changes to SAE/ISO Documents – J1962 New Cybersecurity issues being raised New input from device manufacturers coming in Next meeting - TBD May 19, 2015 SAE International

27 Changes to SAE/ISO Documents – J1962
Challenges to OEMs regarding data access Changes to SAE/ISO Documents – J1962 Vehicle data access vs. vehicle security Many entities requesting both legitimate and non-legitimate access Inspection and Maintenance Workshop/Service Insurance “telematics” Other “telematics” “Prognostics” Modification of powertrain components (“tuning”) Malicious attacks (“hacking”) Digital Millenium Copyright Act (DMCA) comments from EFF/FSF May 19, 2015 SAE International

28 Changes to SAE/ISO Documents – J1962
Efforts to describe/define access methods Changes to SAE/ISO Documents – J1962 SAE E/E Diagnostic SAE Cybersecurity NHTSA - Request for Comment on Automotive Electronic Control Systems Safety and Security GAO NIST May 19, 2015 SAE International

29 Changes to SAE/ISO Documents – J1962
Efforts to describe/define access methods Changes to SAE/ISO Documents – J1962 ITS/ISO TC204 ISO TC22/SC31/WG6 ePTI NWIP in ISO W3C - Directive 2014/45/EU Safety Directive 2014/47/EU Safety May 19, 2015 SAE International

30 The End Thank you for your attention!
Questions and comments can be directed to: Bob Gruszczynski May 19, 2015 SAE International

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