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In Italy a state-born school system, or Education System has existed since 1859, when the Legge Casati (Casati Act) mandated educational responsibilities.

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2 In Italy a state-born school system, or Education System has existed since 1859, when the Legge Casati (Casati Act) mandated educational responsibilities for the forthcoming Italian state (Italian unification took place in 1861). The Casati Act made primary education compulsory, and had the goal of reducing illiteracy. This law gave control of primary education to the single towns, of secondary education to the provincie (counties), and the universities were managed by the State.

3 The next important law concerning the Italian education system was the Legge Gentile. This act was issued in 1923, thus when Mussolini and his Partito Nazionale Fascista were in power. In fact, Gentile was appointed the task of creating an education system deemed fit for the Fascist system. The compulsory age of education was raised to 14 years, and was somewhat based on a ladder system.

4 After the first five years of primary instruction, one could choose: the ‘scuola media', which would give further access to the "liceo" and other secondary instruction, or the 'avviamento al lavoro', which was intended to give a quick entry into the low strates of the workforce.

5 In 1962 the 'avviamento al lavoro' was abolished, and all children until 14 years had to follow a single program, encompassing primary education (scuola elementare) and middle school (scuola media).

6 'avviamento al lavoro’ 1950-60

7 kindergarten 1960 middle school 1960 elementary school 1969 Liceo 1960 III media C del 1959-60 I ginnasio Manzoni

8 From 1962 to the present day, the main structure of Italian primary (and secondary) education remained largely unchanged, even if some modifications were made: a narrowing of the gap between males and females (through the merging of the two distinct programmes for technical education, and the optional introduction of mixed-gender gym classes), a change in the structure of secondary school (legge Berlinguer) and the creation of new licei, 'istituti tecnici' and 'istituti professionali', giving the student more choices in their paths.

9 Today some changes are in act The reforms is having an effect on all levels of the education system, from primary schools up to the higher education institutions. Proposed changes to higher education are currently under debate in the Parliament and the government has shown willingness to listen to the protests. The Italian model has not adapted to the industrial development; the vocational training is still considered beyond cultural training. In Italy the moment of vocational training is constantly put of, a part of the qualified and graduated young people don’t have any experience of vocational training and/or probation

10 Education System in Italy is free and compulsory from 6-16 years of age, and is divided into 5 stages: kindergarten (scuola materna), elementary school (scuola elementare), middle school (scuola media), high school (scuola superiore), university (università)

11 Primary school is commonly preceded by three years of non-compulsory nursery school (or kindergarten), where the children play a lot, draw and so on There are two stages of education in Italy: primary and secondary

12 Primary school lasts five years, and the children attend this school from 6 to 11 Until middle school, the educational curriculum is uniform for all: although one can attend a private or state-funded school, the subjects studied are the same, except in special schools for the blind, the hearing-impaired, and so forth.

13 Class sizes generally run about twenty five children per class, with a minimum of ten students. Schooling and textbooks are free. Municipalities manage trasportation and school meals, most often asking for contribuitions but making exception for needy families. The curriculum includes: Italian, English, Geografy, History, Math, Science, Technology, Music, Art, Physical Education, Information Technologies and Catholicism Primary school

14 Secondary education (Scuole medie) is further divided in two stages: "Medie Inferiori", which correspond to the Middle School grades, the students attend this school from 11 to 13 "Medie Superiori", which correspond to the High School level, the students attend this school from 14 to 18

15 The lower tier of "Scuole Medie" corresponds to Middle School, lasts three years and involves an exam at the end of the third year. Medie Inferiori Formerly at age fourteen, compulsory education was considered complete. This limit has been raised to sixteen. While the schooling is free, books must be purchase. Class size is about 21 student per class. The curriculum includes: Italian, English, an alternate foreign language, History, Geography, History, Math, Science, Technology, Music, Art, Physical Education, Information Technologies and Religion

16 "Scuole Superiori" usually last five years (even though istituti professionali might offer a diploma after only three years). Every tier involves an exam at the end of the final year, required to access the following tier. Scuole Superiori The “Scuole Superiori” are voluntary. Students must make a choice about their education at an early age and choose the “Scuole Superiori they will attend. Class size are between twenty five to thirty students. Higher secondary school do charge tuition. However, based on family income, some students may qualify for exemptions or assistance. Curriculum varies depending on the course of study chosen.

17 Scuole Superiori The secondary school situation varies, since there are several types of schools differentiated by subjects and activities. The main division is between the "Liceo", the "Istituto Tecnico" and the "Istituto Professionale". Any kind of secondary school that lasts 5 years grants access to the final exam, called Esame di Stato conclusivo del corso di studio di Istruzione Secondaria Superiore or Esame di Maturità. This exam takes place every year in June and July and grants access to any faculty at any University.

18 The different types of Liceo are: Liceo Classico Liceo Scientifico Liceo Linguistico Liceo Artistico The Istituto Tecnico The Istituto Professionale All of the Licei have some subjects in common, such as Italian Literature, or Math (although the effective number of hours spent on each subject varies), while other subjects are peculiar to a particular type of Liceo

19 Liceo Classico which features Latin, Ancient Greek, Italian, History and Philosophy as its most important subjects. Liceo Scientifico, where the emphasis is more on scientific and mathematical topics, such as Algebra, Geometry, Calculus, Trigonometry, Biology, Chemistry and Physics - although Latin, Philosophy and Italian literature are also taught in depth. The Liceo Classico and the Liceo Scientifico are the most prestigious secondary school in Italy

20 Liceo Linguistico puts emphasis on language learning and the languages usually taught are English, French, Spanish and German - although recently Russian and Chinese have been introduced as well. Liceo Artistico which is oriented toward arts teaching - both in a theoretical (ie. Art History) and practical (ie. drawing sessions) way.

21 The "Istituto Tecnico" (Technical Institute), called in Italian ITIS (Istituto Tecnico Industriale Statale, i.e. National Technical/Industrial Institute) and ITC (Istituto Tecnico Commerciale i.e. Technical/Commercial Institute) is more oriented toward practical subjects, such as aeronautics, business administration, computer science and chemistry. Istituto Tecnico

22 The "Istituto Professionale" offers a form of secondary education oriented toward more practical subjects, enabling the students to start searching for a job as soon as they have completed their studies (sometimes sooner, as some schools offer a diploma after 3 years instead of 5) and is even more specific in terms of vocational course offerings than the "Istituto Tecnico“. Istituto Professionale

23 "Liceo" education involves a broad, specifically academic curriculum and the preparation it provides is generally considered necessary to enter University. A typical Italian student is 19 when he or she enters university, while in the UK and other countries, 18 is the more common age.

24 Pre-school education Scuola dell'infanzia (nursery school, non- compulsory) 3 years, age 3 to 6 Primary education Scuola primaria (primary school) Year 1, age 6 to 7 Year 2, age 7 to 8 Year 3, age 8 to 9 Year 4, age 9 to 10 Year 5, age 10 to 11

25 Scuola secondaria di primo grado (first grade secondary school) Year 1, age 11 to 12 Year 2, age 12 to 13 Year 3, age 13 to 14 (Licenza di Scuola Media, or Licenza Media) SECONDARY EDUCATION First step

26 Scuola secondaria di secondo grado (second grade secondary school) Year 1, age 6 to 7 Year 2, age 7 to 8 Year 3, age 8 to 9 Year 4, age 9 to 10 Year 5, age 10 to 11 Diploma di scuola superiore, formerly Maturità SECONDARY EDUCATION Second step or Formazione professionale (secondary school) Year 1 triennio, age 14 to 15 Year 2 triennio, age 15 to 16 Year 3 triennio, age 16 to 17 (Qualifica professionale) Year 1 biennio, age 17 to 18 Year 2 biennio, age 18 to 19 (Licenza professionale, formerly Maturità professionale)

27 Year 1, age 19 to 20 Year 2, age 20 to 21 Year 3, age 21 to 22 (Year 4, age 22 to 23; only for "Scienze della Formazione Primaria", necessary for teaching in nursery or primary schools) UNIVERSITY Year 4, age 22 to 23 Year 5, age 23 to 24 Laurea - Bachelor's degree Laurea Magistrale/Specialistica - Master's degree Dottorato di ricerca - PhD 3, 4 or 5 years



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