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French for "Wild Beasts," was given to artists practicing this style because it was felt that they used intense colors in a wild, uncontrolled way.

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Presentation on theme: "French for "Wild Beasts," was given to artists practicing this style because it was felt that they used intense colors in a wild, uncontrolled way."— Presentation transcript:

1 French for "Wild Beasts," was given to artists practicing this style because it was felt that they used intense colors in a wild, uncontrolled way.

2 Major Artist of the Style Henri Matisee Andre Derain George Barques Raul Duffy and Maurice de Vlaminck Matisse painted by Derain Derain painted by Matisse Vlamick Painted by Derain

3 The Beginning The open air painting of pointillism explored the bright dots of color and light Matisse played with pointillism, but, his instinct was to make every stroke of his painting strong. He and his group developed a style of broad, short strokes of bright contrasting colors

4 The “ Wild Beasts” October 1905 at the Salon d'Automne. the new style idea of color for color's sake was unveiled The paintings were hung together around a statue of Donatello. An critic remarked ‘Donatello among the wild beasts As other styles before them, the fauves happily claimed the name that had been given to them as an insult. Jeanne with Flowers By Duffy St. Paul's Cathedral from the Thames The Little Bay at La Ciotat

5 Cubism and Beyond By 1907, the major artists of Fauve were beginning to move their styles in other directions. The influence of Paul Cezanne was having its effect on most of the artists. In the paintings below, the bright colors and wild brush strokes of fauvism are giving way to the beginnings of cubism Derain 1907 Landscape at Cassis Braque 1908 Terrace at L'estaque Henri Matisse Bowl of Apples on a Table, 1916

6 Your Turn On your paper using a pencil draw Matisse’s Gold Fish in a bowl. Once complete using a small brush outline your work with a small brush and India ink this will make it permanent.

7 Create your own Fauvism Master Piece Use your own Wild Beast colors and Expression

8 Bibliography htmp

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