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Publiczne Gimnazjum in Czarna Workshops in Greece Athens, 03.03.2015 – 10.03.2015 Polish architecture.

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1 Publiczne Gimnazjum in Czarna Workshops in Greece Athens, 03.03.2015 – 10.03.2015 Polish architecture

2 Romanesque style

3 The Church of Saints Peter and Paul in Kruszwica Features: -Romanesque style; - built on the Latin cross plan in 1148; - built of granite and sandstone with one brick tower; - small windows and thick walls are characteristic of Romanesque style Province: Wielkopolskie

4 Rotunda of St. Nicholas in Cieszyn Features: -one of the oldest Polish buildings; -served as a chapel of the castle; -Romanesque style; -building from 1180; -built of limestone; - covered with a dome. Province: Ś l ą skie

5 Gothic architecture

6 St. Mary’s Church in Kraków Features: -this church was built of brick in the 14th and 15th century; - 2 towers: 82 m and 69 m; - with a higher tower every day, every hour played the bugle - call; -polychrome church was made by Jan Matejko - the famous Polish painter of historical pictures. Province: Ma ł opolskie

7 St. Mary’s Church in Kraków The main altar was made of wood by Veit Stoss (Polish: Wit Stwosz) - a famous German sculptor from Nuremberg Province - Ma ł opolskie

8 The Krakow Barbican Features: -Gothic fortress with seven towers built in years 1498 – 1499; - for the two gates of the fortress led drawbridges; - the Barbican has arcades and loopholes Province - Ma ł opolskie

9 The Old City Hall in Wrocław This is an east elevation. It was developed from the end of 13th century to the middle of 16th century, built on a rectangular plan. The oldest Polish bell clock from 1368 is located on the tower of the City Hall. Province - Dolno ś l ą skie

10 The medieval city of Toruń Toruń was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1997. You can admire the Gothic church, a town hall, towers. Toruń was found in 1231. Province: Kujawsko - Pomorskie

11 The Town Hall in Toruń Features: -The Town Hall was built around the 13th century. - The building is in the Gothic style, with brick. - This is an example of medieval architecture bourgeois. Province: Kujawsko - Pomorskie

12 Teutonic Castle in Malbork - Gothic fortress; - the monument of defensive architecture; - surrounded by a moat; - built from the 13th to 15th century; - a brick castle; Province - Pomorskie

13 Artus Court in Gdańsk Artus Court named after the mythical British King Arthur. It was built in Gdańsk in years 1348-1350. The interior consists of a very extensive hall in the Gothic style. The Court heyday fall on the 16th and 17th century. Province - Pomorskie

14 St. Mary’s Church in Gdańsk It is a brick building in the Gothic style of 1243 years. The basilica was built on the Latin cross plan. It has high windows ended with sharp curves. The church has 412 stairs leading to the tower. Province - Pomorskie

15 Renaissance architecture

16 Sukiennice in Kraków It was built in 1257, but new Gothic Sukiennice (Cloth Hall) was built between 1358-1555. Then the building burnt down. Next centuries it was rebuilt, giving it a Renaissance character. Today it is a branch of the National Museum and Polish Art Gallery. On the ground floor of Sukiennice is the famous café Noworolski. Province - Ma ł opolskie

17 Wawel Royal Castle in Kraków

18 Features: - Wawel is the hill where the castle was built; -it is the castle of the Jagiellonian dynasty; -visible impact of Italian architecture: cloisters, arcades, columns, large courtyard inside; -Renessaince style; Province - Ma ł opolskie

19 The Town Hall in Tarnów Features: -The building was built in the late 14th century in the Gothic style; - In the 16th century, the town hall was rebuilt in the Renaissance style. -This brick building is finished attic comb. - The building has a clock tower from the 17 th century. Province - Ma ł opolskie

20 The Baronial Castle in Krasiczyn The castle has a square shape with an inner courtyard and 4 towers : Divine, Noble, Papal and Royal Tower. You can admire the remarkable sgraffito decorations, which depict biblical scenes, medallions with busts of emperors, the images of Polish kings and hunting scenes. Sgraffito technique is a decorative wall painting. Province - Podkarpackie

21 The City Hall in Poznań Features: -built in the 14th century; it has 3 towers; - Gothic style, three-storey building with arcade - loggia decorated with murals and reliefs; -flips - a symbol of Poznań. Province - Wielkopolskie

22 The Pomeranian Dukes’ Castle in Szczecin Features: -arcaded courtyard; - beautiful ornaments on the walls; - domes, cornices, columns; - proportionality; - symmetry; Province - Zachodniopomorskie

23 Baroque architecture

24 The Royal Palace in Wilanów

25 The Royal Palace in Wilanów (Wilanów is Warsaw district) Features: -built in years 1677-1696 for the Polish King Jan III Sobieski; - on the attic are placed statues of Jupiter – a symbol of power, Apollo - a symbol of justice and Mars – a symbol of bravery, to glorify the King Jan III Sobieski; -in the garden there are fountains, many sculptures, Province - Mazowieckie

26 Classicism 18th century architecture

27 The Belvedere in Warsaw Features: - in the 18th century Baroque residence of the Polish King Stanisław August Poniatowski; -The Belvedere was rebuilt in the 19th century, giving it a classical style; - now the headquarters of the Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski; Province - Mazowieckie

28 The Grand Theatre - National Opera in Warsaw Province - Mazowieckie Features: - classicism; -building from 1825, designed by Italian architect Antonio Corazzi; - the facade was crowned with a statue of Apollo, patron of the arts; - colonnade; - tympanum decorated with bas-relief; - symmetry.

29 Royal Baths in Warsaw - Summer Residence of Polish King Stanisław August Poniatowski Features: - in Polish: The Palace on the Water or the Łazienki Palace; - it was built in the 17th century and between 1772 - 1793 it was remodeled; - building is in the classical style. Province - Mazowieckie

30 Polish architecture in the 19th and 20th centuries

31 Imitation of the style of earlier centuries in Polish architecture 19th and 20th century neo-Romanesque style neo- Romantic style neo- Gothic style neo - Renaissance style neo-Baroque style classicism eclecticism arcade style secession - Art Nouveau

32 Evangelical Church in Rasząg Features: -Neo-Romanesque style; the church from 1925; built of stone. Province – Warmi ń sko - mazurskie

33 Wedding Palace in Tarnów Features: -Neo-Gothic on the pattern of English; - pointed arches over the entrance to the building and the windows. Province - Ma ł opolskie

34 The Palace in Moszna Features: -The palace from the 17th century, rebuilt after a fire in the 19th century; -Eclecticism: combination of Neo-Gothic and Neo-Renaissance styles; - 99 towers. Province - Opolskie

35 Juliusz Słowacki Theatre in Kraków Features: -The building is decorated in an eclectic style with a predominance of neo-Baroque; - built in years 1891 - 1893; - the facade of the building is decorated with allegorical figures: on the left - Poetry, Drama and Comedy on the right - Music, Opera and Operetta; -at the top of the facade there are statues of a young man and a young woman in a noble outfit – it's Thaddeus and Sophie, characters from the epic poem ‘Sir Thaddeus’ by Adam Mickiewicz. Province - Ma ł opolskie

36 Helena Modrzejewska National Old Theatre in Kraków Features: -This theatre was built in 1781. - Architects changed the appearance of the facade, as referring to the Florentine Renaissance. - Now the building is in Art Nouveau style with an asymmetric, expressive ornamentation and subtle pastel colours. Province - Ma ł opolskie

37 The Palace in Kamieniec Ząbkowicki Features: -The palace was built in years 1838 – 1872, neo-Gothic style. - The courtyard of the castle is an arcade style. Province - Dolnosl ą skie

38 Park and palace complex in Pławniowice

39 Features: -The Palace until World War II was owned by Francis II Ballestrem who came from northern Italy; - a building style: a combination of the style of the Dutch neo-mannerism and neo-Gothic style; - building from 1882; - building in the shape of the letter ‘U’ with a clock tower and several smaller towers, clinker brick facade; - inside valuable furniture and unique collections of weapons and firearms, hunting trophies, as well as many expensive portraits and paintings by famous masters. Province - Ś l ą skie

40 The Chapel in Zakopane - The Chapel in Zakopane (Jaszczurówka district ) was built in years 1904 – 1907; - Polish monument of architecture hardwood; - Zakopane style; - designed by Stanisław Witkiewicz - Polish painter and architect, a creator of Zakopane style; - features: at the bottom of a high wall, high arcaded walkways, a shingled roof, a bell tower Province - Ma ł opolskie

41 Villa 'Oksza' in Zakopane Features: -high cellar with stone as a building foundation; - a arched window; - a wooden wall; - open verandah supported by pillars; -small rooms in the attic; - shingled roof; - enriching elements of Art Nouveau: floral elements Province - Ma ł opolskie

42 Polish provinces

43 We thank you for your attention

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