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 Our text is Chemistry by Brown & LeMay  I have asked students to leave their textbooks at home.  I have extra books to use in the classroom.

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2  Our text is Chemistry by Brown & LeMay  I have asked students to leave their textbooks at home.  I have extra books to use in the classroom.

3 The Ultimate Equations Handbook. We will use this text when learning about reaction predictions. These are an excellent resource for learning and practicing reaction predictions.

4 Atomic Structure Bonding Reactions Stoichiometry Gases Acids/Bases Equilibrium Kinetics Solutions Organic Topics are taken from the College Board requirements.

5  Expectations Students must be self motivated Students will create and maintain a “college level” laboratory notebook Completion of the AP Chemistry exam Students should form study groups to work through problems, review for exams and prepare for the AP exam.

6  PRIDE PACT:  Every class has created a PRIDE Pact outlining the agreed classroom expectations and behaviors.  Students and teachers have signed the PRIDE Pact to signify ownership in our classroom community.

7  I will give written homework per chapter  Homework (later in the course) will also include sets of reaction predictions.

8  60% Assessments  40 % Homework/classwork (including exams, reaction predictions, quizzes, lab reports and homework)

9  The HCPSS grading application is called Aspen.  As soon as the Parent Portal is available, parents and students, will be able to access grades and attendance in one location.

10  The AP Chemistry exam is the first Monday in May  2012 exam cost was $87.00 (I expect this year’s cost to be similar)  Study Guides:  I like… Barron’s 5 Steps to a 5

11  My e-mail address is: (please type your student’s name on the subject line) My website is:

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