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AP Intensive Pathway. Simplified look: Acceleration.

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1 AP Intensive Pathway


3 Simplified look: Acceleration

4 AP Intensive Pathway:

5 Rigorous, fast paced course that covers earth motions and processes in astronomy, geology, and meteorology Meets for a double period every other day Students take the Earth Science regents at the end of the year. Double Accelerated Earth Science

6 Combination of Living Environment Honors and AP Environmental Science Meets for a double period every day Topics include: pollution, population growth, natural resources, genetics, evolution, biochemistry, and ecology End of the year assessments include: – Living Environment Regents – AP Environmental Science exam – SAT Subject Test in Biology LEAPES

7 A most rigorous course that addresses the topics covered in a first year college biology course Meets for a double period every other day Topics include molecules and cells, heredity and evolution, and organisms and populations Students take the AP Biology exam in May AP Biology

8 A most rigorous course that addresses the topics covered in a first year college chemistry course Meets for a double period every other day Includes topics such as atomic structure, intermolecular forces and bonding, chemical reactions, kinetics, and thermodynamics Students take the AP Chemistry exam in May and the Chemistry regents exam in June AP Chemistry

9 This is a first-semester college course in algebra-based physics Meets for a double period every day The course covers Newtonian mechanics, work, energy, power, mechanical waves, and sound Students take the AP Physics-1 exam in May and the Physics regents exam in June AP Physics-1

10 AP Physics-2 – This is a second-semester college course in algebra-based physics – Meets for a double period every other day – The course covers fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, electricity and magnetism, optics, and atomic and nuclear physics AP Physics C – This course forms the first part of the college sequence in physics for students majoring in the physical sciences or engineering and is parallel to mathematics courses that include AP Calculus BC – Meets for a double period every other day Students take the appropriate AP exam in May AP Physics C AP Physics-2

11 Summary Normal Accelerated Pathway Take all 4 regents exams Up to 3 SAT Subject Tests Take between 2-4 AP exams AP Intensive Pathway Take all 4 regents exams Up to 3 SAT Subject Tests Take 5 AP exams

12 To be successful: Students’ executive function capabilities need to be of the highest caliber. Students need to be highly skilled at: – Planning and prioritizing their time – Organizing materials and information – Separating main ideas from details – Shifting approaches flexibly – Monitoring their own progress and reflecting on their work. – Clearly proficient note taking, studying, and test taking skills are also necessary—all tasks that require the simultaneous organization and integration of multiple sub-skills.

13 Cautions Pathway becomes more isolated as students advance. Math demands increase at an accelerated rate. All courses require a great deal of work outside of class. Maintain balance…..athletics, music, arts, clubs, etc….

14 Please contact me with any questions or to set up a meeting to discuss further:

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