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Penni Neale.  To explore the first session with the client  To explore the reasons for collecting this pre- counselling information  To design a first.

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Presentation on theme: "Penni Neale.  To explore the first session with the client  To explore the reasons for collecting this pre- counselling information  To design a first."— Presentation transcript:

1 Penni Neale

2  To explore the first session with the client  To explore the reasons for collecting this pre- counselling information  To design a first session information sheet  To discuss the pros and cons of assessment and explore this through the Person Centred Approach

3  Contact Details  Name and address  Contact telephone numbers (Can I contact you at home/work?)  Mobile number (Can I leave a message?)

4  Partner/Parent(s)  How long what is the relationship like?  Do they support you?  Do they know you are coming here ?

5  Children  Parents  What sort of relationship do you have with them?  What support?

6  Who are they?  How would you contact them?  When would you contact them?  Who would you contact if you need support between sessions?

7  Name  Address  Telephone number  What is your relationship with their GP like?  Can you talk to them?  Medical conditions  Medication  Risk assessment

8  Previous experience of counselling psychotherapy or mental health intervention  What?  How Long?  What was the experience like? GOOD/BAD

9  Is there any family history of mental health problems.  This could help identify any fears they may have.

10  Crucial in the process. Clients who receive counselling that meet their expectations are more likely to do better in the process.  Their expectations could be unrealistic  They may want the counsellor to cure them  See them as the expert and responsible.  Their could be a conflict between their expectations and what is on offer

11  Write this verbatim as it will give you a good indication of where the client is in the process

12  This will give a good indication of what has happened to motivate the client to attend counselling. What coping mechanisms have broken down.  How have you coped in the past?

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