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Part 1: “Call to Prophethood”. Learning Objective (Part 1) Students will be able to re-tell the story of Muhammad’s vision and early converts to Islam.

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Presentation on theme: "Part 1: “Call to Prophethood”. Learning Objective (Part 1) Students will be able to re-tell the story of Muhammad’s vision and early converts to Islam."— Presentation transcript:

1 Part 1: “Call to Prophethood”

2 Learning Objective (Part 1) Students will be able to re-tell the story of Muhammad’s vision and early converts to Islam. Convert: someone who changes their beliefs and accepts a new religion.

3 Muhammad’s Vision Muhammad went to pray in a cave in the mountains near Mecca. Allah (God) sent the angel, Gabriel, to Muhammad in a vision telling him to recite holy teachings. Gabriel told Muhammad, “You are the messenger of God.”

4 What did Muhammad do after his vision? He went to talk with his wife, Khadijah. Kadijah expressed her faith that Muhammad had been chosen as a prophet of God. Prophet: messenger of God. Khadijah became the first convert to Islam. Convert: someone who changes their beliefs and accepts a new religion

5 Muhammad continued to receive messages from Gabriel for 22 years. First, he told only his close family, but soon more people converted. His followers became known as Muslims (“those who surrender to God.”)

6 Whiteboards Who was the first convert to Islam? What is a prophet? Answers: Khadijah, Muhammad’s wife, was the first convert to Islam. A prophet is a messenger from God.

7 Whiteboards According to Islamic teachings, how did Muhammad learn that Allah had chosen him as a prophet? A.Muhammad saw Allah while he was praying. B.Khadijah told Muhammad to pray for a sign. C.Muhammad received a written message from Allah. D.Muhammad received a visit from the angel, Gabriel.

8 Whiteboards According to Islamic teachings, how did Muhammad learn that Allah had chosen him as a prophet? D. Muhammad received a visit from the angel, Gabriel.

9 Think/ Pair/ Share Re-tell the story of Muhammad’s vision to your partner. A’s tell B’s B’s tell A’s I will now choose students to explain to the class.

10 Part 2: “muhammad’s Teaching meets with Rejection”

11 Learning Objective (Part 2) Students will be able to describe early problems Muhammad faced when trying to spread his religion.

12 What Muhammad taught to his followers: Muhammad’s teachings People must worship one God. All believers in God were equal. The rich should share their wealth. Meccans should help take care of the orphans and the poor.

13 What did Muhammad teach about Christians and Jews? They were to be respected as “People of the Book” since they also believed in one God.

14 Whiteboards Why did Muhammad preach tolerance for Christians and Jews as “People of the Book?” A. because of their belief in one God. B. because of their emphasis on daily prayer. C. because of their belief in many prophets. D. because of their emphasis on hard work.

15 Whiteboards Why did Muhammad preach tolerance for Christians and Jews as “People of the Book?” A. because of their belief in one God.

16 But… Mecca’s leaders didn’t want to share their wealth. Some did not want to give up their many gods. So, some Meccans called Muhammad a liar and tortured his followers. They even boycotted Muhammad’s family trading business. Boycott: a refusal to do business with an organization or group.

17 So, Muhammad went on a journey (hijrah) and moved to the city of Medina, where his teachings were more welcomed. By the time of his death in 632 AD, people throughout central and southern Arabia had accepted the teachings of Islam and the Qur’an as the word of God.

18 Whiteboards Which of Muhammad’s teachings most upset Makkah’s leaders? A. Men should be in charge of women and children. B. The rich should share their wealth with the poor. C. The government should not tax the citizens. D. Only people who could read should hold power.

19 Whiteboards Which of Muhammad’s teachings most upset Makkah’s leaders? B. The rich should share their wealth with the poor.

20 Think/ Pair/ Share Describe the early problems Muhammad faced when trying to spread his religion. A’s tell B’s B’s tell A’s I will now choose someone to explain to the class.

21 Part 3: “The Four Caliphs”

22 Learning Objective (Part 3) Students will be able to define the type of Muslim government formed after Muhammad’s death and identify areas of the world which converted to Islam.

23 Who was to be the new leader after Muhammad’s death? Abu Bakr was chosen. He was Muhammad’s father-in-law. He became known as the first caliph. A caliph is the title of a Muslim ruler. Caliphs were said to be guided by the Qur’an. The Muslim government, now in control of parts of Arabia, became known as the caliphate.

24 Islamic Expansion The four caliphs who followed Muhammad greatly expanded the lands under their rule despite struggles over leadership and even civil war. By the mid 700’s, the Muslim empire included Spain, North Africa, the Middle East, and part of central Asia and India.

25 Islam in the world today (in green):

26 Whiteboards 1.List the areas that were part of the Muslim empire by the mid 700’s. 2.What is a caliph? 3.What guided the caliphs? Answers: 1) Spain, North Africa, the Middle East, and part of central Asia and India. 2) A caliph is the title of a Muslim ruler. 3) Caliphs were said to be guided by the Qur’an.

27 Think/ Pair/ Share Define what type of Muslim government was formed after Muhammad’s death. A’s tell B’s B’s tell A’s I will now choose someone to explain to the class.

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