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Islam Adana Mosque in Turkey (2 nd largest Mosque in the Middle East)

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2 Islam Adana Mosque in Turkey (2 nd largest Mosque in the Middle East)

3 A Voice in the Desert A.D. 600’s in Arabia No central government Clans fought over wealth & power Worshipped gods & goddesses (Mecca) Muhammad often prayed in desert caves. Muhammad hear the voice of an angel

4 Muhammad  Ordered by the angel to tell of Allah  Received 100’s of messages over 22 years  All messages were memorized or wrote down  After his death, all of the messages were put into the Qur’an  The Qur’an is the Holy Book of Islam

5 Muhammad’s Message 1. One God 2.Believers had to obey the law To obtain a picture of Mohammad you must first read the Koran and only then you will find it, in your heart, as we see the picture of Mohammad lies in the heart of every believing muslim. To obtain a picture of Mohammad you must first read the Koran and only then you will find it, in your heart, as we see the picture of Mohammad lies in the heart of every believing muslim. Unpopular ideas Unpopular ideas Merchants made profit off of visitors Merchants made profit off of visitors Merchants wanted Arabs to believe in many gods Merchants wanted Arabs to believe in many gods Clan leaders did not want one big community Clan leaders did not want one big community Rulers threatened Muhammad Rulers threatened Muhammad

6 Muhammad Leaves Mecca 622 A. D. 622 A. D. Muhammad and followers went 200 miles away to Medina Muhammad and followers went 200 miles away to Medina Event called HIJRAH or “flight” Event called HIJRAH or “flight” Event marks the beginning of the Islamic calendar Event marks the beginning of the Islamic calendar Eventually, Mecca would welcome Muhammad back Eventually, Mecca would welcome Muhammad back

7 Five Pillars of Islam 1.Only one G-d and Muhammad is G-d’s prophet 2.Pray (5) times per day towards Mecca 3.Help the poor 4.Fast during the holy month of Ramadan 5.Go on a pilgrimage to Mecca *Other rules

8 Other laws… In some countries Muslim men could have up to (4) wives. Each wife treated with respect. No ALCOHOL No PORK Rules on Property Inheritance

9 Believers & Non Believers Those who obey go to heaven when they die Those who do not obey would burn in fire

10 Ramadan Comes from an Arabic word for intense heat and scorched ground and shortness of rations Ninth month of the Islamic calendarIslamic Month the Qur’an was revealed Begins September 13th The most The month during which the Quran blessed and spiritually- beneficial month of the Islamic year Prayers, fasting, charity, and self- accountability are stressed Religious observances are kept throughout the month.

11 Eid Marks the end of RamadanRamadan Breaking of the fasting period. Awake early and then after praying the first normal everyday prayer, eat in a small quantity Attend special congregational prayers Then attend prayer at a mosque or in large open areas, stadiums or arenas. Encouraged to dress in their best attire Also thank God for the help and strength

12 Prayer Rugs Q. What are prayer rugs, and how are they used by Muslims? A. During Islamic prayers, worshippers bow & kneel on the ground in humility before God. The only requirement in Islam is that prayers be performed in an area that is clean. Prayer rugs are not universally used by Muslims, nor specifically required in Islam. But they have become a traditional way for many Muslims to ensure the cleanliness of their place of prayer. Create an isolated space to concentrate in prayer.

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