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Part 2: Range Wildlife Mgt. & Future of Range Mgt. 5/9/16 Unit 12 Mrs. Smith.

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Presentation on theme: "Part 2: Range Wildlife Mgt. & Future of Range Mgt. 5/9/16 Unit 12 Mrs. Smith."— Presentation transcript:

1 Part 2: Range Wildlife Mgt. & Future of Range Mgt. 5/9/16 Unit 12 Mrs. Smith

2 Future of Range Mgt- Planning, Vision, & Achievement Must build a shared vision among diverse stakeholders regarding the desired future condition of range resources. Aspects of building visions:______________, Strategic Planning,_______________________, Long-Range Planning, and__________________________________.

3 Future of Range Mgt- Planning, Vision, & Achievement _____________: descriptions of elements in the vision to be accomplished and the general means to be used in accomplishment. ______________________________: Must be proactive (as opposed to reactive). Typically addresses time horizons beyond the present budget planning period.

4 Future of Range Mgt- Planning, Vision, & Achievement _______________________: Developed to focus tasks on measurable achievement. _________________________________: Involves trend analysis, setting far-off goals, and/or avoiding strategies that are ultimately incompatible with desired long-range outcomes.

5 Future of Range Mgt- Planning, Vision, & Achievement ________________________________: Links the organization budget assignment to definite action.

6 Coordinated Resource Management (CRM) Defined as: A process by which resource____________, _________________________, and _____________ work as a team to develop and implement plans for the management of all __________________________ and __________________________ within a specific area.

7 Coordinated Resource Management (CRM) 14 Main Guidelines for CRM 1.________________________________________ 2.________________________________________ 3.All interested/concerned agencies, organization, and groups must be involved. 4._________________________________________ 5.Ground rules need to be established

8 Coordinated Resource Management (CRM) 6. _________________________________________ 7. All agency and organization reps must have the authority to speak and make decisions. 8. __________________________________________ 9. Needs vs position (what management practices are currently needed to improve the natural resource vs what has been used in the past)

9 Coordinated Resource Management (CRM) 10. ________________________________________ 11. ________________________________________ 12. Management objectives must be developed and prioritized. 13. Monitoring. 14. ________________________ (to allow for drought, floods, ownership changes, etc.)

10 Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) Use of AI in natural resource management began with the development of expert systems for problem solving and decision making. _______________________: a type of A.I. program that follows a few general procedures for solving problems. **It uses facts, experience, and models stored in the memory of a computer by human experts.**

11 Virtual Reality (V.R.) Define as: a computer simulation usually experienced through headgear, goggles, and sensory gloves that lets the user feel he/she is in another place. **helps ___________________________ and the __________________________________more readily understand complex data**

12 Economic Analysis Concerned with _______________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ **must determine the level of production that yields the greatest net returns**

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